Chapter 1: Vacation's ideal

Lustboy Love

 "Okay guys, we will have a break for a week after the Spring Slipt. Everyone great job" Locodoco, the coach of TSM, clapped his hand together. 

"Now, where will we go for a week? Any suggestion boys?" He asked. 

"How about to Hawaii with Cloud9? They invited us, even though they lost. But, Hai is going to retired soon and he wants to have fun" Bjergsen, the mid laner of TSM, suggested. 

"Yeah, why don't we? Besides, I want to visit my family too" Dyrus, the top laner hometown in Hawaii, said. He left Hawaii so he could be a part of TSM. 

"What do you say, Lust Cena?" WildTurtle, the creepy ADCarry, asked his fellow support, Lustboy or Lust Cena. 

"Yeah, that would be great" Lustboy answered in his heavy English voice, because his Korean, he had a little problem spoke English. 

"Well, pack your things cause tomorrow we're going!" Santorin, the jungler of the team, screamed, putting his hand up high. 

"Yeah!!!!" and the others did it as well. Guess this is a fun week for them, even for Lustboy.  

First ever TSM fanfic, hope you enjoy it

Kim Yong Yon

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