Chapter 1


"Place your head on my beating heart, I'm thinking out loud, maybe we found love right where we are."

Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran

It was Sunday morning when I found another shoes lying at the front door of my dance practice room. I was bewildered. For 7 years living 15 hours everyday of my life in this building, I've never seen someone here on Sunday. Like, no one would want to practice on holidays. Except me. I had to go on Sundays to check a new schedule I should make for my partners and students that we would do the next day, which is Monday. 

I glanced to the left and right before decided to peak through the window. The light was turned off and all I saw was empty dance floor that surrounded by glass wall. I shrugged. Maybe someone had forgotten to bring home their shoes. Wait. No one walked home without his shoes on.

I was getting confused. Like, my thoughts and logic said that there should be a person inside, but my eyes couldn't tell lies that I didn't see anyone. And for God sake I haven't seen that kind of shoes until today. A pair of high-heel brown boots with laces that tied into a ribbon. Though I was sure it was definitely occupied by a girl, in memories, my female students didn't like to use boots to the practice room. They usually wore training shoes because we danced with training shoes. Wait. We never opened our shoes when we practiced.

So my conclusion was: it was a stranger.

Or maybe, a newbie ghost came to haunt the building. 

Okay, I was getting more and more ridiculous. 

I decided to go unlocked the door and went inside. As I opened the door with creeping sound followed my action, I sneaked my eyes and gazed at the room. There was no one. Absolutely no one. My neck shivered at the thought of someone broke into the building and he or she wanted to shock me out of my mind because definitely the person was hiding behind something.

Walking with my foot upright, I stopped in front of the mirror. My face was so ing ugly today. I had put my make up on, but it seemed like it couldn't cover my eye bag and my growing acne. But I couldn't complain much since all the practices for the last two weeks were very deadly and hellish. Well, we had just accomplished our dance performance for the annual theatre festival, so it was usual to have all my body in pain and my face at its worst state.

I combed my blonde hair before looking straightly into the reflection of the mirror and spotted something behind me standing. I yelped in surprise—cause obviously, it was as scary as could tell—and turned around as I jumped backwards, meeting my back with the glass. And there it was, a figure that I had been searching for since I was born from my mother's fetus.

An angel fell down to earth.

She has blond silky hair hanging behind her back with wavy lines completed the appearance. Her doe eyes were enveloping dark brown with fierce yet innocent gaze attached. Pointy chin but soft bun of cheeks covered her bones perfectly. She was tall. Not skinny, but healthy and voluptuous body she achieved from God. All the definition, she was perfect. At least, perfect in my eyes.

Her eyes widened in shocked when she noticed my presence. She instantly approached me, though the hesitance was obvious for me. I could only gulp in nervousness. Not only because the angel was now in front of my face, it was also because I wondered how she would react when she saw my ugly face. Wait. Before concerning about that... Who is this woman?

She pursed her lips before opening , looks of confuse was flashed on her face. 

"I'm sorry... I mean, excuse me, could you be 'Hoshi'?"

Okay, what the hell is she talking about? I could tell it was in Japanese but hell my Japanese wasn't that expert yet and I couldn't catch her rushing words. Wait. Did she just say... 'Hoshi'?

A droplet of sweat streamed down my forehead as I nodded, responding her as if I didn't wrong translating her sentence.

"Yeah, I am Hoshi." I spoke in Korean, because I suddenly forgot all of Japanese grammar and vocabulary that I'd learnt since I was high school.

Her expressions brightened at my statement as she leaned forward bravely, her eyes sparkled in happiness.

"'Hoshi'? The Charismatic 'Hoshi' from 'The Unexplainable'?" She worked her Korean fluently which I received surely.

I nodded again. Okay.. How did she know my dance group name? There isn't any signage that claim our name on this building, right?

"You mean, 'The Unexplainable' which consist of the charismatic leader 'Hoshi', the handsome slayer 'Jun' and the cute bender 'The8'?"

I nodded once more. Okay.. She knew the member of my group AND each of our title. Weird. Did I put any poster of our stage in this room?

"You? You are 'Hoshi' that has the real name Kwon Soonyoung?"

She ING knew my REAL name. What the hell was going on? I hadn't introduced my name to her, right? 

I didn't answer. Instead, she checked the name tag that glued to the stripe of my backpack and her cool fierce face e hundred and eighty degrees to a face of joy and flowery. I never had seen flowing emotion written in someone expression this much and THIS pretty. 

"OH MY GOODNESS IT'S REALLY YOU!" she exclaimed in Japanese right in my face. "I'm searching for you all this long."

I furrowed my eyebrows. What? Was she someone I used to know? But that's impossible because if I've known her from the start, I wouldn't have shocked that I met the ones that always came in my dreams.

"I'm your BIGGEST FAN! I really love all of your stages and performances!"

Oh, she's my fan. I never thought I would meet one here-..... Wait. SHE'S MY FAN? WHAT THE IS GOING ON?

"My name is Hirai Momo. I come here from Japan to meet you in person and I want to learn how to dance from you." her lips formed a cute gummy smile and she held my hand straightly. Her eyes became so big and shiny I couldn't handle the loving gaze emitted from her orbs. 

It was weird. EXTREMELY WEIRD. How the hell can I have a fan that's so beautiful and angelic like this? How the hell can I have a fan that perfectly portrait my ideal type that I had waited for 19 years of life and sacrificed myself for being single because I didn't want my angel to realize I'd been tainted?

But on the other side, I was stunned. And proud overwhelmed me. My group was getting recognition, and knowing that someone from Japan is a fan of us was amazing enough. We had been in business for more than three years, I couldn't help but smile at our achievement. It felt great.

"I'm so sorry that I thought you understand Japanese, because of your stage name. I'll be careful later." Guilt was shown and I couldn't help but felt uncomfortable. It wasn't her fault.

"I-It's fine, really. And thank you for following our stage." I thanked her, and her lips curled into a soft smile again. I wondered how can a person be this pretty, like hell she could pick any boys she wanted to protect her.

"All of your group's stage are enthralling, especially your solo stage when you performed in Osaka."

I blushed. How couldn't I? She just complimented me, and she praised my FREAKIN DAMN SOLO STAGE. Should I flirt with her? This could be finally the D-Day where I find 'The One' that would spend the rest of her time with me. Wait. That was too cheesy for me to even think about it. But who cares? She might be my destiny, my fate, the love of my life. Everything's possible. Even though it was just a dream. And I want to make that happen.

"Really? It's not as awesome as The8's though. He had tumbling and bending to perform with." 

She shook her head at my denies. Her eyes locked her gaze to mine as she let her hands go, reaching her bag and took something out from them. It was a photo. MY photo. She handed it to me and instructed me to observe it. It was taken from the left angle when I was looking up straight to the spotlight with my tiger eyes. My chin pointed upwards, one of my arms reaching to the sky and my body seemed like it was lifted. I looked like an angel trying to go to the heaven. I was taken aback. I've never thought I would be that beautiful on stage. I really didn't like to see my performance other than evaluate it. Until now, I thought my dance was still lacking. I needed more and more practice. But when I saw the picture, I could see my improvements. I could feel the joy of being great. I could feel the joy of showing my dance to everybody else. I could feel the joy when I perform on stage, burning with passion all over me. It was undefinable.

"I fell in love with your dance after I saw you performed this. It was so beautiful. Because of this, I decided to learn to dance. I just want to be a dancer like you. A dancer that could make the stage feel like it was alive and he could own it like it was his home." The girl muttered weakly for me to catch her words. I glanced up and there she was, still waiting for me to realize I was good. I was good enough for her.

"Please, be my teacher?" 

I pursed my lips into a thin line. I didn't know how to respond anymore.

"I know you already have too many students to teach, but if you hesitate, I'll show you what I got, and after that, you can decide if you want to accept me or not." 

She began to undress her coat and bag and put it on the corner of the room. She was wearing a slim fit black sweater with a skinny jeans that match her body perfectly. Her blonde hair was tied into a ponytail. I tried not to think anything because all of my mind was flooded by thoughts of hugging her figure right here right now. She was too irresistible.

The music played a velvety tune and her pose moved like wind moving a leaf. Her body swayed, following the beat and she let her being to show the feeling inside her soul. Her legs dominated the floor as her hands flowed the air surrounded her. Her face were so compacted with her dance. It was so beautiful. I couldn't say anything except that it was enthralling. Her expressions, her moves, her timing, her aura, everything. It was perfect. It was again, perfect. 

I was too immersed to her whole existence that I was oblivious that the dance was over. She ended with a split and heaved a sigh. Sweats dropped to her temple, glistened on her pale skin. She raised from her position before she brushed off the sweats. Her smile arose into a grin when I clapped my hands.

"How is it? I'm good enough to be your student, right?"



I will never get bored saying this about you. Cause...

You... You are perfect. 

You are just... perfect.

That's the end of chapter 1, guys! I don't know when will I update though because I have National Exam coming up! This chapter used to be in Your Smile, My Happiness series. I hope you enjoy this fic! ^^

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caaarrot #1
Chapter 1: I ship this couple sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much,please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
helloooooo i really really love momo a lot even tho im a girl, so thanks for writing a fanfic for her. but can you please update more frequently? thank you