Chapter 02

A Fangirl's Fate

[Author's POV]
Naeun was so shocked hearing the news since she was literally an extra nervous and a shy person. She was so timid that she almost had a mental breakdown. She went and sat on her place lost in her thoughts. While Minsoo and Judith were trying to wake her up from it. Meanwhile, the teacher attended the class and started teaching the students. But then Naeun  hurriedly excused herself to use the restroom. So did Minsoo. 
Naeun walked to the restroom in a hurry while Minsoo was following her from behind and Naeun didn't know it.
She entered the restroom and felt like screaming but she stopped when she saw Nia, her rival or also her opposing member in the competition standing there smirking.

[Naeun's POV]
I was surprised as well as shocked of what I heard minutes ago so I really needed myself to calm down. I excused myself and went into the restroom. I wanted to scream out my feelings but I couldn't do it because Nia, more like my enemy was standing there smirking at me in a mocking way.
"What?" I asked her looking away.
"Aww our Naeunnie looks so pressured today, I wonder why." She said giving out a chuckle.
"It's non of your business and if you are done with your work you may get out of here please ." I said pointing at the door
"Oh, I'm sorry to say but in truth, I haven't yet started my work."
"So am I bothered bout it?" I asked looking away reaching the sink.
"I don't really know, but my work here considers bout you."
"What work of yours considers bout me btw." I scoffed.
"Nothing much, I just wanted to say this."
"Make it quick. I have better things to do in my life." I said turning to her side.
"So.. Listen carefully." She came closer and whispered to my ears more like threatening. "You're gonna lose this competition for sure and that's definite. Don't keep any hopes because you really can't make it on that day." She moved. "However your extreme nervousness is gonna kill you on that day where you'll possibly be unable to move a leg. So.. Good luck." She smirked holding her hand for a hand shake but who does even want to touch it anyways.
I tapped her hand away,
"Thank you for sparing some time of yours to inform me this but it's just a waste. You better go make some time to practice your so called dance without roaming around with the so called boys. They won't come to help you anyways and it'll be more worth it." I smirked,turning to the mirror watching her go out of the restroom annoyed,because she always thought that I didn't know she was a playgirl. Duh. Who doesn't know tho. "She's up to something " I said as I turned my attention to myself gazing at my reflection through the mirror being serious again.
"I know I'm a timid as well as a nervous person but I am sure I can do this. Yes, if I have practiced hard till now, I'll never lose. Hard work is worth it right, Naeunah, you can do this!" I encouraged myself giving myself a appreciative smile. I might sound weird but to be honest encouraging myself is the best way for me to gain courage and confidence. And it's my habit.
I refreshed myself and hurried to the door in order to get into class but as soon as I opened the door,
"WHAT THE HELL! MINSOO!"  Minsoo jumped on me out of the blue and started laughing.
"Hahahah you're so cute when you talk to yourself." He grinned pinching my cheek.
"What? WAIT DON'T TELL ME YOU CAME INSIDE THE GIRLS RESTROOM, DIDN'T YOU?" I asked him in a surprised manner.
"Ew, no why would I even... I heard it from here." He said pointing to the restroom's door
"You're such a stalker." I said punching his arm playfully. "Okay, c'mon let's go to class now." I said dragging him but he didn't move.
"No, not now. We have some work to be done."
"What work?" I said turning to the class's direction.
"Naeun stop. You should be going here not there." Minsoo said pointing to the dance practice room.
"No,it's not time still and I don't want me as well as you to miss the lesson so let's go to class" I said walking towards the class but Minsoo dragged me by both my hands to the practice room and threw me in.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" I had to yell because throwing me inside was unexpectedly rude. "WHAT ARE YOU EVEN!" I was annoyed by now. I saw him lock the door from the outside and started cracking up seeing how funny my annoyed face was.
"STOP LAUGHING AND OPEN THIS DOOR, OPEN THIS DOOR YOU BRAT!" I tapped hard on the door, like, it's glasses fixed on the door were almost broken. But Minsoo didn't even care instead he was motioning his finger ordering me to go practice. I couldn't fight anymore so I gave up and went inside the changing room. I already had my clothes inside my locker so I took it out and changed into them.
"Woahh this is more comfortable than the uniform, thanks to Minsoo I got to change in" I chuckled.
After changing up I came into the practicing hall and dayuum!!
My eyes widened seeing what and who was there on the floor. It was Minsoo sitting cutely staring at me with two boxes of large pizzas on his either sides.
"Omg Minsoo, what is this?" 
"I'm your mood maker, remember?" I let out a smile. I was so pleased with him. I ruffled his hair and took a seat beside him taking a piece of pizza to my hand.
"Yes, I remember and I always did" I said munching my pizza "The mood maker who always annoys me first and then brings me food in order to make my mood so that I'd forget it. It was always your habit Minsoo-yah" I chuckled, again taking a bite from my pizza.
"Remember when we were young? We always had solutions for each and every problems."
"Yes. I do. We had so much fun back then so are we now" I said with a grin and all along we started talking about our childhood memories.
Minsoo, moreover Park Minsoo is my childhood friend since when? I don't even know because as I remember he's been there since my birth. We used to eat and drink together, we used to play together, we used to roam around together and we used to go to the same schools too. It's still the same but joining another dearest friend with us. It's Judith. We met Judith during the second year of mid school. She was all alone so Minsoo brought me up to meet her and talk. So did I. We then often caught up together and finally became best friends. But the main reason why Minsoo made me meet Judith was not just for friendship but something else more than that.
"Yah, Minsoo how's your love going?" I asked him with a chuckle.
"What type of a question is that? We haven't yet started anything neither did I ask or say something to her and you're here asking me how it's going.? You're dumb" he said with a grim.
"Okay baby, don't cry I promised you.. I'll work it out for you don't worry and hey, keep some for Judith too!" I told him finding out that all the pizza were over.
"Don't worry baby, I have one big whole box for her." He grinned showing me the hidden box.
"Aww you're such a sweet boyfriend" I pinched his cheek.
"Hehe I know, Okay, now enough of chattering and please go back to dancing. You only have two days left, just two days!" He bragged cleaning all the stuff.
"Okay Mom" I chuckled and got up to start off my warm ups.
"And Naeunah? At what time are your practices finishing?" 
"At 6 in the evening" I answered him while warming up.
"So are you gonna stay all alone at school till 6?"
"Of course not dumb head. My dance team and the master will be here when the school finishes. Don't worry, just go home"
"Then are you walking alone to your house?"
"Yes, why? I always did that right."
"No, you didn't. I'll come to pick you up okay?"
"Don't, you should be accompanying Judith with our project. Remember?"
"Oh man, I totally forgot. Okay then I'm going to the class now. Practice well okay. I know you can do it. See ya tomorrow. Bye. Ily." he said while walking out of the practice room.
"Okay. Bye. Ilyt." I said as I was preparing myself for practicing. I started dancing.

[Author's POV]
Naeun started practicing as soon as Minsoo left. Even though it was school hours she was given permission to practice during those hours. She practiced hard and took short breaks and again started dancing until school finished. She waited till her master and the dance team to arrive. Once they came in, she again started dancing. Time passed and it was already time to finish. Naeun packed her bag and stepped out the school slowly. It was already dark. She took her earphones out and plugged it in to both her ears playing all her favorite songs of Bangtan. She felt relieved. She wasn't really scared about the surrounding even though the streets were dead vacant. She just sang and swung her body while walking slowly on the along the street path. But suddenly she fell dead on her tracks when see saw a boy wearing a white t-shirt and a black beanie staring at her from a long distance.
Naeun didn't want to pass him but she didn't have any other solution but to do so. She was walking closer and noticed that the person was wearing a mask so most probably she couldn't recognize who it was. She moved more closer praying nothing to happen but she wasn't lucky enough.

What happened to Naeun?

Chapter 02 is updated. I'm sorry if it was late. But I tried writing the second chapter smh. Please support my first work and thank you :)) 


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