



applications so far:


The Clever: 1
The Intellect: 1
The Charisma: 1   
The Idealist: 1 
Free Plotline: 3   

username — status

shin seungchae : the clever


Monkey: Hey Anna! Omg she's such a shortie! That's adorable~  Her quote is so cute too! 26 letters indeed xD I really like her personality, you've written it very well and very clearly and there's much I can do with it. I especially like that she's very focused on the moment which makes her bad at planning and looking at the long-term effects. I think that's a really intersting way to interpret the clever, and I really like it! There's many a weakness to be exploited (hehehe) but also many a strength she brings to the table, and her character development is clear and makes sense and definitely something I can work with. "That black nightmare fuel" omg accurate xD Her likes, dislikes, and habits all check out and are filled with interesting things I can work with, and her special skills check out as well (her size is a special skill, omg tiny babe). Her background is brief but effective, which is great! Ooh her relationship with Malik is very interesting, and def in character or Malik's end, that would be really fun to write! And with the Keeper too. Oooh Hwagyeong sounds like such a cool person, and meeting her in different worlds would be interesting indeed ohoho, I like it! Oh man if she likes discovering new things she's gonna have a field day with all these different worlds! 

Omg I feel like I wrote way too much D: Dude okay your writing is super good, it's really nice to read and your phrasing especially makes reading it awesome, thank you for that! It's totally fine to not have a love interest, it means more focus on Seungchae's personal struggles too. And there's always playful flirtations with Hwagyeong <3  Thank you so much for being my first applicant, and also immediately such an amazing one woah! If it wasn't obvious by now you're 100% accepted into the fold.

Lils: Hi Anna! Let's get to your review! :D Okay, yes, her being short is adorable and I love it and how you incorporated it into your application <3 Also that quote XD I agree with Monkey, that is too cute! I actually really like that she's into fashion? Like, I can't dress well for , and here she is using clothes as weapons of sorts and I love it! Her personality is wonderfully laid out, I really enjoyed reading it and feel like I could know her in real life~ Same as Monkey, I love how you used the plotline in a unique way, that's always so much fun to see ^^ The trivia section was love, LOL I agree with her about coffee XD And her background was amazing (I'm studying to be a teacher too! Teachers unite! XD) Her relationship with Malik is amazing, as is the one with the Keeper. But Hwagyeong man. I LOVE that. Like actually, it's so unique but such a fun little thing I can see myself having too much fun with that XD


Okay, not as huge a ramble as Monkey, but basically I love Seungchae and she's definiely accepted!

thelandofbrownsugar — accepted by monkey, Accepted by Lils

choi namsun : the Intellect


Monkey: Hey Cali, sorry for the wait it was a long day at uni today. Omg Namsun is tiny, what a shortie. Oooh I really like his personality, you managed to combine what I was expecting for the personality of the intellect like being meticulous and unimaginitive with traits that I wasn't expecting and I really like how it all comes together. I'd definitely have plenty of things I could do with a character such as Namsun. And his development too! Oooh he likes Bioware games! Good choice, Namsun, good choice. Oooh he's a programmer huh? That's really cool and interesting, as someone who's worked on games before I would definitely have fun writing about that~ Oh no his background is sad, poor thing. The sgay thing is never quite easy huh? Oh man if he's chosen his interactions with Malik would certainly be fun since her idea of a plan 9 times out of 10 is just rushing in and improvising xD "We're playing on classic mode" omg that's so perfect! Don't mention FEF to me though it doesn't come out here until May ;A;  Anyway Namsun is totally accepted <3

Lils: Hey Cali ^^ Oh my gosh ZEA faceclaim!!! I have missed seeing ZEA ;; Okay, but yes, Namsun is such a shorty that's so cute ^^ His personality was great, very well explained~ The gay thing is a very difficult thing for some people, it always makes me sad :( At least he figured it out before the marriage? Also I like the background a ton honestly, it was my favorite part of the app ^^ Along with the relationships (Okay, but Hae as Hadon and then that description - "He has zero tact though" Yes XD). I agree with Monkey that seeing him and Malik interacting would definitely be amusing XD

Agh, I feel like that was so short but I really like Namsun overall ^^ He's accepted by me!



experimentallyexotic — accepted by monkey, Accepted by lils

guo jian : the charisma


Monkey: Katti! It's been a journey hadn't it xD Oooh Yixuan! Lils will be pleased! He has freckles?? Oh no my weakness! Also Cpt Jack Harkness! This is the last place I expected to find another Torchwood fan? :D His personality is on point, it's a very intersting spin on what  imagined the charisma to be like and I love it. There is definitely much I can do with Jian and I'm also loving the parallels with Kiro. His character development is great too, there's so much I can hurt him with omg I can't handle this power. Omg he's so british, tea with a cloud of milk, ugh xD Have I mentioned how cool I find his skills and how you turned charisma into con artist? I love it! Oh nooo his background, I can't imagine the guilt he must feel for all of it. His friends are on point too, Daehwan, Ed, and Anna are all great (A+ faceclaims too aaah) and it's tragic what happened to all of them. Just everything is sad D: Oh man yeess his love interest section is on. point. Daehwan is such a cool character and if he's chosen I'll definitely have fun in bringing back to haunt Jian. Honestly if he's chosen there's so many I can put him through it's like where do I even start?? xD Careful what you wish for putting such a character into my hands omg. Anyway he's 100% accepted!

Lils: WOO it's Jian! :D And Monkey is very right, I am extremely pleased by this faceclaim slkhflaskdhf <3 The personality is amazing and I adore that you paralleled it to Kiro (I'm not biased or anything XD) because honestly that is so true~ That background tho ;; Oh my gosh this poor guy D: I hope you understand we're going to make his life pretty hard if he's chosen - you've given us so many oportunities! XD But I digress, I adore how his past drives him, and also I adore his friends and his relationship with Malik and the Keeper as well~ AND NOW THE PART I'VE BEEN FREAKING OUT ABOUT XUANJOO XUANJOO XUANJOO I'm sorry OTL The faceclaim alone gets you infinite brownie points from me, I'm a shameless Xuanjoo fan XD But really, Hwan is a great love interest and I really like their story ^^ So yes, he is 100% accepted by me too! :D



Kattirompa — accepted by monkey,

accepted by lils

song jaejoon : free plotline (the suspicious)


Monkey:  Hey Soony! Ugh raise your hand if you feel personally victimized by Kyungil's face. You can trust me says the spider to the fly? xD Oh man this kid has some issues doesn't he? I feel really bad for him but also it's what gives him an interesting development. And hey if he's accepted I can put him on his road to recovery C: Hah I'm not sure if Kiro would appreciate being called a creature xD Oh no he went through so much D: Aw his sister is so sweet! His interactions with Malik would also certainly be interesting hehe.

The only thing I'm concerned with is the total 180 of the Kiro in the root world. I suppose it's a nature vs nurture thing but I imagine the Kiro in the root world wouldn't be very much different from the Kiro from Zhu's world. If you could edit it so that they're more similar that would be great, or otherwise you might want to go with someone else (since I understand replacing the super kind bf with a cunning jerkface would be quite hard). He doesn't have be completely the same, but he should be at least similar. I was hoping someone would know one of the QuSEF agents in the root world though so bonus points for that!

Either way there's just so much drama potention is this guy yassss. I see you've fixed it brilliantly thank you! You're totally accepted.

Lils: *Raises hand* TBH I get people into History solely so they can understand my Kyungil pains, so great job using this as a faceclaim (<- meant in a positive way XD). I really enjoyed his appearance section honestly, the 1cm thing was a cute detail~ His personality definitely makes sense with his background, but aww, baby D: Let me hug this poor child, talk about a tough situation :(


My only qualm is the same as Monkey's. If you want to work with me to figure out how to fix Kiro's personality I'd be more than happy to help! :D I could see a way to keep their story similar while taking into account how Kiro's personality is, or if you have ideas then definitely go for it ^^ Thanks for clearing that up! Their first meeting is very in character for Kiro, and him barging in because they're doing science wrong is so insanely him I started giggling reading it XD And it's very true that he wouldn't really show his feelings.


But yes, Jaejoon is a little Drama Llama and we do love drama ;) So just the Kiro thing and Jaejoon is good to go!



soonyangel — accepted by monkey,

Accepted By Lils

sun aeri : the idealist


Monkey: Right of the bat I'm met with  tylenol breakdown and an iron lady, this is gonna be an interesting one xD Omg I love her personality, this woman is driving herself straight to a burnout and dragging everyone else with her. For once the phrase 'actual disney princess' is totally apt. Wow she's definitely a really interesting take on the Idealist, everyone is being so creative with the plotlines I'm so impressed ;A; Ooooh her character development is so on point I can do a lot with that. Thank you for being so detailed with it! Ah an a healer is also definitely a good thing to have. Wait her parents, people who are growing weed, are ashamaed of their daughter being addicted? Someone's not winning the best parent award, wow. Oh that's some quality conflict material between Malik and Aeri too I love it. Omg I laughed so hard at Kiro's relation title, girl no! Love yourself! Hahahaha omg her interview is perfect I relate so hard to this. BtoB! My weakness! (I feel like everyone's hit one weakness or another of mine xD ) Oh no, oh no it's adorable. Oh no I love it. ;A; And hey I don't think you misunderstood anything, or at least not that I can gather, and also I really at explaining things so it would be at least part my fault too. Anyway she's a complicated character and I really like her and you're totally accepted!

Lils: I failed my quest, but I'm reviewing now at least? OTL Okay, but Monkey really hit all the points I'd make - Her personality is fabulous, the interpretation of the plotline is love, and the character development would definitely be fun to write! And I also love how much trouble her relationship with Malik would cause~ And Kiro. Good lord you freaking nailed it with him, he would so get an ego boost from that XD AND MINHYUKKIE :D I've been BtoB trash since their debut so I get so happy whenever I see them anywhere honestly XD And their relationship is just too precious, I love it!! So yeah, short reivew is short but I love her and she's accepted~


idkanamewtf — accepted by monkey,

Accepted by Lils

yu soojin : free plotline (the unbelieving)


Monkey:  Oooh Jiyeon really is the perfect FC for her, and I love her style too. Love it when ladies are unapologetic and confident about their looks yo. Na Kiro and his ing face indeed, Malik will raise a toast to that xD Her personality is solid I really like it. Her volatile nature could def get her into trouble hehe /Monkey always looking for ways to mess with your characters. And everybody loves a defrosting ice queen. Just, yass for ladies using the patriarchy for their own goals I love it! Ugh don't even mention Fererro Rocher I am craving. "And Suzy.... corrected her teacher" omg, she is bae.  Aaah here's another Kiro in the Root World nice! I'll leave judging that bit to Lils since he's her baby. Her jerkface baby. Wow okay that QuSEF Suzy bit is ed up, poor Soojin D: And bless you for giving me lesbians that's another of my weaknesses. Ah so many ways to mess with her if she's chosen, so many.... Anyway ahem she's totally accepted by me! 

Lils: Heyo Johnnybravo (I like your name XD) I'll concur with Monkey on the FC, Jiyeon is bae and I love her <3 She's definitely perfect for this ice queen! I really like her personality and her development, like Monkey said: who doesn't like a defrosting ice queen? Suzy is adorable honestly, I love seeing her included (and YAY CUTE LESBIANS. MY GREATEST WEAKNESS TBH). On Kiro, my only suggestion would be making him the gang enforcer instead of the actual boss. If he was the boss he wouldn't bother showing up personally, he doesn't care enough XD But other than that I think you got him pretty well covered (LOL at her hating his face XD I get the feeling if she's picked she'll be fighting with Kai the most though~) And I think that's everything, I'm still waking up so we'll see if I come up with something else XD But she's accepted by me as well!



ilikecheese — accepted by monkey,

Accepted by lils

go nari : free plotline (the reckless)


Monkey:  Ugh Wheein is so cute how dare she. Right from the start I find the distinction between Nari and Sigma very interesting and I like how you distinguish the two even from the appareance section. Aw she has Jonghwa's shirt D: Poor thing. Ah I find her personality very interesting, how she is reckless and tries to forget, but she still clings to his shirt. Oh hanini I could do much with this. Hmm if only I knew someone who reads textbooks for fun hahahaha. What a nerd. Her background is really cute and sweet, hell I'd be pissed if that's what I was giving up for all this. Her friends are #friendgoals, and you managed to put some cute lesbians in there anyway xD Know your audience. Ah and it's always interesting to have someone who isn't immediately against Kiro. I have no idea who Jota is but his judo sure is cool ;A;


Anyway you're totally accepted but I do have a question. Why Sigma? Besides being an astronomy thing. Does it have any special significance?

Lils: HEY SORRY I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON OTL This past week/weekend have been weird for me so yeah. Not a great excuse, but the truth nonetheless.

So yeah, I love Nari <3 Her reaction to everything that happens is interesting and definitely believable - I'd be pissed too! Her personality is brilliantly put together, as is the background. I feel bad for this nerd, she had a good thing going :( Speaking of, MADTOWN WOO! Daewon and his chip bags <3 Okay, mvoing on from my bias, her and Jota are freaking adorable~ I shipt it. I ship it so damn hard, yes <3

So that was really short because I have to go back to studying for finals but I love her and she's accepted and I'm sorry for being terrible at reviewing OTL


monsterful — accepted by monkey,

Accepted by lils

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THE SPIRE: Prepare yourself, a return is imminent.


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TheLandofBrownSugar #1
Hi, it's been a little while since the last chapter. I don't mean to sound impatient, but is everything alright with you two? The lack of activity (on this) has caused me to wonder, so I just wanted to see if everything was well. :)
experimentallyexotic #2
Chapter 11: Oh no Nari! D: Ugh this one hits straight to the heart, this poor girl. Her life was going just fine and then EVERYTHING CHANGED WHEN THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED! No but seriously my heart ;; </3 Malik wasn't even trying to wake her up she just wanted to go home, and of course in true Malik fashion was not super helpful (but she did try at least a bit more with Nari! That counts for something probably.) I thin the transition is definitely going to be hardest for her the poor thing :(
experimentallyexotic #3
Chapter 10: Namsun! My child! I still can't get over how perfectly you write him, seriously. And of course there's Zhei being an awesome friend and Hadon trying to be nice even though he's confused and I'M STILL CURIOUS HOW HE RECOGNIZED NAMSUN THOUGH.
Also the way Malik interacts with the Seekers continues to amuse me, it's a great way to show her personality honestly. She plays off each person differently since they're all so different, but the her-ness is still there~
experimentallyexotic #4
Chapter 9: Oh nooooo Jian D: This one gets me right in the feels, from the first paragraph you can just feel how hollow he is, and everything that follows is just a spiral downwards until he hits rock bottom. And by that I mean meeting Malik and her not being helpful whatsoever. Malik is amazing, it is really interesting to see her interacting with the new Seekers and this one really hits the hardest for me. You can feel that anger and desperation growing in Jian from the start of the chapter and then it just explodes at the end as everything around him just shatters.

Shoot gotta go get foods but I WILL BE BACK.
experimentallyexotic #5
Chapter 8: Seungchae! That last line about her tea always makes me laugh, your priorities are in line Seungchae. You can really see her curious nature in this, and honestly I think I'd react the same way as she does so she's super relatable for me ^-^
Also the first paragraph is seriously heartbreaking. Malik, have some faith in the new kids! You'll be sad forever if you don't make any friends D:
experimentallyexotic #6
Chapter 7: Bad guys away! I love these guys, did I ever say that I adore you for showing what the bad guys are thinking too? Like I know they're evil terrible people but Kai and Hana's interactions made me laugh and Myungjun is adorable and Kiro... I'm not sure about Kiro actually. He's a tough nut to crack I think. I'm looking forward to learning more about him for sure, and seeing these guys pitted against our heroes!
experimentallyexotic #7
Chapter 6: Ah I missed Malik and her snarkiness! And the Keeper and his mysteriousness! Eeee I remember reading this teaser a few million times and it still gets me super hyped up! On to the next chapter!!!
experimentallyexotic #8
SO MANY UPDATES. Hi! Sorry I've been MIA for so long but I'm going to comment on every chapter to make up for it!!
Chapter 20: You're on fire, wow !! :D I'm glad to see this back !

On to the chapter then~ Jian, no, don't do that, no-- who's cutting onions ?? This was so heartbreaking, even though there was no hope, man, my little heart hurts so much seeing him so broken. And Daehwan who forgets who he is noooooo ;u;

Kiro's team is one of a kind seriously, I wonder how much of a 'team' they really are, at least for Kiro. He doesn't care that much, he's just using most of them-- but Zhu seems to be using him as well. He trusts her enough not to ask, but ther's something more hiding in there... What do you have in mind, Monkey ? I'm curiouuuus. Poor Namsun is somehow forced to give information though ;u; I wonder what more he told them, considering we didn't really see what took place. And yeah, a rescue mission ! I knew Malik would arrive at some point. It's totally the new Seekers' style to go back and help their new friend, but it's nice to see that they're starting to influence her as well. I can't wait to see more of the changes they'll provoke in her ! Oh my Sigma, don't mention Jota, they're going to trick you now. You should know better than to mention your weaknesses in front of the QuSEF members. This screams trouble. Malik is so badass though, I'm totally cheerleading right now. Go go team Malik ! I do love Kiro though, he's a lovely . That kick in the stomach was totally deserved though haha xD

Man, this was so great, I'm so happy to be able to read more of this. Good luck though, with both this and Do or Die, you'll have a lot to work on. You can do it ! :D
TheLandofBrownSugar #10
Chapter 20: I actually thought about this the other day, and I seriously wondered whether or not this would go on. It's sad when you're really into a story, only for it to be discontinued--without the author giving any reason why. At least, then, you know not to expect more from it.

Regardless, I am very happy to see this story back. I understand how it is to be away from a creation for a while only to come back later, but I am glad you have returned! ^^

As for the chapter itself. Well, I expected a rescue mission, but this had me on the edge of my seat. Usually, I am a stickler for grammar and spelling, but I was so immersed that I didn't notice much until the very end (with 'mising' of all things). I really enjoy reading Jian's point of view just because he has so much to say! Poor guy, watching his best friend succumb to the world of the unconscious ones (again!). It's hard to lose, or come close to losing, someone once. Having to see it again can change someone. I wonder how this will affect Jian down the line. I am very intrigued by his potential development--I try to avoid the apps in terms of development to be in the same boat as the others.

Namsun is a sweetheart. He didn't have too big of a role in the second half, but I can understand his terror. Sometimes, there is a need for exchange to ensure your own survival. Not exactly survival of the fittest, but survival of the smartest? Not sure yet, it's too early (8-9 AM) for evolutionary mental tinkering. I love his friendship with Seungchae. I thought they would become friends at some point, and not just because they are both vertically challenged. x) When I imagined Seungchae, I imagined this cheerful, but kind of sneaky characters, but I love the way you're taking her so far. She isn't really in her element just yet, but none of them have had the best chance to show off their strengths just yet. I am waiting with bated breath! :DD