Chapter 8


chapter 8

The divorce was arranged and Robe 

Walking through the city in the dark was dizzying. This city had so many small alleys and turnarounds it was almost like a maze. Seungchae didn't know how many times they'd made a turn or been lead through a shortcut, she honestly didn't know how they were ever going to find their way back after this.

Then again her spatial awareness wasn't usually one to go by anyway. She hoped Jian or Namsun were faring better.

They walked in total silence and total darkness, she'd tripped more time than she could count but they steadily continued on. With the darkness she wasn't sure how long they'd walked but it felt like at least an hour. 

Every so often Seungchae glanced at Jian. He seemed so out of it, which seemed odd to her. Before when they were asking around for Pi he'd been so smooth, he could have probably sold glasses to a blind man. Hed been filled to the brim with confidence and easy charm. Now from what she could see his shoulders were slumped and his head down. What had happened?

His mood was getting to Seungchae as well. She should be ecstatic that they'd found Pi! Pi was here right now walking in front of them! They had done what, according to Malik, had been nigh impossible and they'd done it in one day. Wasn't that incredible? They could end this whole thing right now! But why didn't she feel as excited as she should? And had the other two even noticed that that was Pi? She wouldn't put it past Namsun to be obvious but Jian had to have noticed. Right?

Eventually Pi -or Niamh as she seemed to be called in this world- stopped in front of a door and knocked in an odd pattern - so secret knocks were a thing in this universe too - and the door opened. 

At first the light was blinding, but as they were ushered in Seungchae saw that it was a warehouse. Though a stark contrast to the grand beauty of the city center, the warehouse was still far more ornamented than any warehouse in her own universe would be. (Man was she never getting used to thinking about 'her own universe') There were fresco paintings on the walls in yellow paint that resembled gold enough to work with the rest of the city's aesthetics, and the boxes all had individual little swirled decorations on them even though they were just boxes in a warehouse. This world really liked its beauty and Seungchae was loving it.

The second thing she noticed was that it was quite empty. They had arrived in what looked like a storage area of a warehouse but there were precious few boxes and supplies. Just a few clusters here and there, most of the warehouse was empty. There was a second level overlooking the big storage floor with an equally ornamented staircase leading up. Everything was covered and layers of dust and grime, keeping the place beautiful was obviously not a priority for these people, but the beauty was still there.

The guy who had escorted them with the Pi caught her gawking at it all. "It's not much but it's home," he said with a fond smile. "Don't worry the ringers won't find us here."

The Pi snorted. "You didn't even want to bring them here and now you're bragging, Hwan?" She ushered a hesitating Namsun into the warehouse and closed the door, bolting it shut with what looked like some serious locks.

"Hey I can't help it," the guy - Hwan - shot back with a grin. "This place is just so brag-worthy."

Pi rolled her eyes. "You're just saying that because your mom found the place."

"Yep!" Hwan grinned. Then he turned his attention back to Seungchae and the others. "Come on let's introduce you to our fearless leader. She'll decide what to do with you."

"Nothing bad I hope," Seungchae said half-joking. Namsun tensed beside her. Seungchae shoot a look at Jian but Jian was just looking at the Hwan guy. Man she hoped Jian had a plan, he seemed like someone who always had a plan for everything and they could really use one.

"Can't you go talk to Kwon alone?" The pi asked. "She always goes easier on you."

"That what you'd think but you've never seen her disappointed face. 'I except better from you Daehwan'," Hwan mimicked in a mock stern voice. "It's terrifying. No you're coming with, Niamh, after all it was your decision."

The two lead them up the starcase onto the upper landing. There were a row of doors, some open showing empty store rooms or offices, others closed. Seungchae noticed that even though it was midnight (there was enough light now to check her watch), the place was still bustling with activity. Hwan and the Pi - Niamh she should say - stopped in front of the last door and knocked. A gruff voice told them to enter and Niamh held the door open for them, clearly dreading going on herself. Seungchae tried to connect with Jian or Namsun again but neither was looking at her. Useless.

Inside was an office with a stern looking middle-aged Asian woman inside behind a big desk covered in papers. There was a steaming cup sitting on top of some of the papers and she looked like she hadn't slept in days. She looked up with irritation clear on her face. "You shouldn't be back yet so whatever you have to say, it can't be good."

Niamh looked uncomfortable and waited for Hwan to do the talking. He sighed and stepped forward. "We ran into some complications along the way-"

"These three are the complications I take it?" Kwon said. She did not look happy about it.

Hwan nodded. "They were alerting all the ringers in the city and we felt we couldn't just leave them to their fate." 

"So you decided to bring them here. To our base, our secret bade might I add."

Niamh stepped up then. "What did you want me to do? Just leave them? They would have been caught for sure-"

"Of course it was your decision wasn't it?" Kwon interrupted again. "What if they're spies? Have you thought of that? You could be leading all the ringers straight to us." Niamh opened to defend herself but Kwon shushed her. "You could have taken them to any of our safe houses but instead you brought them here."

"It was the closest and we have a mission to do!" Niamh said.

"It was stupid and reckless," Kwon replied.  "How many times do I have to tell you not to take in any stray you encounter? And I know it wasn't Daehwan last time either, don't bother. It's a risk to our security that we cannot afford right now."

"But we can use all the help we can get-"

"Is one more ally worth risking the death of everyone here?"

Niamh looked down at her feet. "No. You're right."

"I am." Kwon turned her attention to Hwan. "What of the mission?"

"We can assume it later tonight, there's enough hours until dawn," Hwan said. "With the commotion tonight the ringers should be looking at the wrong part of the city. If anything this could end up being an advantage."

Kwon looked sceptical. "Alright fine, it's your decision." She turned to the Seekers. "You three can stay here for the night but then you have to leave. We're freedom fights not a refugee center, you pull your weight or you leave."

Seungchae nodded. "We'll be out of your hairs by the morning." That should be enough time to figure out what to do about the Niamh/Pi thing.

"Now we have to discuss how to go about the mission," Kwon said. 'Niamh see if there's anyone around who can watch these three while we talk."

"Come on," Niamh held the door open again and ushered them out. She looked down over the railing at the work floor. "Hey! Hwagyeong!" 

A woman busy with some of the supply crates looked up. "What up Niamh?"

"Could you keep an eye on these guys for me?"

"Just send em on down!"

Niamh turned back to them. "Stay in her sight, okay? She'll watch over you until it's dawn." Niamh slipped back into the office without a word, leaving the Seekers alone for the first time since finding the Pi.

Seungchae immediately turned toward Jian and Namsun. "That's Pi!" She whispered.

"What?" Jian snapped out of whatever thought spiral he had been caught in.

"Niamh!" She's Pi!" Had neither of them noticed? Namsun just looked at her blankly. Ugh these useless guys.

Jian's eyes widened but then he composed himself. "Right. Yes. Of course. She's Pi."

"Well what are we gonna do about it?" Seungchae asked. "How do we get her to come with us?"

"I don't suppose we could hit her on the head and carry her through?" Jian offered.

"Jian!" Seungchae softly hit him. "Be serious!"

"We have to talk her into it," He said as if that were easy as pi. "Explain the situation and persuade her to trust us."

"She wouldn't believe us," Namsun said softly. "Who would believe us?"

"I wouldn't blame her, I hardly believe it and I went through the damned portal." His eyes shot towards the door to Kwon's office before returning back to them. "Just leave it to me, I'll figure something out."

"All we have to do is convince her to step through the portal," Seungchae said. "We don't have to hit her with the pi crap yet. Just the alternate universes should be hard enough."

"But she has a whole life here" Namsun said. "She wouldn't give that up. She shouldn't have to give that up."

"If the universes unravel, or whatever it is they're doing, that'll include this one," Jian said gently. "It wouldn't matter what our little freedom fighters are doing, they'll stop existing just as much as we will."

"If it's all true," Namsun mumbled.

Seungchae put a hand on his shoulder, hoping to be somewhat reassuring. "After stepping through that portal I think I'm just gonna go ahead and believe it all," she said. 

"It had better be true," Jian said decisively. "This can't all be nothing."

"Hey you three!" The girl yelled up from below them. "Hate to interrupt your little team building exersize but get your butts down here! I'm supposed to be watching you!"

"You heard what the pretty lady said, let's go join her." Jian grinned, all charm again. "Try not to talk too much. Just keep things vague. Actually just let me do the talking okay?"

The woman that was watching them was tall. Really tall. And also stunning. Even with her hair pulled back in a quick and messy bun and with rough work clothes on she was still beautiful. Seungchae was impressed. It was also worth noting that even the rought work clothes were ornamented, this world was the best.

Well except for the dystopian big brother crap.

"I'm Hwagyeong, your appointed babysitter," she said with a little theatrical bow. "You can sit on one of those crates if you like, I'm done with those."

"What are you doing?" Seungchae asked, forgetting that they weren't supposed to talk immediately. Jian shot her a look that very much said what the did I literally just say?

"Checking our supplies," Hwagyeong replied. "Pro-tip, do not smoke around those barrels," she pointed at a barrel behind them, one that Namsun had just sat on and now didn't know how fast to get off of. "On second thought, the two of you are way too hot to be around them, you better stay back lest you blow us all up," she teased with a wink.

"You managed to handle them just fine without blowing the place up," Seungchae returned. "I think we'll be just fine."

Hwagyeong laughed. "Oh I like you, you can stay."

Jian looked back and forth between the two and grinned. Seungchae shot him a look that she hoped conveyed a solid 'don't even'. Jian just looked more amused.

Hwagyeong kept working in silence a bit before speaking up again. "Where'd you get those threads anyway? They're unlike anything I've ever seen. Boring too."

"Eeeehm," Seungchae looked at Jian for support. Their clothes were definitely not from this world.

"We like to look a little different," Jian offered.

Hwagyeong snorted. "You can say that again. You certainly succeeded. No wonder you made quite the scandal in the city, you stand out like a sore thumb."

"In hindsight it wasn't such a smart choice," Seungchae laughed softly. That was an understatement. 

A few minutes later Hwan and Niamh returned from their meeting with Kwon. Niamh immediately leaned over the railing to look down. "They're still in one piece Hwagyeong?"

"You said alive, you didn't say anything about in one piece!" She called back.

Jian imemdiately got up and went up the stairs to meet Niamh and Seungchae followed with Namsun trailing behind. "Niamh is it?" Jian asked with that million dollar smile of his.

"That's right," Niamh replied.

"Can we talk to you for a bit? In private?" It was almost like the Jian from before was back. Almost. Seungchae caught him glance quickly to Hwan before glancing back to Niamh. So that's what the problem was. Something about Hwan. She made a mental note to talk to him about it the next time they were alone again.

Niamh hesitated but nodded. "I'll be right back Hwan, go prepare the hoover tray." She led them to an empty office and Jian made sure to close the door behind them. Seungchae noticed Niamh narrowing her eyes suspiciously but she said nothing. Seungchae supposed they were being quite suspicious so she didn't blame her. Niamh leander against the desk and folded her arms. "So? What is it?"

Seungchae glanced at Jian. How on earth did one begin to explain this whole thing? Jian hesitated too, she assumed he was thinking about the same thing. "There's really no gentle way to put this so I'm just going to say it-"

Niamh immediately unhooked her arm and grabbed for her weapon. "Hwan was right, you're spies aren't you?!"

"No!" Jian immediately put up his hands in an effort to placate her. "No no that's not what I was going to say! There's no need for any of that."

"I'm not sure the truth is much better," Namsun mumbled. Jian and Seungchae both looked at him in unison, giving him a look that very much said not helping.

Niamh kept her hand by her weapon, ready to draw if she needed it. "Are you civillians sent here by the ringers, then? Do they have your family? We can help you if they do."

"Niamh," Jian motioned for her to hush. "We're not from this world."

"You mean the rebel world?" Niamh asked, confused. 

"No," Jian shook his head. "No it's bigger than that. "We aren't from this universe at all. We come from a different one."

"Didn't you notice how different we look?" Seungchae supplied. "We look out of place don't we? That's because we are."

Niamh looked sceptical. "You want me to believe you're from another world? Just because you wear weird clothes?"

"We could show her the portal!" Seungchae said. "Namsun you remember where it is right?"

"I think so," Namsun said.

"What portal?" Niamh asked.

"We came here through a portal," Jian explained. "On one side there's our universe, on the other there's this one. We could show it to you and you could see our universe and then you'll see we're speaking the truth."

"Look this is all well and good," Niamh said. "But I have mission to complete and precious little time to complete it in. I don't have time for this. We're leaving in 15 minutes."

"I can help you," Jian said. Wait what? Seungchae tried to catch his eye to show that she was not okay with this but Jian kept his eyes squarely on Niamh. "Let me help you with your mission and then when it's done promise to take a look at our portal?"

"Really? You?" Niamh looked him up and down. "You who managed to alert the entire city to your presence? I don't think so. Do you even have any combat experience?"

"I do," Jian said. Seungchae raised her eyebrows, that was news to her. Jian had combat experience? Was he in the army before or something? She realized how precious little she actually knew about her companions. "What is the mission?" Jian asked.

"We're raiding a warehouse just outside the city for supplies," Niamh said. "A quick in and out. Neutralise the guards, grab the goods, and get back here in time for dawn."

"I can do that," Jian said. "Let me help."

"Alright if you really want to you can come along," Niamh said. She looked really tired about everything and Seungchae didn't blame her. "Come on then, we have to go now."

"Wait first you need to tell me about what's going on here," Jian said.

"What do you mean?"

"With the cameras and the officers and freedom fighters?"

Niamh looked shocked. "How can you not know?"

Jian laughed softly. "I wasn't lying when I said we're from a different universe."

Niamh shook her head. "That's more convincing than the portal crap." She took a deep breath. "Okay. So. Crash course. We're Fianna, you could call us freedom fighters. We don't agree with the opinions of our dearest president and her pet ringers, the officers. We want to see things changed. Unfortunately we tried to get things changed last year and it did not end well. Now what you see is all that's left and it's just what we can do to survive. We're slowly trying to rebuilt and those supplies we're grabbing could be vital to that effort."

"She's the one who set up the cameras?" Namsun asked.

Niamh nodded. "She likes to keep an eye on things. There's a strict curfew now and the cameras must have picked you up immediately. It's a good thing you ran or they would have arrested you and put you in the cage."

"That's the prison?" Seungchae asked.


Jian nodded. "Okay so what about weapons?"

"We're alarmingly short on those," Niamh said. "There's bullets being manufactures, that's what the gunpowder is for, but they still have to be made. All we can spare for this missions are stunners like this." She grabbed the gun from her hoslter. It was beautifully ornamental and nothing like Seungchae knew of guns back home. "It sends an electric shock to temporarily stun the guards. It's not gentle but it does the trick. I can get you one for the mission," she said to Jian. She went on to show him exactly how the gun worked and how to reload it.

Seungchae turned to Namsun. "How do you feel about all this?"

He shrugged. "I still don't believe it I guess," he said. "Everything is so different."

"You're going to stay behind for the mission aren't you?"

He nodded. "I don't want to be out there." At least he was honest. Not exactly brave but honest. "So are you, right?"

She wasn't sure. She didn't like fighting but she also didn't want to leave Jian alone. Besides, she was also curious to learn more about the world. But was she curious enough to put herself in harm's way?

Yes. Absolutely.

"I'm coming with you," she said.

"That's not a good idea," Jian protested. "You should stay here with Namsun."

"Maybe, but I'm coming with you anyway."

"We have to go now, there's no time to teach you about the stunners," Niamh said.

"I don't want one anyway," Seungchae said. "I can help carry stuff but I won't be fighting. There's gonna be a lot of supplies right? You'll need the help."

"I don't know," Niamh hesitated. "If you're coming with us you should at least be able to defend yourself."

"I can handle myself," Seungchae said. She sounded more confident than she felt. "If it comes down to it I can run very fast."

"Alright," Niamh said. "You've convinced me. You're staying right?" She asked Namsun.

He nodded very enthusiastically.

The door opened and Hwan peeked in. "Come on Niamh we were supposed to leave 5 minutes ago. Time is ticking."

"There two are coming with us." Niamh said pointing at them.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Hwan asked.

"Nope. But we can use the extra hands." Niamh put her gun back in her holster and walked through the door. "Let's go show these ringers that we're not beaten yet."

Jian looked at Seungchae and Seungchae looked at Jian. They were really going to do this.

"Come on Seungchae, you heard what the man said," Jian said with a grin as he held the door open for her. ""Time's ticking."

author's note


Another chapter, another set of bad decisions? I suppose we'll find out :D  Team Jian found Pi and then ran into the difficulty of actually convincing Pi to trust a bunch of loons saying they're from a different universe. Welp that's also a thing. And now they seem to have been pulled into the world's conflict, but can they keep their head in the game, as Zac Efron once put it? 

Stay tuned for the next episode of the Spire featuring more of Team Jian as they go on their super secret special mission. Which will come in approximately two weeks since I'll be abroad again next week eeeyyy. As always thanks Lils for putting up with my 3AM nonsense and hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :D

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THE SPIRE: Prepare yourself, a return is imminent.


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TheLandofBrownSugar #1
Hi, it's been a little while since the last chapter. I don't mean to sound impatient, but is everything alright with you two? The lack of activity (on this) has caused me to wonder, so I just wanted to see if everything was well. :)
experimentallyexotic #2
Chapter 11: Oh no Nari! D: Ugh this one hits straight to the heart, this poor girl. Her life was going just fine and then EVERYTHING CHANGED WHEN THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED! No but seriously my heart ;; </3 Malik wasn't even trying to wake her up she just wanted to go home, and of course in true Malik fashion was not super helpful (but she did try at least a bit more with Nari! That counts for something probably.) I thin the transition is definitely going to be hardest for her the poor thing :(
experimentallyexotic #3
Chapter 10: Namsun! My child! I still can't get over how perfectly you write him, seriously. And of course there's Zhei being an awesome friend and Hadon trying to be nice even though he's confused and I'M STILL CURIOUS HOW HE RECOGNIZED NAMSUN THOUGH.
Also the way Malik interacts with the Seekers continues to amuse me, it's a great way to show her personality honestly. She plays off each person differently since they're all so different, but the her-ness is still there~
experimentallyexotic #4
Chapter 9: Oh nooooo Jian D: This one gets me right in the feels, from the first paragraph you can just feel how hollow he is, and everything that follows is just a spiral downwards until he hits rock bottom. And by that I mean meeting Malik and her not being helpful whatsoever. Malik is amazing, it is really interesting to see her interacting with the new Seekers and this one really hits the hardest for me. You can feel that anger and desperation growing in Jian from the start of the chapter and then it just explodes at the end as everything around him just shatters.

Shoot gotta go get foods but I WILL BE BACK.
experimentallyexotic #5
Chapter 8: Seungchae! That last line about her tea always makes me laugh, your priorities are in line Seungchae. You can really see her curious nature in this, and honestly I think I'd react the same way as she does so she's super relatable for me ^-^
Also the first paragraph is seriously heartbreaking. Malik, have some faith in the new kids! You'll be sad forever if you don't make any friends D:
experimentallyexotic #6
Chapter 7: Bad guys away! I love these guys, did I ever say that I adore you for showing what the bad guys are thinking too? Like I know they're evil terrible people but Kai and Hana's interactions made me laugh and Myungjun is adorable and Kiro... I'm not sure about Kiro actually. He's a tough nut to crack I think. I'm looking forward to learning more about him for sure, and seeing these guys pitted against our heroes!
experimentallyexotic #7
Chapter 6: Ah I missed Malik and her snarkiness! And the Keeper and his mysteriousness! Eeee I remember reading this teaser a few million times and it still gets me super hyped up! On to the next chapter!!!
experimentallyexotic #8
SO MANY UPDATES. Hi! Sorry I've been MIA for so long but I'm going to comment on every chapter to make up for it!!
Chapter 20: You're on fire, wow !! :D I'm glad to see this back !

On to the chapter then~ Jian, no, don't do that, no-- who's cutting onions ?? This was so heartbreaking, even though there was no hope, man, my little heart hurts so much seeing him so broken. And Daehwan who forgets who he is noooooo ;u;

Kiro's team is one of a kind seriously, I wonder how much of a 'team' they really are, at least for Kiro. He doesn't care that much, he's just using most of them-- but Zhu seems to be using him as well. He trusts her enough not to ask, but ther's something more hiding in there... What do you have in mind, Monkey ? I'm curiouuuus. Poor Namsun is somehow forced to give information though ;u; I wonder what more he told them, considering we didn't really see what took place. And yeah, a rescue mission ! I knew Malik would arrive at some point. It's totally the new Seekers' style to go back and help their new friend, but it's nice to see that they're starting to influence her as well. I can't wait to see more of the changes they'll provoke in her ! Oh my Sigma, don't mention Jota, they're going to trick you now. You should know better than to mention your weaknesses in front of the QuSEF members. This screams trouble. Malik is so badass though, I'm totally cheerleading right now. Go go team Malik ! I do love Kiro though, he's a lovely . That kick in the stomach was totally deserved though haha xD

Man, this was so great, I'm so happy to be able to read more of this. Good luck though, with both this and Do or Die, you'll have a lot to work on. You can do it ! :D
TheLandofBrownSugar #10
Chapter 20: I actually thought about this the other day, and I seriously wondered whether or not this would go on. It's sad when you're really into a story, only for it to be discontinued--without the author giving any reason why. At least, then, you know not to expect more from it.

Regardless, I am very happy to see this story back. I understand how it is to be away from a creation for a while only to come back later, but I am glad you have returned! ^^

As for the chapter itself. Well, I expected a rescue mission, but this had me on the edge of my seat. Usually, I am a stickler for grammar and spelling, but I was so immersed that I didn't notice much until the very end (with 'mising' of all things). I really enjoy reading Jian's point of view just because he has so much to say! Poor guy, watching his best friend succumb to the world of the unconscious ones (again!). It's hard to lose, or come close to losing, someone once. Having to see it again can change someone. I wonder how this will affect Jian down the line. I am very intrigued by his potential development--I try to avoid the apps in terms of development to be in the same boat as the others.

Namsun is a sweetheart. He didn't have too big of a role in the second half, but I can understand his terror. Sometimes, there is a need for exchange to ensure your own survival. Not exactly survival of the fittest, but survival of the smartest? Not sure yet, it's too early (8-9 AM) for evolutionary mental tinkering. I love his friendship with Seungchae. I thought they would become friends at some point, and not just because they are both vertically challenged. x) When I imagined Seungchae, I imagined this cheerful, but kind of sneaky characters, but I love the way you're taking her so far. She isn't really in her element just yet, but none of them have had the best chance to show off their strengths just yet. I am waiting with bated breath! :DD