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Vernon was at a loss on what to do. He tried drawing earlier but his hands trembled so much and he failed to express whatever that is on his mind. He sat stumped for a whole minute, disappointed and desperately needing something to do, something to calm his nerves. If he didn't take action, he might drive himself insane. He learned the hard way once, forced to swallow some pills just to calm himself and switch off his thoughts by easing it to sleep. He knew better now than to further damage himself.

He stood up, resorting to gather as much water colours and various brushes he owned, including a large canvas and a pile of old newspapers from the cabinet before placing them all neatly at the middle of the room. He kneeled down, mixing water to the palette and dilute the rough texture of the multicolour mediums, getting the necessaries ready before tackling the initially blank canvas with an influx of colour. He didn't even notice time has passed until his stomach started to growl.

Leaning back, he breathed in exhaustion and relief after he was finally done with his work. Admiring the indefinable abstract art made colorful but not as bright, he sat on his and threw the brush he's holding carelessly, not even caring of the mess he made. 

With much difficulty, he lifted himself up with shaking legs, although his mind was finally clearer and not as tangled up as before. A lift of the blinds showed that the sky was already getting dark and the visting hour is almost up. He made his way downstairs after cleaning himself up, mindful to bring Seungkwan some snacks in case the boy's getting sick of hospital food. Not a very good idea to feed sick people unhealthy food, he realized just before he's going to pull an extra packet. 

He shrugged before ultimately grabbing two, one for himself and one for the brunette. Potato chips won't kill anyone, at least not in the long run.




"I'm getting out of here soon," Seungkwan greeted him with those very words as soon as Vernon made his arrival known. Vernon raised a brow, noticing the bright smile on the brunette's face and the jumpy demeanor, as if he wanted to hop up from the bed and just run out from the institution if given a chance.

"Nice to meet you too," Vernon made himself comfortable on the single sofa, somehow relieved that Seungkwan looked much more healthier than before. If the brunette noticed the sarcasm in his tone, he dismissed it with an unwavering beam.

He's being a sunshine again, just like the very first day Vernon met him. But they're not strangers anymore, although 'friends' didn't really define them either.

What are we?

Another discussion for another day, Vernon reminded himself.

"You look awfully happy for a patient locked here with absolutely nothing to do," Vernon said with exaggerated words as usual, simultaneously fishing a pack of chips from his sling bag. Seungkwan tilted his head, following Vernon's movement with his eyes.

"That's not true. The nurses here are really friendly. The doctors too. And I watch funny shows and dramas in TV, and sometimes I walk on the hall and talk to the other patients. Good fun, but the portable IV drip is such a pain in the ," Vernon munched on his chips, deciding chatty Seungkwan is way better than sickly Seungkwan or emotional Seungkwan.

He didn't even have to ask for Seungkwan to elaborate, and the brunette immediately delve deeper on his stories during his stay, from the unacceptable amount of medicine he had to take to the sob stories of the other patients that touched his heart. 

Vernon took it in a stride, putting in his inputs every now and then. Without realizing, he already emptied the content of his snack and retrieved another from his bag. He paused, holding up

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Chapter 15: damn i relate to vernon so much he could be my male equivalent with the spacing out during people's talking even though he didn't mean to, or appearing cold but rather caring about something/ someone more than one may think . i honestly skipped from chapter 6 to read the epilogue cause i couldn't find much time to read the whole thing, but i can see how they are perfect for each other, the kind of friendship i'd strive to have
daedaejokers #2
Chapter 16: What do u mean by this fic ia not perfect?? This is the most beautiful, the best fic i have read about Verkwan.. thank u so much for writing this fic
Chapter 14: Oh my gosh... I could just feel my heart drop and come back at the last sentence. Holy! XD
Boorrito #4
Chapter 16: Omg this fic is beautiful! I love it sm huhu
Dziamysti #5
Chapter 15: Just found this story now and honestly it was the best verkwan fic i have ever read. I love how you write it and express their characters. Hope to see more of your story in the future!
Chapter 16: Author-nim this was honestly really beautiful~ I'm glad I came across this fic! I hope you can make many more Verkwan fics in the future!! <3 <3
I am so in love with the way you write it.
It was written beautifully
The plot is so great
And I cried during the surgery
I had so much feels going through while reading this
I was just searching for verkwan fics to read when I stumbled upon this and I never regret the choice I made to read this
Hope to see more from you in the future!
Keep it up !
thatxxx_ #8
Junie_Jjang11 #9
Chapter 15: *Beautiful as bgm plays* this story is indeed beautiful im so sad it ended but so happy with the ending yeayyy!!
Chapter 14: OMFG I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA DIE GAAAHD thank you for not killing him