Chapter 3

Hidden Amongst the Roses

“I’d just like to say that I’d never harm Yoongi in any way,” Jungkook says before quietly adding,” Well, in any non-consensual way.”


Taehyung’s eyebrows knits themselves together as he stares at Jungkook expectantly. Jungkook coughs again before continuing with a soft,” Do you know what… is?”


“Excuse me?” Taehyung says soullessly.

“,” Jungkook hisses impatiently, like he doesn’t like the feeling of the word rolling off his tongue.

“Yes?” Taehyung blinks, completely unsure of where the conversation is going.

“Yoongi and I are partners,” Jungkook hisses with his jaw set,” I’m the dom, Yoongi prefers to bottom.”

It takes a while for the sentence to process in Taehyung’s mind but when it does, he blanches.

“Wait,” Taehyung pauses in shock,” So the- this whip and these ropes and leather stuff are all for- for your thing?”

“Please don’t phrase it that way,” Jungkook says dryly.

“Huh? So- so the markings on Yoongi’s wrists are-”

“A product of Yoongi and I having , yes,” Jungkook finishes emotionlessly,” I have marks, myself, but they’re mostly on my torso.”

“Holy ,” Taehyung mutters,” So you two weren’t arguing because you were some abusive boyfriend?”

Jungkook winces and whispers,” I would never hurt Yoongi. And anyway, he and I aren’t in a dating relationship. It’s just for .”

“So you guys are just buddies that like ?” Taehyung asks for confirmation. When Jungkook nods his head, Taehyung falls back in his seat and groans. There goes his case.

“Then what were you two arguing about?” Taehyung pouts.



Jungkook looks up from his phone and smiles when he sees familiar mint hair and pretty pink lips. He reaches out and grabs the smaller man’s hand and pulls him around the counter before pulling him into his ready embrace. He takes a moment to subtly nuzzle Yoongi’s soft hair and take in his vanilla scent before allowing the smaller man to take a step away from Jungkook with an irritated groan. He knows that Yoongi hates physical contact, but Jungkook alway thought that contact with the elder’s soft skin was just too good to resist.

That was one of the things Jungkook thought was beautiful about Yoongi. That the smaller man’s physique was made up of soft curves and snow skin while his personality was cold bites and sharp tongues. Jungkook liked how they oddly matched each other with Yoongi’s softness fitting perfectly into the hard muscles and sharp lines of Jungkook’s body. How the other would put away his fangs to allow Jungkook to gently rub soothing cream onto his wrists and ankles after their nights of passion; how purple and red contrasted beautifully against his neck; how his hands were so soft and gentle whenever they ran through Jungkook’s hair after a tiring day at the tattoo parlour; how Yoongi sometimes smelt of roses from working at his flower shop. He loved that; he loved that a lot.


“Hey, Yoongi,” Jungkook greets brightly,” You want to go to the back?”


When he nods, Jungkook lets his hand slip onto Yoongi’s waist and lead him through the velvet curtain and into the back room. Jihoon and Vernon’s absence from the room granted them some much needed silence from the noisy main parlour of Inked.

Jungkook pulls Yoongi down onto the couch with him, intentionally letting Yoongi fall between Jungkook’s legs. He chuckles at Yoongi’s soft whine as he wraps his arms around the elder and rests his head on top of Yoongi’s, soaking in Yoongi’s warmth and the room’s tranquil silence.

“You’re awfully touchy today,” the mint-haired man comments,” Any reason why?”

“No,” Jungkook hums softly. When he feels Yoongi relax against his body, a surge of happiness rushes through him and he can’t help but wear a content smile as Yoongi rests his head on his shoulder. Jungkook admires the way Yoongi’s veins jut out when he stretches his neck and how his collarbones become more defined when this happens. Seeing this, Jungkook instinctively leans down to plant a sloppy, wet kiss on Yoongi’s neck. When Yoongi hums into Jungkook’s ear, Jungkook feels his go hard against Yoongi’s lower back and he begins to nip at the smaller man’s exposed flesh, enjoying the salty-sweet taste of Yoongi’s skin.

He pauses to shift his position and press Yoongi down onto the sofa and straddle the smaller man’s waist, taking in the beautiful sight of the person underneath him.

Leaning down and placing his elbows above Yoongi’s head, Jungkook presses his lips roughly onto the smaller man’s neck which is slick with his saliva. His tongue slides itself slowly over the forming bruise on Yoongi’s neck, occasionally loudly on it just to hear those soft moans that escape Yoongi’s lips.

“Jungkook,” Yoongi mutters.

Jungkook just hums in acknowledgement, completely focused on the wet skin of Yoongi’s neck.

“Jungkook,” Yoongi mutters, a little louder this time.

Jungkook just presses his body harder onto Yoongi’s and savours the waves of heat that radiates off the both of them. The feeling of Yoongi’s hot breath tickling his ear and the pulsing ache he feels in his distracts him from the quiet calls for pause from his partner. Then he feels Yoongi’s slim hands on his chest, gently trying pushing him away but the feeling of the other’s soft palms on his body just sends a surge of lust through him and he can't stop himself from biting down on Yoongi’s bruising flesh in an attempt to seduce the older into another passionate dance.

When Jungkook ignores his nudges, Yoongi growls and soon enough, Jungkook is sprawled on the other side of the sofa with a stunned look on his face. His lips are still puckered and his tongue is still urging for more but Yoongi just stands up and rubs away the saliva that’s settled itself on his skin with his palm. He’s well aware of the dark hickey that’s already become prominent on his neck but that’s not what Yoongi wants to focus on; there was something far more important on his mind than the ual endeavours that he’s had with Jungkook.

“I didn’t come here for , you know,” Yoongi says irritably.

Jungkook presses his lips together and tries to suppress the yearning he has in his pants by running his fingers through his hair and swallowing down his previous feelings of yearning and lust.

“Then why are you here?” Jungkook asks blankly.

“I just- I need to talk to you about something,” Yoongi explains as he takes a seat on the sofa again. Jungkook wants to slide in closer to Yoongi, to capture his lips with his own again and to feel the heat radiate off his body. But he just sits there, his thighs pressed together and his heart beating irregularly. It’s almost funny how crazy Yoongi gets Jungkook even if he’s just sitting there.

“Go on.”

Yoongi coughs and bows his head, his eyelashes fanning prettily over his pale cheeks before glancing up to Jungkook and saying,” Remember what I told you a few days ago?”

Jungkook scowls at the memory and leans back into the sofa with his arms crossed. It doesn’t take a genius to know where this conversation is going.


“I was serious about that,” Yoongi continues,” And I really think that it will help solve the whole issue with my-”

“I’ve already told you that I don’t want you going,” Jungkook says in annoyance,” And that I can help you with it. I have all the resources for it, Yoongi, you don't have to do this.”

Yoongi frowns and sniffs, his expression going dark from the flash of rage that starts to bubble inside him.

“And I've already told you that I'm not asking for your opinion,” Yoongi glowers.

“Then why bother telling me?” Jungkook scoffs.

“Because I thought that you deserved to know,” Yoongi spits in anger.

Jungkook cries out in anger and frustration and flips over the wooden coffee table in front of them and stands up and with a dominating stance. Yoongi stands up as well and glares up at Jungkook with the intent to stand his ground.

“You’ll get hurt, Yoongi!” Jungkook growls with his fists balled up at his sides.

“I know that!”

“Then why the are you going anyway?!”

“Don't act like you understand my situation, ,” Yoongi snarls, shoving Jungkook’s shoulder roughly.

Jungkook narrows his eyes at him, his body still set in its dominant stance as he curls his lip in frustration.

“You're right,” he snarls,” I don't- but that's why I want to help you, so I can stop you from making stupid- decisions like this!”

“ you!” Yoongi shouts, throwing a nearby cushion into Jungkook's chest,” You don't get a say in this, you mothering !”

“But I do since you were the one who told me about it in the first place, you goddamn !”

“The hell did you just call me?!” Yoongi narrows his eyes at Jungkook and steps in closer to him. It doesn't matter that he’s almost a head shorter than the other, what matters is the disrespect he feels coming from the other. He looks at Jungkook straight in the eye with a cold glare as he says lowly,” You don't know a damn thing about what I had to go through; who the hell do you think you are, thinking you have the right to use that on me. You’re not as big as you think you are, Jeon Jungkook.”

“That’s not what you were about just a few days ago,” Jungkook smirks down defiantly.

“Your has no place in this conversation, you thirsty hoe.”

“You're right, you seem to prefer it up the instead.”

“Oh, go yourself.”

That’s all they need to spiral down in a spur of heated anger and hatred.

Fingers entangle themselves into each other's hair and Yoongi’s slim legs automatically  wrap themselves around Jungkook’s torso as the taller of the two shoves them up a wall, the impact leaving Yoongi so dizzy that he’s caught off guard when Jungkook presses his lips onto his, giving Jungkook ample time to pull Yoongi into a sloppy open-mouthed kiss. Jungkook’s hands quickly slip from Yoongi’s back to his , giving it a rough squeeze that forces Yoongi to temporarily break the heated kiss to let out a loud yelp which Jungkook quickly silences with hungry lips.

Their teeth clack together in desperation, saliva slowly dribbling down Yoongi’s chin and eventually down his neck as well. Jungkook is on Yoongi’s bottom lip hard, slurping up the loud moans that tumble out of the other’s mouth while Yoongi’s fingers rake the back of Jungkook’s neck and leave bright red streaks on the other’s skin that sting hotly with Jungkook’s spine tingling with want.

The two pull apart, and all that they hear are their heartbeats that race from adrenaline and each other’s heavy pants. Jungkook allows Yoongi to unfold himself from Jungkook’s body and the two just stand there with swollen lips, hot skin and lustful eyes. Jungkook leans in and places his forehead against Yoongi’s to quickly pull Yoongi under his intense gaze.

“Please,” Jungkook pants,” Just tell me why you want to do this alone.”

Yoongi swiftly shoves Jungkook away from him, and leans against the wall with his shoulder facing Jungkook to escape said person’s intense gaze.

“You won’t understand,” Yoongi sighs.

“Then help me understand!” Jungkook cries desperately.

Yoongi closes his eyes and sighs and Jungkook just wants to pull him into his arms and just take him home to wrap him up with all his warmth and being and just lay there peacefully and hear each other’s heart beat.

“It’s more complicated than that, Kookie,” Yoongi whispers.

Jungkook takes a step closer and holds Yoongi’s face in a gentle caress as he lovingly rubs his thumb over Yoongi’s rosy cheeks.

“I just want to help you, Yoongi,” he whispers back,” Please, just let me help you.”

There’s a tense silence that hangs above them until Yoongi breaks it with a deep sigh. He fits his hand over Jungkook and almost reluctantly pushes it away as he silently detaches himself from Jungkook and steps away from the younger man, his expression blank.

“I've already made up my mind,” he mutters with his jaw set,” I'm just letting you know in advance.”

Yoongi slips through the velvet curtains and out into the parlour. A few customers catch sight of the dark hickey on his neck and start to throw him some teasing whoops and whistles which Yoongi decides to ignore. He tries to make his way out the exit but is abruptly stopped by a rough hand that grabs onto his arm and spins him around.

“Yoongi, please!” Jungkook cries as he desperately keeps his hand on Yoongi’s arm,” You’re not alone in this! You have people who can help and-”

“Drop it,” Yoongi growls with warning as he claws Jungkook’s hand off of him.

“No!” Jungkook shouts defiantly,” I’m not letting you go on this suicide mission!”

“ing watch me!” Yoongi yells back.

“I’m trying to save you!”

“From what?!”

“From getting hurt!”

“And what makes you think that you have the right to watch out for my well-being?!” Yoongi shouts. He hear his heartbeat in his ears, his skin growing hot and numb and his emotions spirally out of control.

“We’re just buddies!” Yoongi cries as he throws his hands up,” You don’t love me, why would you even care about what I do?”

“But I do!” Jungkook screams, then he realizes what his words mean and coughs, forcing out a,” Care about you, I mean.”

“We agreed on a ‘no strings attached’ kind of thing,” Yoongi groans in exasperation ,” We’re not supposed to care about each other, why are you being so clingy? Why are you so desperate for me to stay? Why do you care?!”

A thick silence rings in the air and now the whole parlour is looking at them, wondering what on earth happened behind that heavy, velvet curtain. Other than the soft whirs from the inking machines and their heavy pants, there’s pin-drop silence. During that silence, Yoongi realizes two things.


  1. Namjoon was in the parlour watching from the other side with Vernon, and

  2. Jungkook loves him.

“Oh, Jungkook,” Yoongi sighs tiredly, his eyes wide in shock.

“Yoongi, I-”


Yoongi turns around and groans, his hair into tight bunches in agony. He rubs his hands over his face and just sighs.

“Just stop,” comes the quiet plead.

“Yoongi, as much as you hate it, I-” Jungkook pauses, his breath catching in his throat and his palms turning sweaty. He can only whisper,” I’m in love with you, Min Yoongi.”

He doesn't see how Yoongi’s face contorts with hurt or how hot tears begin to fog his vision, all he sees is the other’s hand on the door, itching to escape.

Jungkook doesn't see how painful it is for Yoongi to tighten his grip on the door knob, how his heart clenches and how his throats burns to force himself to say,” Please don’t, you deserve so much better, Jeon Jungkook.”

“But I don't want anyone else,” Jungkook sobs,” I want you.”

But you can't,” Yoongi says coldly,” You can’t have me. You can’t love me.”

“But I do!”

“, Jungkook!” Yoongi snarls angrily as he whips around to glare at Jungkook’s tear-stained face,” Don’t you get it?! We can’t love each other! It’s not happening! Get it through your thick head: we will never be together!

Yoongi roughly wipes the tears from his eyes and sigh sadly. He can’t even bring himself to look Jungkook in the eye as he says,” I’m not your’s, Jungkook; and I never will be.”

Yoongi all but forces himself to walk out those doors and not look back because he knows that if he does, he just might run back into Jungkook’s secure embrace.

Taehyung can only nod numbly at Jungkook’s long story and he can’t help but let his heart ache for the younger man. When Jungkook begins to sniffle and cough, Taehyung immediately turns his face away to allow Jungkook to let his tears flow openly. When Taehyung turns back to Jungkook, he knows not to question the younger's bloodshot eyes.

“Can I go, please?” Jungkook chokes out.

“Sure,” Taehyung nods calmly.


Jungkook stands up silently pushes himself out the door with Taehyung following behind him and right before Jungkook steps out the station, Taehyung stops him by placing a gentle hand on his shoulder and saying,” I just wanted to say that- you still have hope.”

“I- huh?”

“Yoongi never said that he didn’t love you,” is all Taehyung says before offering the man an encouraging smile and walking away, fully aware of Jungkook’s blank gaze watching him walk away.


Let's get on thing straight, I fail at writing , even if it's only semi-. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and the poster was made by yours truly! Til' next time! Bye!



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Chapter 4: AW. I hate and love it when people are being stubborn and don't admit the fact that they're in love. I also love those Seventeen appearances. Vernon is my BAE. I was literally crying because oh my god Tae. The moment they said they found bruises and Jungkook went all blushy I was like LOL . Poor Jungkookie tho. I wonder what Yoongi was really doing. Update soon!
sh0013 #2
Chapter 4: So happy about this update~ ♡♡♡
Angst!Sugakookie hurts, I am just curious about where Yoongi planned to go to have Jungkook disagree like that...
makeupyourmind #3
Chapter 3: Noooo cliffhangerrrr!! I want to know what they hav been up to!!!
Very enjoyable story so far! U write very well :)
sh0013 #4
Chapter 3: Is Yoongi a masochist? Or is he in some -kind of relationship with Jungkook? Oh man now I am totally curious ...
kyarania #5
Chapter 3: oh my god is jungkook and yoongi is doing things like how i think it is if yes im going to laugh
junniekai #6
Chapter 1: What happen with yoongi, did he got kidnapped. Hmm...taehyung you should do something, i'm corious the future stories of what will happen to taehyung, jjang. Good job author nim , i like mystery ^^
TwindragonsBTS #7
Chapter 1: Please continue this!! I like it!