Chapter 2

Hidden Amongst the Roses

Jungkook doesn’t move when Seokjin walks up to him with a bright smile and stony eyes to wrap his arms around Jungkook. The two detectives almost don’t notice Seokjin’s moving lips placed right next to Jungkook’s ear but the pronounced ‘s’-sounds definitely don’t go unnoticed by them. Hoseok clears his throat loudly and gestures at the seats when Jungkook and Seokjin turn to look at them. Taehyung notices the urgent looks Seokjin gives the other as Jungkook pushes past the elder to sit down directly in front of Hoseok.

“Jeon Jungkook?” Hoseok confirms. When the other bobs his head in confirmation, Hoseok turns to Taehyung and his head in Jungkook’s direction to tell him that it was his turn to question. So when Hoseok stands up, Taehyung fits himself onto the seat and leans forward on his elbows, unwilling to allow Jungkook any power. With that dominating aura and a not-so subtle resting face, Taehyung decides to take a hard-on approach with this guy and cut to the chase.
“Did you meet with Min Yoongi after 10 am yesterday morning?” Taehyung asks coldly. The image of the intimidating man that was seen just a few seconds ago is washed away; instead, sits a deer in the headlights. Jungkook’s face transforms into a look of fear and his eyes widen like he wasn’t expecting such a cold approach. He can feel Hoseok kick his chair from behind him but Taehyung refuses to hold back- it was too late to turn back anyway, he already started.
“Do you need me to repeat the question?” Taehyung asks.

“Um- no, I just-“ Jungkook stutters, his eyes darting from him to Seokjin.
“Then answer the question, we haven’t got all day.”
Jungkook looks down at the table, his hands tapping the table nervously before he looks up again and bites his bottom lip in uncertainty.
“Yes,” was his quiet response.
“What were you doing?” Taehyung asks.
“Well,” Jungkook pauses to glance at Seokjin before continuing; Taehyung takes note of that,” He needed something.”
“Mind telling me what that something was?”

“You’re going to have to be more specific than that,” Taehyung sighs.
“He just asked me a random question and I gave him my input,” Jungkook sighs in exasperation,” I don’t remember what he asked, in case you were wondering.”
“Do you want me write up an arrest for you?” Taehyung sighs with his arms folded across his chest,” Because I can do that, if you want. With your vague answers and questionable attitude, it’s not impossible.”
Taehyung sees the way Jungkook tenses, the man’s fidgeting fingers freezing and his shoulders going rigid. Jungkook’s eyes dart to Seokjin and that’s when the tall model decides to intervene.
“I don’t like the way you’re talking to him, detective,” he says firmly.
“It’s Detective Kim,” Taehyung replies, making sure he still maintains eye contact with Jungkook,” And you don’t have to like it; it’s an approved method of interrogation.”
“In- interrogation?!” Seokjin sputters. The man turns to glare at Hoseok who begins to choke on his water and then back at Taehyung who still hasn’t broken his hard gaze with Jungkook.
“You told me it would just be a few questions,” Seokjin hisses angrily.
“Yeah, that’s called a questioning which, in other words, is an interrogation,” Taehyung responds innocently as he finally glances up at Seokjin with a childish smirk. His smirk only grows wider as the older man’s eyes narrow at him and his upper lip curls with disdain.
“I demand that this questioning stops,” Seokjin glares, his fists clenched and knuckles white. Taehyung sighs and turns around to look at Hoseok with a pleading expression who sighs and gets off the table to walk up to Seokjin with a gentle expression.
“Seokjin,” Hoseok says with a gentle tone in his voice,” You have to understand that Jungkook has no choice but to spill all that he knows. He has too much evidence against him for us to just let him go. If we don’t carry on with this interrogation, then he could be at risk of containment for simply walking out on us.”
Seokjin looks at Jungkook with uncertainty and concern clouding his expression when he sighs and nods.
“At least take him to the police department to do a proper screening, though,” Seokjin pleads. He takes a step toward Taehyung and bends down to whisper in his ear,” But please be gentle, he’s more broken than he allows others to to see.”
And for some reason, Taehyung allows the familiar sense of loneliness to cloud his memories before he stands up and walks out the door; Hoseok and Jungkook dragging along behind him.

Jungkook is alone in the interrogation room. His back is facing the tall, barred window behind him that allows him enough warmth and light to reassure himself that everything will be fine. He’s trying not to look at the long mirror in front of him (which, by the way, he knows is see-through from the other side; he’s seen the crime shows) as his knees bob up and down under the heavy metal table in front of him.
To be completely honest, Jungkook regrets what happened the day Yoongi disappeared. That was the day where Jungkook made the most regrettable mistakes of his life.
Then Taehyung barges in, a tan envelope and a sleek black phone in his hands, and sits down opposite him, his elbows resting comfortably in the table. The man his head to the side and just stares at Jungkook with certain curiosity before saying just one simple word,” Talk.”
Jungkook sighs at this and runs his fingers through his hair in exasperation. “I already told you what happened,” he heaves in an aggravated voice,” Yoongi and I met up, we talked, I gave him advice, he left.”
“That’s not what the eyewitnesses say went down,” Taehyung rebuts softly. He silently tears open the envelope and pulls out the thin stack of paper from it.
“They say that you were arguing, quite loudly, might I assume,” Taehyung says monotonously as he sifts through the papers,” All seven of them say the same thing. Want me to read it out?”
When Jungkook doesn’t respond, Taehyung shrugs and clears his throat.
“ ‘All seven of the eye witness have stated that around 9 am, Min Yoongi and tattoo artist, Jeon Jungkook, were at the front counter of tattoo parlour ‘Inked’ having a very loud and very heated argument. Before Min Yoongi left, he shouted one last thing that none of them could hear very clearly and stormed out’,” Taehyung reads out. Once he’s done, he tapped the stack onto the table and set it down to look Jungkook in the eye to say a desperate,” I need to know what happened; in detail. Or you could end up in jail with charges of failing to cooperate during investigation and maybe even the abduction of Min Yoongi who might never be seen again.”
It would be an understatement to say that Taehyung is disappointed when he sees Jungkook leaning back into his chair, his stubborn gaze refusing to look up at the detective and his expression cloudy and dark.
“Jungkook?” Taehyung tries. When Jungkook doesn’t move, Taehyung just sighs and walks out the room without another word.

“Nothing?” Jimin asks when Taehyung lugs himself into the lab. When Taehyung shakes his head grumpily, Jimin gives his friend a reassuring pat on the shoulder as if to say ‘Don’t worry, muscle man Jeon Cena will crack somehow’ which wasn’t exactly a very good way to reassure a friend.
“Did you have any luck?” Taehyung asks hopefully.
“I managed to get Kyungsoo and Jackson to search Min Yoongi’s house and get this, they found pictures in his drawers and a certain face seems to pop out in most of them,” Jimin says as he pulls out a small grey tray with a stack of pictures on it. Some of the pictures seemed to have aged considerably with frayed edges and wrinkled folds that disfigured the familiar faces in the pictures. Others looked more recent, the gloss still intact and shining under the light of Jimin’s lab and the sharp edges still strong and defined.

Taehyung picked up the stack and looked through the photographs, immediately taking note of the faces that showed in the pictures. Other than Min Yoongi, the two most prominent faces were Jeon Jungkook and another unfamiliar man with cropped blond hair and a dimple on one of his cheeks.

Jimin picks up the pictures that Taehyung had discarded onto the table and shuffles through them until he finds one picture in particular.

“Tae,” Jimin pokes Taehyung’s shoulder and waves the picture in front of him,” You should take a look at this one.”

Taehyung squints at the photo presented to him and holds it with his two hands. The picture shows Yoongi and Jungkook together in what appears to be a restaurant. Jungkook is wearing a plain black shirt with multiple earrings on his only visible ear in the picture. As for Yoongi, he’s wearing a plain white shirt under a black and red flannel with the sleeves brushing his wrists. Jungkook, an arm slung carelessly around Yoongi’s shoulder, is winking into the camera with a cheeky smile on his face while Yoongi, with a ghost of a smile on his lips, is just holding up a hand with his fingers forming a V-sign.

Taehyung pouts and holds the picture closer to his face, trying to find any form of evidence or tell-tale sign of where he disappeared to in the picture and when he finds nothing, he sighs and looks at Jimin with a scowl.

“Chim-chim,” Taehyung whines,” We’re solving a missing persons case, why’re you making me look at a couple photo?”

“It’s not a couple photo!” Jimin argues as he move closer to Taehyung and points at the picture with his pen,” Look at Yoongi’s wrist. His skin has a blue-black colouration with a red swell surrounding it; Tae, his wrist is bruised. Not only that, see those two parallel purplish-red lines that go around his wrists? Those are rope burns. And judging by the way Jungkook is in most of his pictures and the fact that he’s also smiling so widely while there’s a -dare I say- extremely noticeable bruise and burns on his partner’s wrist, my evaluation skills are leading me to believe that Jungkook might be the one who’s behind Yoongi’s disappearance.”

Taehyung blinks at the picture, then at Jimin and in complete shock, he mutters,” Damn, you’re right, how could I have missed that.”

“Of course I’m right, I’m the forensics and autopsy guy here.”

“But wait,” Taehyung pauses,” If Jungkook is as aware of the markings as you think he is, then what if this case isn’t a search investigation anymore, what if it’s a murder or homicide?”

The door slams and Jungkook jumps at the sudden sound, his expression is still steely and agitated and he’s still avoiding eye contact with Taehyung who plops down on the chair opposite Jungkook once again.

There’s a tense silence that hangs in the air until Taehyung slaps the photo that’s been transferred into a transparent ziplock bag onto the table right in front of Jungkook.

“We searched Yoongi’s house and found this,” Taehyung explains when Jungkook looks up to see the photo in question,” Mind explaining those markings on Yoongi’s wrists?”

The detective doesn’t see it, but Jungkook’s face immediately turns scarlet and his mind becomes a mush that turns the quiet, brooding man into a dazed mess. He can’t seem to do anything else except cough feverishly into his elbow as his gaze flickers to the noticeable markings on Yoongi’s wrist that may or may not have been caused by him.

“Jungkook, a cough isn’t going to save you from any charges,” Taehyung sighs boredly.

“, ,” Jungkook mutters,” I- it’s just super embarrassing to say- I don’t-”

“Leaving bruises and burns on another person is embarrassing?” Taehyung repeats incredulously.

“You- you don’t understand it- it’s a lot more than what you’re thinking,” Jungkook stammers.

Suddenly Hoseok is at the door with a black tray resting on his hip and a smile nestled graciously on his lips.

“Sorry to interrupt,” Hoseok doesn’t sound very sorry when those words leave his mouth,” But they found the things you requested in Jungkook’s house along with the DNA reports. In my opinion, it came really fast because everyone was just bored from not doing anything for a few months.”

Taehyung smiles widely, fully aware of Jungkook’s wide, doe-like eyes watching his every move in fear. So much for intimidating.

Hoseok leaves the tray on the metal table and leaves, allowing Taehyung to put on a little bit of a show for Jungkook.

The older of the two picks up one of the ziplock bags and holds it up to show a rolled up piece of rope with pieces of string escaping the bonds. It’s of medium thickness and seems to be quite long from the weight of the bag.

“They found Yoongi’s DNA on this,” Taehyung hums with feigned curiosity,” Wonder why.”

He ignores the look of fear that’s struck Jungkook’s face and continues to dig through the contents of the tray, skimming through the description of the items as he looks through the items. He then picks up a particularly wide bag with a sleek, black whip inside.

“What’s this?” Taehyung hums, watching Jungkook’s face morph into a cloudy expression with careful eyes,” They found all of these things in your house. Your room, to be exact.”

He drops the whip back into the tray and slams his hands down onto the table and stands up, his chair screeching and tumbling to the ground.

“You better tell me what these things are for, Mr Jeon, or you’ll end up with charges for allegedly abducting or even killing Min Yoongi.”

Jungkook gapes at him in shock and allows his shoulders to drop in defeat. The younger bites his lip and thought and runs his hand through his hair.

“Nobody is behind that window pane, right?” He questions.

“No,” Taehyung lies.

Jungkook nods his head naïvely and sighs, saying,” Fine, I’ll spill everything.”

Taehyung smiles victoriously and picks up his fallen chair to sit back down, his hands folded on the table in front of him.

“I’m waiting,” is all he needs to say to get Jungkook to spill everything.

Finally got to finishing the second chapter! This was so much fun to write. So what to you think, is Jungkook behind Yoongi's disappearance? Chapter 3 will be posted soon, please look forward to it! Til next time! Bye!


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Chapter 4: AW. I hate and love it when people are being stubborn and don't admit the fact that they're in love. I also love those Seventeen appearances. Vernon is my BAE. I was literally crying because oh my god Tae. The moment they said they found bruises and Jungkook went all blushy I was like LOL . Poor Jungkookie tho. I wonder what Yoongi was really doing. Update soon!
sh0013 #2
Chapter 4: So happy about this update~ ♡♡♡
Angst!Sugakookie hurts, I am just curious about where Yoongi planned to go to have Jungkook disagree like that...
makeupyourmind #3
Chapter 3: Noooo cliffhangerrrr!! I want to know what they hav been up to!!!
Very enjoyable story so far! U write very well :)
sh0013 #4
Chapter 3: Is Yoongi a masochist? Or is he in some -kind of relationship with Jungkook? Oh man now I am totally curious ...
kyarania #5
Chapter 3: oh my god is jungkook and yoongi is doing things like how i think it is if yes im going to laugh
junniekai #6
Chapter 1: What happen with yoongi, did he got kidnapped. Hmm...taehyung you should do something, i'm corious the future stories of what will happen to taehyung, jjang. Good job author nim , i like mystery ^^
TwindragonsBTS #7
Chapter 1: Please continue this!! I like it!