Ceaseless And Not

Immortal Falls
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Hello! Just so you know this chapter is for Yoonmin but don't worry Jikook angels( if there's Charlie's angels then we are Jikook angels kbye.)    And please read because this is still an important chapter. Every chapter is important. /pats ur head/    Leggo!          Jimin's Point of View:   I saw him fly, ascend to the world that was beyond our world, not the usual flying with wings flapping and all the other depictions by humans.    There was this thick line of blinding light that enveloped him. It looked like a tube that him to heaven. It was another beautiful sight I witnessed today. And I thought that was enough.    Police came, asked me a few questions. They were astonished by the number of casualties and also for my survival. Especially that I didn't have any wounds or abrasions, no trace of injuries.   It was painful to be home carrying that traumatic experience. I was depressed, that I nearly wanted to kill myself. It was the death of my classmates that brought me into this state yet I, who was living and breathing wished to die as well.    But then it hit me again, I was no longer a mortal.    To test my immortality, I tried slicing my wrist with our sharpest kitchen knife. And the kitchen knife bent.    "Damn it!" Forcing the blade into my skin felt like trying to cut a thick metal rod. It was helpless. I actually wanted to hurt myself, in an attempt to vent out my frustrations.    Why did everyone die?! Why do people have to die?! Can't everyone be immortal just like me?!   My depression lasted for some months before I moved on with my life. I had to, I couldn't rot and allow myself to waste my life sulking and bawling on one corner.    It was a good thing that my family helped me move on. They were my life, actually. They were the ones who fuelled me with love and security, even though there was nothing for me to be scared of anymore. I wanted to know if my immortality would last forever. I prayed for answers but received none. And I never met the death angel again.   I graduated college and landed a sweet job in a well-known company. I enjoyed being single, being immortal. I enjoyed my hard earned money. I always had treated my family to restaurants, sent them groceries even though their refrigerator was still loaded, though my family was well off. I just loved them so much as much as they loved me and so I wanted to give back for all that they gave me.    I traveled in different parts of the world, be it alone, with friends or with family. I did all I wished to do when I was younger.    And then I was thirty when I met someone amazing. It was a typical office day for everyone. I was in my office working on some papers when someone knocked on my door and entered--entered in my life.    There appeared a man with the cutest face. His smile immediately shot my poor adult heart. He asked me if he could use my copying machine since the one in the copy room got busted and he really needed to copy the papers in his hand pronto.   In that first encounter with the new guy at work, we easily and simply became close friends. How could we be not close friends when he was as cheerful and optimistic as me, when he was never negative. The two of us always looked at the light of the day. We clicked. Our positivity brought us success in life. And the next thing I knew was that we were kissing in my office, and we started dating.    It was a special night for me and my boyfriend, it was our fifth year anniversary. Yes, we had been dating and living together for five years. I didn't even know why we were not married yet. Maybe it had to be me as the one to propose.   Since it had been five years and this man that I love so much never had a bad record and was always truthful to me, I decided to tell him my secret.    We were in a five-star restaurant at ten in the evening with a typical romantic candle lit dinner. But it was in the garden area of the restaurant where we could be alone.   Spending the night talking to him was very relaxing. The two of us just never ran out of stuff to talk about.    The way my boyfriend spoke was so soft and cool which soothed me, my entire system all the time.   Whenever I was stressed, hearing him speak with that slightly husky voice of his was enough to lift me up to the clouds.   "So Jimin-ah," "So Yoongi-hyung," We laughed after realizing we started at the same time.    "Okay, you first." My boyfriend showed his beautiful gummy smile at me, waiting for me to speak my mind.   "I've been hiding a secret from you. And I think tonight is the right time to tell you about it."    As expected, one of his eyebrows raised and he stared at me as if I did something wrong. I couldn't blame him though.    He completely deserved to know everything about me for he, himself exposed his all to me.    "Continue."   I was a nervous wreck, the fact that I was ceaseless was just utterly absurd. He might conclude that I was crazy, but it was now or never. Besides, he loved me so he should accept everything about me, right?   "Not gonna lie,"    "Mhm."   "I... don't..." I paused for a bit.   "You don't what?"    "I dont...die." I said with extra carefulness to avoid being smacked on the head by this hyung of mine.     "Baby, you've got to be kidding me." He squinted his eyes, accompanied with a cringe, really looking puzzled.   "It's true, baby. I don't die, I'm
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i hope someone notices this huhu


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_aerinsong_ #1
Chapter 18: This is cute! Please continue~
Chapter 18: i want to shimmy shimmy kokoglomp this work and the author i'm mclovin' it
Chapter 18: happy to see an update, this was nice! jungkook is so cute oml
Chapter 17: ahh of course there had to be a catch to all this but that's okay! looking forward to more
Chapter 16: my prediction is maybe jimin will now live his life normally at the age he obtained the eternal orb at and maybe jungkook will become a human because he took the eternal orb outta jimin buuut i could be wrong
Chapter 16: omg.. the ending. my heart):
Chapter 16: are you kidding me i wAS ROOTING FOR YOU WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU
Chapter 15: omg oh no jimin
Rainell #10
Chapter 15: Hope to update soon!