
Immortal Falls
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"Ack!" Jimin screamed at the rough pull on his arms by the odd masked people, the lights from the outside slightly helped his vision. Questions flooded his mind as to why these people had infiltrated his new home, why they were after him, what they wanted, what were they planning to do to him, why didn't the other buildings get a power outage, and more.   "Let go of me! Who do you all think you are?!" His voice was shrill as he fought for his freedom. However, these two people taking a hold of him had hands stuck to him like super glue. As more people in the weird attire crowded the room, watching the ruckus, another one marched toward Jimin with a black suspicious handkerchief and Jimin wouldn't have any of that, not without putting up a fight.    Just as the handkerchief got closer to his face, he swiftly ducked and rammed his head on the person's midsection who let out a grunt and doubled over.    Jimin took this chance to bite the hands holding him so he could get away, alas, the others jumped on him as quickly and he was tackled to the floor.     Now without Jimin's resistance, they resumed their prior task of rendering Jimin unconscious. And it was not longer than five minutes until Jimin was cloaked in dizziness.                    The Lord was really good to Jimin, Jungkook thought. After the fire incident that burned his apartment to the point of no salvation, in retrospect, he had made a friend that was kind enough to let him move in with him.    At least Jimin now had a cohabitant that would keep him company, and he wouldn't feel like the lonely immortal anymore, for now, since his friend was still young.      Jungkook sent the last soul to collect for today to their final destination and as per usual, headed straight to Jimin's new home. But when he almost reached the apartment building, chaos stunned him on the spot.    The area was a total battlefield between angels and demons and Jungkook recognized the angels to be Jimin's guardians. He was immediately set on high alert and entered Jimin's apartment only to be alarmed by his absence.   He stormed out, running to a guardian that any second would be defeated by his opponent. Jungkook then kicked the demon off of the warrior who quickly impaled the demon with his dazzling sword. The demon turned to ash and vanished in thin air.    "I am grateful to thee." The angel said softly with a smile and Jungkook smiled back.   "But why is this happening? Where is Jimin?" Jungkook asked the guardian.    "They dragged him into that alleyway just now."    "They?" Jungkook did not wait for an answer and rushed to the direction pointed. He should've felt scared, but his own feelings didn't matter to him at that moment, Jimin's safety did.    He flew as fast as he could to catch up to Jimin, dodging every demon who tried to assault him and tried to make his way through the walls of the maze-like alley until he found strange looking people in an empty and spacious factory building.    Seeing a number of them gathered in a circle, Jungkook sneakily flew upwards to get a bird's eye view. And he almost staggered at the sight of his human lover-- with only his boxers. His limbs were sprawled out as he lied in a giant symbol accompanied by smaller quite familiar symbols on the ground. While the people chanted words in unison, Jungkook easily recalled the time he saved Jimin from this demon possessed man who drew signs on the ground somewhat similar to what Jungkook was looking at.    The latter would no way allow this to happen, he had to do something, be it he got in trouble or not, he needed to rescue his love.    But the guardians bursted in just in time, the sentinel demons attacking them with no hesitance. He watched carefully, these people in strange outfit seemed unfazed by the war around them. Then something clicked in Jungkook, they were humans that was why they were untouchable. The guardians couldn't do harm to them, making it easy for them to execute their plan.        By observation, Jungkook could say this wasn't just a normal portal they were trying to summon, this could be worse. This could be a conjuration to extract something from Jimin; the eternal orb.      Before Jungkook could panic, he spotted the captain of Jimin's guardians--Ailee. And decided to step foot on the surface and called out, "Sister!"    The captain spun as she swung her glorious sword across three demons in front of her and glanced at Jungkook.    "Aliyah. We need to save Jimin!" She said after the three demons disappeared at once.   "I know!"    "But how do we stop the n
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i hope someone notices this huhu


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_aerinsong_ #1
Chapter 18: This is cute! Please continue~
Chapter 18: i want to shimmy shimmy kokoglomp this work and the author i'm mclovin' it
Chapter 18: happy to see an update, this was nice! jungkook is so cute oml
Chapter 17: ahh of course there had to be a catch to all this but that's okay! looking forward to more
Chapter 16: my prediction is maybe jimin will now live his life normally at the age he obtained the eternal orb at and maybe jungkook will become a human because he took the eternal orb outta jimin buuut i could be wrong
Chapter 16: omg.. the ending. my heart):
Chapter 16: are you kidding me i wAS ROOTING FOR YOU WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU
Chapter 15: omg oh no jimin
Rainell #10
Chapter 15: Hope to update soon!