
Immortal Falls
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"Do thee plan to do the same? Do thee want to break the rules for Jimin?"   Those questions repeatedly played in Jungkook's mind like a broken record as he stared at a barely breathing survivor of a car crash. Yet it wasn't his time to pass away, he would be rescued and brought to the hospital in two minutes.   But Jungkook could feel a blazing temptation to commit a heavenly crime, tempted to just take this middle-aged man's spirit orb before the ambulance could arrive. It would be easy, once accomplished he would be demoted to a mortal and then he could be with Jimin till death. They could build a family of their own, raise children and grow old together. The angel was in a trance until he heard the siren of the expected ambulance.     It wasn't too late for him though for he could still take this man's life even if he already got stable in his hospital bed.     He followed the mortal to the hospital and watched him being under operation. Jungkook witnessed the fiery passion deep inside the surgeons, they spent hours giving their utmost focus and carefullness to save this "dying" man.      Suddenly he heard voices praying for the man's salvation and so he flew to where those voices came from. He was shocked to find the source of the voices just outside the operating theatre.   A woman and two children. They must be his family, Jungkook thought. If he were to take the life of the man, his wife would be heartbroken and would have to raise their offsprings on her own. He would strip them of the privilege of living a life with their father and obviously they loved him. If he were to take the man's life, he would be cruel and selfish. The Lord spared this man on purpose and who was Jungkook to ruin it just for his own advantage.      And so Jungkook flew away from the hospital and wandered aimlessly to ease the guilt he had felt. How selfish of him to have considered it, he felt ashamed.   A little later he returned to do his job.   When he finished his duties for the day, it was already midnight so he went straight to Jimin's apartment building.    Only to see it caught on fire. Jimin!    From the outside, he could see people running out of the building and firefighters putting out the angry flames.   People, firetrucks and ambulances were gathered around the building. Civilians who lived there were injured and being given medical assistance.    He looked around for any death angels but there were none and so he was relieved. But he had yet a sight of the man he loved which worried him.   W-what if he's still trapped inside?! I have to save him!     Jungkook rushed into the building and passed flawlessly through the fire, straight to Jimin's door. The latter was not in his apartment but Jungkook could sense he was nearby.      He walked through walls, Jimin's voice gradually getting clearer as he got closer.    "Please, Noona, you can do it; you can stand up. I'm here, I can get you out of here if only you'd stand up." Jimin was speaking to a woman with a plump, rounded body. It seemed that she no longer had the strength to stand on her own feet and Jimin wasn't strong enough to lift her due to her heavy weight.   The woman nodded, determined to survive and she kept coughing her lungs out as she tried to stand. Her legs were wobbly but she managed with Jimin's help.   Jimin held onto her tightly, "There you go! Come on!" He said; his own respiratory system not affected by the suffocating smoke.     Jungkook watched as Jimin guided the woman out of her place, he kicked down the apartment door with little effort since it was already scorched. Once they were in the hallway, they witnessed the ceiling falling down in pieces making the woman whimper in fear. They couldn't get to the staircase with that, the floor was blocked by the debris.   "I-I don't think we have a way out..." To her, hope was lost.    "No, trust me, we can get out. Wait here." Jimin disagreed and let go of her to approach the debris.    "Yah, you'll get hurt!" The woman protested once she saw Jimin trying to move the debris out of the way with his shoe-clad foot. Jimin didn't listen and carried on with his objective until he was done.    "But I didn't so let's go!" He grabbed her carefu
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i hope someone notices this huhu


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_aerinsong_ #1
Chapter 18: This is cute! Please continue~
Chapter 18: i want to shimmy shimmy kokoglomp this work and the author i'm mclovin' it
Chapter 18: happy to see an update, this was nice! jungkook is so cute oml
Chapter 17: ahh of course there had to be a catch to all this but that's okay! looking forward to more
Chapter 16: my prediction is maybe jimin will now live his life normally at the age he obtained the eternal orb at and maybe jungkook will become a human because he took the eternal orb outta jimin buuut i could be wrong
Chapter 16: omg.. the ending. my heart):
Chapter 16: are you kidding me i wAS ROOTING FOR YOU WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU
Chapter 15: omg oh no jimin
Rainell #10
Chapter 15: Hope to update soon!