flashback 1.2

Because It's You

(flashback part Seungin & Wonwoo)

Seriously it’s the hardest day for Wonwoo to face it. Paying a taxi since Seungin asked him hurriedly coming to her to a cafe that was far from his office. Almost at the countryside. Entering the cozy cafe which looked like he was stranded in unknown abandoned-palace brought him to enjoy and mazed at its look. He reminded himself to find someone. He found a petite caramel-haired girl with someone Wonwoo disliked.
“Oh hey Wonwoo.” Seungin waved a hand to call Wonwoo closer to their table.
Wonwoo came closer and pulled out a seat in front of Aerin while frowning. “Should i?”
“If you don't mind to have the same table with Aerin.” She smiled, so did Aerin.
“As long as…” He lobbied.
“No, it’s not about you and Mingyu, or Mingyu with Aerin.” She explained.
He sat on and watching the waiter served a coffee for him. “O-okay. So, whats your problem?”
The waiter was gone. “I don’t have any problem.” Seungin said. She sipped her chocolate milk.
“So why call me here, noona.” He was about to groan and complain about it. Seungin hushed him.
“Could you start to calm your self? I’ve told your manager to kidnap you here and i have a deal to rent you for a while?” The first glared which received Wonwoo that shocked him.
“What? Rent?” He yelled making the waiters there turn their head to Wonwoo.
“Could you let me talk first?” Seungin almost loose her patience. Aerin rubbed her temple then patted Seungin’s shoulder.
“O-Okay……” Wonwoo looked suspiciously at them.
“Watch over Jeonghan and Joshua for me.” Seungin went straight to her main point. Wonwoo blinked many times.
“Why should i watch over Jeonghan?”  He swelled his cheeks.
Seungin smiled at him like telling what right to do to her child. “Wonwoo, you don't know what happen exactly. Just please do it. No more question. Just watch over them, don't let anyone hurt them, don't let Seungcheol get back to Jeonghan.”
“Why should I?” He still complained. He disliked Jeonghan because he hurt Joshua so much. He glanced at Aerin like telling her to go. Aerin who noticed it just grabbed her purse and whispered something to Seungin.
She asked for leave. “Seungin-ah, Wonwoo, i’ll go home first, Seojoon’s mother call me away.” Seungin just let her friend to go. Both of them fell in the silence while looking at the red curtain which hang on the window.
“Sorry for being rude.” He sighed.
“I knew that. You're in bad mood because of my friend’s appearance.” Seungin said without glancing at Wonwoo since she still stuck on letting herself sinked in her mind.
“Thanks for your understanding, noona.” He chuckled. Seungin just became more silent. “So, why do you want me to watch them?”
Seungin looked at Wonwoo. Her eyes became tender, more melancholy. Sorrowful eyes that could be written on her sight. “Wonwoo, you know Joshua wanted you so much with Mingyu? Do you know miserable he was without Jeonghan by his side? Do you know how happy Joshua was to know about you and Mingyu got back together?” A tear climbed down on her cheek. Wonwoo was itchy seeing a girl in front of him saying in sincere yet serious tone.
He chuckled. “I know it all, noona.” Seungin covered her eyes with her hands.
“That’s all I want to, Wonwoo. I’m sick of seeing him miserable, longing for Jeonghan, I'm sick of it. Don't make a wall between, don't make the things become harder to reach.” Seungin bended on her knees, begging in tears. Wonwoo stood up and bended down also. He gripped Seungin’s shoulder to stop it.
“Noona, don't be like this.” Won woo rushed his voice. He didn't know what to do.
“Wonwoo, please…” Her crying became harder.
“Noona, stop it..” Wonwoo pulled her to his embrace. His heart couldn't bear to see someone crying. And somehow he felt that Seungin was his noona since he didn't have a sister in his family.
“Wonwoo….” Her body was trembling because she couldn't stop her sobbing.
“Oh crap, noona, your nose.” He immediately helped her to wipe the overflowing blood that came from her nose. He became worried than usual over someone. He kept it on his mind.

Wonwoo arrived at a cafe near the town. The cafe was sounded quiet. It’s so white, and big. Wonwoo tapped a card that was given to him yesterday by a stranger who waited for him after the office hours ended. This cafe looked like need a privilege to get in. He seek the familiar figure he wanted to meet. But no, there wasn’t, perhaps he was mistaken about the date. Instead of finding a person who he needed to meet, he found someone else who need to be avoided.
“I thought Seungin noona the one who wanted to meet me.” Wonwoo pulled a chair to be seated.
“She can’t meet you.” Aerin said. Then, a butler came to them bringing a packet of box and some stuffs to hold a tea party.  
“Then why should you?” Wonwoo asked coldly.
“She was the one who sending me here for this.” Aerin chuckled. She was the one who not willing to meet Wonwoo if her friend not forced her to. She handed a handy-cam and put it on the table without destroyed the tea party pack.
“Handy-cam, for what?” He grabbed his earphone from his pocket while looking and wondering whether he needed to do it or not.
“Just watch it.” She raised her an eyebrow and sipped her tea. Wonwoo who was dumbfounded just doing what she suggested to. He plugged his earphone to the handy-cam and watched a video. Seungin picture was there before. Now he heard Seungin’s bubbly voice. He never expected her to say a message by a video.
‘Wonwoo-ya, hello. I know when you received this video, i won’t be here, i won’t be in front of you. Forgive me when you have to meet Aerin instead of me. But i want to let you know that i have to go to Switzerland. It’s my palace for now. Please don't tell Joshua about it, don't let anyone tell to Joshua or Jeonghan. I don't wannabe a burden for them. I want them to continue their happy life now. I will call you when I'm free, Wonwoo.’
Aerin calmly waited for Wonwoo’s response. “Why did she leave without warning?” He putted the handy-cam back on the table, unplugging the earphone.
“You have heard the reason in the video.” She shrugged. She turned away her gazed to view outside the cafe. Wonwoo followed her gaze.
“But I'm still….I don't get her point.” His voice cracked. A lot of negative thought popped out in his mind.
“Holiday, she said. She just wanted to have a holiday.” She sighed heavily. Wonwoo gazed at her.
“But noona is not fine.”
“I know. But she’s such a stubborn girl, Wonwoo. You never could understand her mind.” Aerin’s voice became trembling. She pretended to look fine at Wonwoo.
“Like what?” He curiously asked it out and clenched his fist and calm himself down first.
“Like how she forced herself to be in vain. I can’t do anything to her, Wonwoo. But i just want you to keep it to yourself alone.” Her eyes became blurry. Held back the tears.
“But you’re her friend, noona.” He lowered his tone into smooth tone.
“I know I'm her friend. But I'm not the one who could force her to not hurt herself anymore.” She shed a tear on her cheek.
“Why she did it?”
“Because she loved Joshua so much. She doesn't want Joshua to suffer in same pain like her. She doesn't want to see Joshua weak because not fight for his love towards Jeonghan. Because she knew Seungcheol not the right guy who treat Jeonghan well. Because she read how much Jeonghan willing to be by Joshua’s side.” She gripped her skirt hardly. Forcing herself to not burst tears out.
“Noona, don't tell me…..” His eyes widened. He could not believe it. His mind said it was all the joke.
“She runaways from him. She voids herself from Joshua on the day Jeonghan came to Joshua’s home, the day he broke up with Seungcheol.” Wonwoo was mad. The urge to punch someone was bigger in him but he didn't know whose to be blamed by his fist.
“Please, Wonwoo. Don't tell anything to anyone who knew Seungin.” Aerin grabbed Wonwoo and gripped his arm. Wonwoo bewildered hugged Aerin that time. Now, he was in the charge to protect Joshua and Jeonghan. But he didn't know how to face him tomorrow when Joshua usually performed some songs to the people out there.

i need to bring the flashback part, so you could discover what happened here. :")

please be patient for the next update since i will start my internship period on Monday ^^ happy reading

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Chapter 14: save jeonghan....
Chapter 1: Love the story...
The grammar though... But love the story...
Chapter 13: Somehow I don't get it.. but I'll wait for the next chapter to understand the story (":
AinePark #4
Chapter 12: "No wanting any bad reaction from other to know the actual condition." hmm, isn't it supposed to be not?

"He knew that girl was beside his brother in ..." in what? hahahhaha

i knew that Seungcheol being the bad in this chapter, but i don't know why, i hate jeonghan in this chapter. hahahahahaha.
seriously, he acted like the "trophy" was other person, but jeonghan, instead of make jisoo believed he won't lose to seungcheol, be brave enough to make sure you won't leave jisoo side for whatever reason, even you are facing the most scariest seungcheol.

make sure you want to stay, not make other person make you wanna stay.

how could jisoo reach your hand, when you are the one that don't want to be reached? ^^

btw, this is a great update.
keep the work author-nim, and good luck on your internship.

reeyoon #5
Chapter 12: Seungcheol..! Go away.!
reeyoon #6
Chapter 12: Nooooo... no seungcheol again.....
AinePark #7
Chapter 11: be with someone that could excite you every single day, hoping it with someone you love. be with someone that you cherish every single moment together with them.

cheers. ^^
AinePark #8
Chapter 10: uh oh, finally the mystery is started to solved one by one... kkkkk
well, i think it the most welcome-able person kim mingyu that will be the key to this mystery, but it's wonwoo, the cold blooded but short tempered boy.

well, seungin surely one of the most caring person, since he cared a lot about jisoo, but way too pity, love can't be forced. *sobs*

Good luck on your internship author-nim,
cheers. ^^
Chapter 9: yes!!! finally meanie is officiall now!!