Can't Get Enough

BRRRR! BRRR! BRRRRR! Annoying noises came from the alarm clock in Taehyung’s room as he banged his fist against it, trying to turn it off while he buried his head into his pillow. The school he attended before he switched started later than Seoul Art’s schedule so he wasn’t used to the loud noises bothering him his early.

“No..” Taehyung mumbled when he heard the bedroom door creak open. “Mom, you know I don't like that school.. please don't make me go…” He whined, having forgotten the fact that he was now enrolled in Seoul Arts again.

“What? Then why are you coming back, doofus?” This voice didn't belong to his mom, but Taehyung recognized it instantly. He could tell when it was his best friend even if they were ten feet away.

“Hoseok.. Why are you..” Taehyung finally snapped back to his senses. “Oh, yeah!” He shouted as he sat up and stretched his arms. “I can’t believe my mom actually let me go back.” He spoke as he got out of bed. “Getting into the theater department wasn’t so hard either.” He continued to explain as he got dressed for school.

“Of course not. It’s you.” Hoseok responded. The two had attended art schools ever since they were in elementary school. They had the same teachers for academics, but they weren’t in the same art field. As Hoseok was dancing to the beat of his heart, Taehyung owned the stage. “Mr. Song was glad when I told him that you were coming back. We’ve been lacking audience.”

“What? No way. Mr. Song is a great teacher and whoever takes his class is bound to be nearly as good as me.” Taehyung said as he checked himself out in the mirror, making sure to adjust his tie and fix his hair. Truthfully, when Mr. Song was younger, he gave off the same vibe as Taehyung and that’s why they got along so well.

“Maybe he treats you special because he wants to get close to your mom.” Hoseok chuckled softly at the thought. Taehyung’s mom was single and Mr. Song was very fond of her. They met back in college, but Taehyung’s mom was dating his father at the time so Mr. Song had no chance. Now that she was available, he could finally attempt swoon her. Luckily, he already liked her son and that was an important factor when it came to Ms. Kim’s future partner. “He’s a good teacher, but because of that reason and the fact that you’re the younger version of him might be why it was easier for you to learn from him.”

“I mean, if he wants to be with my mom then he should try something.” Taehyung said as he grabbed his backpack and beckoned Hoseok to follow him downstairs. “For a former loverboy, it seems like he has no tricks up his sleeve.” He laughed and shook his head. “For now he’s just my teacher, not my step-dad and I’ll be doing his shows justice until I graduate.”

“Step-dad? Taehyung-ah, you better not be speaking about Seongmin like that!” Taehyung’s mother shouted from the kitchen. Although Mr. Song was no longer skilled at swooning women, Taehyung’s mother knew exactly what he wanted. “Mr. Song and I aren’t going to be anything.” She said as she set two plates of waffles down at the dining table. “Come eat before you go. You too, Hoseok.”

“Mom, I didn’t even say that he was going to be my step-dad someday, but you can’t deny that you feel something for him.” He said as he checked the time on his watch, figuring that he had at least ten minutes to spare. The two boys sat next to each other at the table and started to eat. “I see the way you look at him whenever you guys have the chance to speak. It’s the same look people give me when I walk around school.” Taehyung and Hoseok let out light laughter.

“Ey, you shouldn’t be speaking about my love life like that.” She smiled softly as she shook her head at her son’s silly words. “Not there is one to begin with, but even if there was, it shouldn’t be your business.” She said and took a sip of coffee from her mug. “You never know, Taehyung, those people could actually be staring at you because they don’t like you or they’re thinking about how weird you are.”

“I used to think that that was the reason too, auntie.” Hoseok laughed softly. Taehyung had a lot of charms, but one of them included his eccentricity. Every theater kid has their little quirks and Taehyung happened to have a lot of them. “These days I think others find his weirdness cute.”

“I’m always cute.” Taehyung said jokingly as he poked his cheeks, purposely trying hard to look cute in order to seem funny.

“Shut up.” Hoseok and Taehyung’s mother said in unison, laughing together.

“Oh, look at the time.” Hoseok mother said as she looked at the clock on the microwave and began to collect the boys’ plates. “Taehyung, brush your teeth before you have to leave and don’t forget to bring your gym shoes.” She gave him the instructions and waited for Taehyung to exist the kitchen before she began talking to Hoseok. “Hoseok-ah, please watch over Taehyung. Make sure he passes his classes and that the popular boy doesn’t get too ahead of himself, okay?”

“Yes, auntie.” Hoseok smiled and Ms. Kim thanked him. Four minutes later, Taehyung met Hoseok in the living room. The two said they goodbyes to Taehyung’s mother, took their thing then headed toward the bus station and waited patiently.

“So what was it like at your other high school?” Hoseok asked although he already knew some things from their previous conversations.

“Well, it wasn’t an arts school like you already know.” Taehyung began speaking. “It was honestly filled with boys and girls that seemed as though they slept around too much. I’m not trying to shame or anything, but it’s true. There were three girls pregnant in our graduating year.” He complained. It was obvious that leaving Seoul Arts was a mistake that Taehyung made. He was still granted with popularity at his previous school, but he didn’t enjoy it as much as Seoul Arts. “Sports were fun and all, but there were no plays or musicals. There were talent shows that I won, but I won them with music, but that’s not even my main passion.”

“Man, that really ,” Hoseok sighed. “Not the fact that you won talent shows, but the fact that it just didn’t seem like fun to you. Sure, you were most likely still popular, but that doesn’t mean you fit in.” Hoseok forgot the name of the school Taehyung attended, but he knew it wasn’t that good and with the information Taehyung shared, it was fairly obvious that it was cheap. Hoseok knew Taehyung wanted new experiences, but going there was the wrong one.

After about fifteen minutes, their bus arrived and it was time for them to head to school. As they did when they both attended the same school, they sat at the back of the bus. Taehyung claimed the spot near the window and Hoseok gladly sat next to him. As they were on their way to school, they continued to have conversations about what it was like for Taehyung outside of Seoul Arts, what Hoseok did without him and a new friend that Taehyung would meet named Jimin.

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Chapter 1: Cant wait for Vmin meets!! Vmin! Vmin! ^^
Seems interesting!!!! ♡♡♡
I can't wait to read this! Update soon!