
Green Eyed Monster

They said love is like a rose, it’s beautiful on the outside, but there is always pain hidden somewhere.


And to Chanyeol, Byun Baekhyun is the most beautiful rose of them all. He stood out of all the roses in the garden for his innocent smile and endearing eyes. He stood out in the way that he shone the brightest when he was in the room. And his laugh? Oh gods, his laugh is the music Chanyeol could listen to every single second of the day for all eternity. Baekhyun is the rose that made him feel something special deep within his chest. And he vowed to protect and cherish that delicate rose.


He did do that actually. He stood by Baekhyun during the hardest days of their training, made him smile when everything else seems too gloomy. Chanyeol’s very existence revolved around that beautiful boy Byun Baekhyun.


And somehow, somewhere, his affection for the other was returned.


A small peck against his cheek, and Chanyeol fell in love even deeper. The laugh he loved to hear became his alarm clock, right next to him every day. Those crescent eyes looked up to him adorably almost every moment of the day. Every little smile sent to his way is a burst of energy in his core. Everyday is about Byun Baekhyun.


Until everything crumbled and Park Chanyeol’s beautiful rose Byun Baekhyun did not belong to him anymore.


His love wilted and grew dry. He had to look for someone who would take better care of him. This took form in Oh Sehun.


Love comes with sacrifices and pain.


And loving Baekhyun was the most painful of them all, especially when he lost the boy to one stupid mistake.


Of course Byun Baekhyun will not forgive him, when he’s done that so many times before. He loved patiently for the stupid giant until he drained even the love he had reserved for himself.


It’s been months, Baekhyun and Sehun would only appear to grow stronger as a couple. It hurts him because it would seem like their relationship was nothing but a phase and it wasn’t anything special.


Today, the media exploded when his kissing scene from the movie got leaked.


Of course fans got mad at him. He already excpected that. His managers expected that. It is of course too soon for him to be involved in anything to that extent.


But he did it anyway, much to everyone’s surprise.


When they talked about the scene, everything for Chanyeol hurt. So maybe, it was his petty way of getting back at his ex for forgetting him so quickly. Baekhyun does not give a damn about him anymore anyway. Maybe he’ll get hurt when he sees it, then at least Chanyeol would get that tiny sense of victory in his heart that he managed to break down even the tiniest bit from the stone wall surrounding the cold façade of Byun Baekhyun.

Maybe he just missed the other too much. The soft press of the lips when they were shooting felt nothing to him. He at least hoped it would bring him some sense of anything, but he was wrong. He was entirely wrong. He closed his eyes in hopes that an image of Baekhyun in his head would make him feel once again. But he was devoid of any emotion since the breakup that it felt like nothing to him. It felt like he was kissing a wall.


“I’m sorry…”


“Why are you apologizing? I’m sorry I didn’t do better.”


“I know you’re thinking of him Chanyeol. I can see it from your face. He’s still the only one for you.”


“This has got nothing to do with him noona.”


“Go ahead and tell yourself that Chanyeol. But almost every actor thinks of a special someone when they film their kissing scenes. Now tell me, who did you think of when you kissed me?”



It was him.


Of course, it would always be him.


That annoyingly stubborn Byun Baekhyun whom he could never forget.


There will always be no one but him.




“So I heard from the managers your leaked kissing scene caught quite a stir Yeol,”Jongdae pipes up once he gets back to South Korea. He shrugs and heads straight to his room, dragging the weekend back he brought with him. Along the way he spots Baekhyun sitting cozy on the sofa, alone for the first time in weeks.


“I mean, your leading lady is quite pretty Yeol. Have you seen her previous magazine covers?” Jongdae continues to pester the taller when he emerges from his room and heads to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. “I mean, I’d get thirsty seeing her up close and getting to kiss her on the lips too,” he snickers when his friend chugged down a glassful of water in one go.


“You’re nasty Kim Jongdae,” Chanyeol retorts but sneaks in a glance at his ex, who’s still quietly sitting alone on the sofa, flipping on what he could only assume as his drama script. That pretty face is still stoic, unaffected by the loud conversation their bandmate is trying to initiate.


“Fans are pretty angry at you right now Yeol. Heard some delulu fans went ahead and burned their copies of the magazine with you on the cover, so her lips better be worth the trouble,”Jongdae tells him.


“Well, it is,” Chanyeol answers back and leaves the room after one last glance at his cold ex.















A tear fell.




















“Baek? Where are you going?” Jongdae asks when a shuffle catches his attention.


“I can’t memorize the lines of the script here. I need air,” the brunet says and grabs a jacket and some random car key left on the table. He makes a quick escape from the room even before Jongdae could give him a follow up question.


Baekhyun runs.


He runs as far away from the room as fast as possible. He stumbles on his steps as the unshed tears start to blur his sight. He makes a quick escape to the parking lot and presses the car key to unlock whatever god damn car is available there.


A door unlocks from a car from the far right and it makes Baekhyun even more miserable.


Of course. Of ing course. He just had to grab Chanyeol’s keys.


He hesitantly enters the vehicle because he’d rather hide in there than have some crazy paparazzi catch him in the middle of his breakdown on seeing his ex kissing some beautiful woman from China.


The leather smells the same, faint traces of the taller’s favorite cologne lingering in the air. It suffocates him, but he lets it. He held back these tears for so long, he does not know how to hold himself together anymore. So he just lets his tears fall.


He cries because of many things.


He cries because of his failed relationship with the guy he thought he’d spend forever with.


He cries for the Byun Baekhyun that clung to the hope that soulmates did exist and he found it in the form of the giant.


He cries for his relationship with Sehun. He knows that the maknae is more hurt about Luhan leaving them than he lets the others on. He knows that underneath, the tall maknae didn’t really love him.


He cries because he loves Sehun too, but in the same way the maknae loved him back. Someone who could only take the loneliness away, because the one who owned their heart broke them in more ways than one.


He cries because by now, he should be used to the pain. But does one really get used to seeing the love of your life in front of you looking okay? Will there ever be a morning he wakes up in bed next to Sehun and not wish that the tall red head be there instead?


He cries because he’s hurt and the tiny fragments of himself he managed to piece back together are broken again.


He cries because only Chanyeol can truly ever complete him.


He cries because he knows he misses him.


And it will only be the feeling he’ll be stuck with until eternity.



























---- a/N---


I need to vent out my frustrations.

thoughts are incoherent, 

Sentences may be grammatically wrong.

But I just really need to get this off my chest or I'll explode



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Lavi55 #1
Chapter 4: Well then i guess i'll be crying until next chapter T-T
BBKimkaaaaaa #2
I just read this... I'm a er for jealous!cb

Ate Ri I'm begging you huhuhuhuHu
Chapter 4: Still waiting for the next update ;_____;
stupid Yeol!
chanbaekfantasies #4
Chapter 3: And you have to pull the SeBaek card here huh?! Who are you tying to trigger Chanyeol or me?! Hahaha

But seriously this stuff you got here is good! This needs a follow up because ChanBaek should be back together. And how can you resist when you're a big er for coming back together themes ayt? Hahaha!

I love u Ri! More stories from my fave author please!!!
Chapter 4: I love this, oh man jealousy always gets me. It's so frustrating~^^
sahar_exol #6
oh come on love you~
Chapter 4: They are both dumb dumb. Why they cannot make up? They are in love, get over it you guys!
CuTAEpie #8
Chapter 4: And i just knew ud write about this ;; but but the end of the chap i can't sobs
This story is giving me so much sebaek feels. You have a lot of sebaek moments (as well as chanbaek moments). Don't get me wrong I love Chanbaek but sometimes Chan deserves to suffer. I hope you updated soon!!