
Green Eyed Monster

"Well, somebody is in a good mood?" Jongdae asks one morning after spotting a giddy Baekhyun making pancakes for breakfast. It is a sight to behold really, because rarely would you ever find the dancing baby smurf in the kitchen. It's a playground for disaster so it is only natural to keep the area off limits to the vocalist.

"Well, excuse you Kim Jongdae. Am I not allowed to be happy once in a while?" Baekhyun sasses back at the cheshire cat look a like grinning maniacally at him over the kitchen counter. The dumb look is seriously distracting especially when Jongdae decided to plop his down on one of the bar stools and continues to watch him prepare breakfast.

"Oh, believe me, it's just about time you start to liven up. Your sulky mood these past few days is quite nauseating to look at," Jongdae immediately counters and smiles at his friend who scoffs and looks genuinely offended at his statement.

"I was not being sulky! I was just feeling under the weather! Learn the ing difference you nincompoop!" Baekhyun bursts out and swats a hand towards the grinning male who easily dodges the attack.

"Right. And Chanyeol's from last night was the perfect magic cure, no?" Jongdae teases which proves to be quite effective as the smaller male freezes in place.

Suddenly, the images of what happened last night fills Baekhyun's mind and he can already feel a starting to develop. He remembers the rough hands against his small wrists as they pin it against the back of their bedroom door. It's the same warm calloused hands that traced every curve his body last night as he panted in arousal from what Chanyeol was doing to his body with his very skilled mouth. They were the same rough fingers that stretched him so well he almost came from the feeling alone.

"Y-yes... ! Daddy, daddy, daddy, please!"

"If you hadn't- haaaa, , so tight- if you just listened to me when- ahh, heh- when I told you there's nothing between me and Lily, I would have ed you the way you always want it, baby."

"Hellooooo? Earth to Byun Baekhyun? Please come back. You're starting to drool," Jongdae laughs and wipes at the corner of his friend's mouth with a tissue paper. This startles Baekhyun from his reverie and he lunges an attack at his stupid friend.

They both end up on the floor with Baekhyun on top of Jongdae, straddling on his hips with the other laughing maniacally on the floor. Baekhyun tries to go for another punch at the really smug face the other is sporting but Jongdae easily deflects it and catches his right hand instead.

"I bet Chanyeol pounded into you real good last night if you fight like this Baekhyun!" Jongdae manages to tease out loud despite the number of attacks that Baekhyun is trying to inflict on him. "You act like a in heat! Maybe you should ask Chanyeol for more!" the other vocalist laughs even harder at the indignant shout from the other male. Byun Baekhyun was not a ! He is queen!


The sound distracts the two enough to stop their catfight and sees Chanyeol standing awkwardly a few feet from where they are sprawled on the floor.

"Good morning man!" Jongdae greets the newcomer cheerfully, unmindful that the taller probably caught him with his boyfriend in a compromising position.

"Uhm..what's going on?" Chanyeol asks, still unsure of what to think of finding his boyfriend early in the morning straddling their friend on the kitchen floor. He quickly assesses the surroundings and finds no clue that could possibly explain what happened. It's just a grinning Kim Jongdae lying on the floor with his hands on both of his boyfriend's wrists, who still looks comfortable in trapping the other male on the marble floor.

"Baek?" he asks his lover in hopes of finding reason for this madness so early in the morning.

He receives no response from the petite male though, whose brain short circuited at the sight of the tall male god in front of him. In front of Baekhyun is a delicious image of his boyfriend with just his CK power red black boxers on, those god damn arms on display with a few red scratches here and there. Let's not forget the number of red splotches of masterpiece on his skin he himself made that makes Baekhyun drool.

"Eww dude. Please get your hormones under control Baek. You're drooling again!" Jongdae whines when he saw Baekhyun staring at his shirtless friend. It makes him want to throw up on the floor seeing how whipped the smaller guy is. The sight of the group's lead rapper in tight underwear and looking bruised is kind of disgusting too. He needs to go unsee this. Fast.

Baekhyun just kind of yelps when Jongdae suddenly pushes him off and lands on his still sore .

"You motherer!" Baekhyun curses at his friend who scampered away from the scene screaming about indecency so early in the morning. He rubs his sore behind and grumbles about how it didn't really need to suffer from more pain. Chanyeol made sure of that last night.

"Here, let me help you up," Chanyeol offers and reaches out for his boyfriend's hand and lifts him up. Baekhyun almost forgot his boyfriend is in the same room as him. Almost, because his breath hitches again at the immediate effect of a shirtless Chanyeol has on him.

"What were you doing? Why were you on top of Jongdae?" Chanyeol asks him, clearly unpleased with the morning events. He looks infinitely hotter when he's riled up, Baekhyun thinks. His agrees too.

"I was busy preparing breakfast?" Baekhyun tries to explain and gestures at the plate of pancakes he has ready. "I wanted to surprise you but Jongdae is being an and distracted me," he huffs and places both arms on top of the taller's shoulder, he begins to play with some strands of those blonde hair when Chanyeol automatically wraps on arm around his waist in response, pulling their bodies closer.

"Oh, just like what you're doing now?" Chanyeol whispers, voice dropping lower than normal, his bedroom voice making Baekhyun weak on the knees. He loves it when his boyfriend's pretty fingers start playing with his hair, or any part of his body in general.

Baekhyun just nods in response, because his body is already responding to the body contact with the object of his nightly fantasies.

"And this has been there since when?" Chanyeol mouths along the shell of Baekhyun's ear, the warm breath making the elder shiver in delight, hands grasping at whatever skin he could find. "Did Chen do this to you?" the taller asks, nipping at the lobe, leaving the small brunet a writhing mess against him. Chanyeol pushes further by at the ear as he rubs his own against the gasping boy.

"No," Baekhyun manages to gasp back as another wave of pleasure attack his body, his now firmly being held in place by his lover's hands. "I became hard when I saw you," he confesses and outright moans when he was rewarded by Chanyeol another bruise against his neck.

" this," Chanyeol mutters as a hand carefully massages Baekhyun's glorious . "Those pancakes can wait."

With that, he lifts up his petite lover by the back of his thighs and slams his against the wall. It is a mess of tongues then and a lot of grinding from Baekhyun's part.

"Room. Now," Baekhyun could barely say as Chanyeol against his collarbone making him mewl in response.

Chanyeol only nods in response and brings his lover back to their own room. He barely got the door close when Baekhyun pulls his tight boxers down, erect springing free. "," Chanyeol moans when the brunet starts to touch him immediately. Those pretty hands will seriously be the death of him. It knows too well how to make him come in a few seconds.

"I missed this," Baekhyun pants as he moves his hand up and down on the impressive length. "I missed you," he whimpers and plants another kiss on Chanyeol's willing lips. The way their lips move against each other is so perfect it makes Baekhyun head dizzy with desire.

" me daddy. Please," Baekhyun begs when he feels like he can't take any more of the teasing pleasure, he wants Chanyeol making him feel full. He wants those angry and harsh slaps on his skin again. He wants to feel like he belonged to Chanyeol.

"Get down on your knees baby," Chanyeol growls with a harsh pull on the brunet's tresses which exposes his sinful neck. "I'll make sure you won't be able to walk this time," he promises with a bite against the inviting pale skin, Baekhyun loudly in response, his body going wild at the satisfaction of being dominated again. It makes him cringe how much he wants Chanyeol's in him. It's supposed to make him feel dirty. But being rewarded with so much heat from this kind of dirty pleasure of submitting oneself is something Baekhyun would do over and over again. Because being Chanyeol's is something he would never want to give up.

"Please, daddy," Baekhyun all but moans, as he uses his precum to lubricate the outside of his aching hole, bends over the bed invitingly. " me," he says while spreading himself open.

It was the last coherent thing he says that morning before Chanyeol pounces on to him.











"You know I love you right?" Chanyeol whispers later against the sweaty neck of his lover who's happily snuggling against him. His back against the taller's chest, hands interlocked across the smaller's stomach. He pulls the elder closer, wanting for them to just completely mold against each other, to become one if at all possible. He's so insanely in love with the other he does not want to let go.

"I'm just glad you've realized you're stupid and decided to unfollow her. The song was nice though," Baekhyun mumbles sleepily, the effect of the lovemaking finally dawning upon him. He sighs in contentment at the warmth of the body Chanyeol is offering him. It's familiar and cozy.

"No one but you Byun Baek. I'll love no one other than you," Chanyeol whispers before the elder completely succumbs to sleep.

"You're more than enough."










**Author's notes:




IG ChanBaek has better drama than EXO next door. You should follow them to stay tuned to all of the madness.


I swear Chanyeol and Baekhyun is doing this on purpose. I'm just glad Baek is happy now that his man publicly apologized and unfollowed a goddess for him.


Kaye, I know you'll be reading this eventually so I just copied your scene from our messenger convo. Daddy!Yeol gives us life. So here's my fail attempt at for you. 


I . Don't judge. This is unbeta'ed. Crap, I tell you.

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Lavi55 #1
Chapter 4: Well then i guess i'll be crying until next chapter T-T
BBKimkaaaaaa #2
I just read this... I'm a er for jealous!cb

Ate Ri I'm begging you huhuhuhuHu
Chapter 4: Still waiting for the next update ;_____;
stupid Yeol!
chanbaekfantasies #4
Chapter 3: And you have to pull the SeBaek card here huh?! Who are you tying to trigger Chanyeol or me?! Hahaha

But seriously this stuff you got here is good! This needs a follow up because ChanBaek should be back together. And how can you resist when you're a big er for coming back together themes ayt? Hahaha!

I love u Ri! More stories from my fave author please!!!
Chapter 4: I love this, oh man jealousy always gets me. It's so frustrating~^^
sahar_exol #6
oh come on love you~
Chapter 4: They are both dumb dumb. Why they cannot make up? They are in love, get over it you guys!
CuTAEpie #8
Chapter 4: And i just knew ud write about this ;; but but the end of the chap i can't sobs
This story is giving me so much sebaek feels. You have a lot of sebaek moments (as well as chanbaek moments). Don't get me wrong I love Chanbaek but sometimes Chan deserves to suffer. I hope you updated soon!!