Your Smile


Hello this is yunjaesick again and again XD. Ah... because i have a lot of oneshot in my document, so again... i post my 4th Oneshot here. Actually, i don't believe if there will be someone who want to read my fanfiction. Since my english is really worst. I hope you can know that. And... again i give you angst Oneshot. Hahaha, why i love to make all of you cry? *smirked*. So here is the one, and please give me ur critic or comment ^^ 


This FF has been posted in Bahasa Indonesia, on my facebook and blog, if you feel like familiar of this story. I just want to tell you, all of this storyline are mine.

This Boy X Boy story, if you don't like it you just can click 'X' in your tab. Khamsa~ 


Why you leave me alone? 

Don't you love me? 

Have you forget me? 

Please...come back to me... 

I feel alone here... 

I want to see your smile again.... 

I have to see it... 

Before all are late... 



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teddiebears #1
popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
chullie_samonim #2
ahli bikin saia galau yah kamu ini... *usap air mata*<br />
good job, pal, sweet tory though ^^<br />
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onionsANDapples #3
T__T this is so sad. very well written. please write more!
mar1adyve5sa #4
waaaa!!!!u never fail make me cry..T_T