

Jungkook's life has changed a lot,so now he perfers to stay as a quiet highschool student.However this comes with one problem,he is hopelessly in love with a senior named Taehyung who doesn't even known that he exist (but that's the way he wants to keep it, unchanging).Taehyung is a rough,cold-hearted,handsome,violent delinquent, who has never loved.Oh and a vampire.


Hello, This is my first fanfiction.So I hope anyone who reads this story will enjoy it to some extent.Thank you!


"Love is very dangerous if you just have love and don't have the ability to be lovable."

Jungkook drifted to sleep that night thinking about the one he loved but could never have.He played out their relationship in his head and wanted to hold his hand.Wanted to be held and needed by this person.These thoughts always comforted him in his recently lonely world.

Meanwhile: Jin laid in bed and thought about how to help his Kookie.He then remembered the younger's crush.To help himself sleep at night he texted Jungkook a warning to stay away from Taehyung.


The abrupt noise of the alarm clock immediately woke up Jungkook,causing him to sit up right away and turn if off.He just sat on his bed for a moment,still with a cloudy mind,as he recapped the life around him.The cold truth getting to him as he knew he was in a empty house.



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lina250390 #1
Chapter 2: Interesting stor!! Pls update
Chapter 2: Really love your story, update soon ^^