
Fan Fiction HELP!!!
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Holy .​

I'm back. XD

Okay so numero 5. (Yes I'm Hispanic)

Presentation is what I like to call it.

When writing your beautiful story/fanfic whatever you call it. Choosing the right font is important. Well at least I think it is. There are lots of fonts that you can choose from and I personally like Georgia and Times New Roman because it makes me feel like an actual author. You know? Probably not, but okay.

There are some fonts that are just... annoying. Like, This one for example.

I'm not a big fan of this one for some reason. It makes me feel like I'm reading a story that was just put together with poop. Not to be mean.

You should choose a font that goes ​with the theme of your story. Like if it's in the past you should try ​this font. It gives you that typewriter vibe you know? Say the story line is in like the 1930s. I think this font would really a difference than choosing ​a font that doesn't really go with the theme. See, for this font, it gives you more of that crime scene kind of vibe. Well, at least to me it does.

I think that choosing your font wisely is important. You should let your readers feel comfortable with the story their reading. I got a few suggestions from friends, so if you want me to write about something you see a lot, go ahead and give it to me. I'll try explaining it too. :)

Thanks again for reading this. I hop

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Chapter 8: I personally love Google Docs(especially after finding the outline tab-- it makes everything easier to locate if you have like 60+ pages). I currently have all of my stories there and when I'm bored at work I can easily open up the Google Docs page and write my stories(and since my company uses Google docs and excell my coworkers don't suspect I'm not doing anything other than work so that's a plus :P).
Chapter 2: "Seriously though, don't feel rushed just because you feel like you need to satisfy them. If they leave, well them. Meanies."
Okay this part was so funny^^ But I struggle so much with this and when someone leaves I doubt my writing so much and I'm like, "No! Don't go!" but I totally agree with you.
Chapter 5: This is too sweet of you! Thank you!