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Jeon Jeongguk, sixteen years old, quiet and a bit anti-social. Which was why he didn’t have any friends from his year. The only friends he had where all older than him, three of them almost graduating, leaving him with Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin who will leave him all alone too in this nightmare called high school.


Yeah, it’s stupid of him to already worry for his senior year where he probably won’t have any friends and he’ll become the lone wolf of his school. But he couldn’t help it when he was so used of them always being together and let’s not forget ninth grade where he was all alone at school, being bullied by his classmate because there wasn’t any Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin to protect him. Or how there wasn’t any Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon to chase away the children. And how there wasn’t any Kim Seokjin to comfort him.

Yeah, Jeon Jeongguk was the baby of the group and honestly he loved it. It never mattered what the other boys of his class said to him, he was happy to have his hyungs around him, to protect him and to help him out when he needed them.


Besides that Jeongguk was really observant too. On one of his favourite activities besides photography and mischief with Taehyung was observing. He liked watching people, animals and even buildings. When he saw something beautiful he’d snap a picture of it.


He looked through the camera’s lens, trying to get a sharp image of his hyung eating. He didn’t know why but he found it entertaining watching his oldest hyung eat as if there was no tomorrow. Enjoying it with his whole being and making these noises – okay Jeongguk might not like the noises very much but they were cute nonetheless – indicating he was enjoying his meal.


Jeongguk liked watching his older hyung as it gave him a feeling of peace – even if his hyung wasn’t a calm person at all.


“Did you take another picture?” Asked Taehyung next to him, chewing obnoxiously loud on his sandwich.


Jeongguk watched him eat with disdain and scrunched up his nose. “Hyung close your mouth when you eat.” He said looking away from the elder and concentrating on Seokjin.


Taehyung looked at the older and swallowed his food, a pout on his lips as he spoke again.” Jeonggukkie when did you become so mean towards your favourite hyung?”


Jeongguk snorted at that. “Who says you’re my favourite?”


Taehyung made a noise of disbelief, his hand positioned on his chest, “How could you?” he asked in a way on Taehyung could with his melodramatic antics.


Jimin, who sat next to Taehyung on the bench, laughed at that, his eyes disappearing behind crescents. “TaeTae, Jeongguk’s become so mean because you spoil him too much.” He said jokingly.


Jeongguk ignored both of them professionally as he snapped another picture of Seokjin. The elder looked up then, his mouth full of his sandwich and his eyebrows knit together in confusion. Jeongguk snapped a few more pictures of his hyung, finding the confusion hilarious.


He smiled as he looked at the pictures ignoring the elder when he asked why he’d taken pictures of him. He could feel heavy breathing next to his ear and moved away, looking at Taehyung with a face that said ‘what are you doing?’ At least that’s what he’s trying to say without explicitly saying so.


The older boy leaned in closer and pointed at the screen of his camera. “I like this one.”


Jeongguk followed his index and saw it pointing to a picture of Seokjin where he looked confused. Jeongguk liked that one a lot as well. It looked cute.


He looked up from his camera to see Jimin and Seokjin talking to each other and immediately felt a pang at his heart. He couldn’t really call what he was feeling but it only intensified as Namjoon came and sat on the left side of Seokjin.


He didn’t know what he was going to do about it, but he knew watching him afar wouldn’t do anymore. Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi were so close to graduating and a lot will change after that. They’ll probably move to the city to go to an excellent college or work and he’d be left with Jimin and Taehyung.


There is a possibility that their friendship might break over the years of severance. And the fear for his senior year comes up again.


“Namjoonie hyung, aren’t hobi hyung and Yoongi hyung coming?” Taehyung asked besides him and Jeongguk found his attention redirected to the two missing boys. He’d rather not think of his senior year or the ‘crush’ thing for all that matters.


“Yoongi wasn’t at school today.” Namjoon said as he took out his lunch. “Haven’t seen Hoseok either.”


“I think Yoongi skipped but I don’t know about Hoseok,” Seokjin said as he closed the lid of his lunchbox, somehow he looked relieved through his actions. “texted him but never got an answer.”


“Maybe they both ditched school together.” Jeongguk mentioned casually, as he put his camera away. He knew the idea sounded ridiculous since the two of them obviously don’t get along but there was always a possibility. Yoongi could be very persuasive when he wants you to do something. He doesn’t even ask you to do something he just makes you do something.


Truly a man you should never mess with.


“That sounds unlikely.” Namjoon was thinking out loud again with his index and thumb on his chin as he spoke. “Hoseok isn’t really the type to skip out of school.” Because his father would skin him alive if he did so.


There was a silence as Namjoon mentioned Hoseok’s father and the former immediately regretted doing so. “So, Namjoon why did you come so late? Lunch is almost over.” Seokjin asked to enlighten the mood.


Namjoon grinned as he looked around the table proudly. As he leaned in so di

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Chapter 5: I'm so happy this got updated!! I remember reading this on Ao3 >-< Hwaiting for your next update Author-nim!
_mary101 #2
Chapter 5: Nooo dont delete this story /cry/cry/cry
I know writing every chapter is not easy, so take your time, i'll wait ♡
I still want to know what yoongi did and of course... who kissed Jin ><♡♡
KoalaJin #3
Chapter 5: Dont delete this please T^T I luv this. I've been waiting for thiss>.< I cant wait 4 the next parttt~! Faiting author-nim <3
_mary101 #4
Chapter 4: I love this ;;___;;
And i was so confused... i like jin with yoongi and jungkook tbh....
Really really looking for the next chapter ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Cant wait ♡♡♡
KoalaJin #5
Chapter 4: At first i thought the guy kissed jin was Jimin,, cause at part 1(was it? I dont rmmbr sorry) jimin was the only one didnt laugh with the others when they were making fun of jin.. then i thought it was jungkook when he took some of jin's picture and admiring him and then it was taehyung when he said he liked the picture of jin. Nowww, yoongi cause something happen at Jin's house?. Wow, This is a really great fanficcc>.< i cant wait 4 the next partt!! ^^
blahblab #6
Chapter 4: Please update soon, this is a great fic!!
kayandrawa #7
JinsPinkprincess #8
Chapter 4: i thinks its taetae since my opt is taejin, though 2nd opt jinkook.
at 1st chap when jin n boys were talking n joking v was a bit aloof so my doubt, but kookie looking at jin, taking pics n feeling a pang when jimin n joonie sat beside jin.
m confused but hope its tae but whoever u decide is fine.
what did yoongie do, hope jhope is not in trouble due to skipping class.
Chapter 1: I'm rooting for TaeJin here! But if it was a love triangle it should be TaeJin and YoonJin<3