The First Sign

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A hot, almost burning, overwhelming desire enveloped the boy’s whole being as a pair of hands cupped his cheeks. Full, wet lips pressed against his in hesitation, retreating as soon as it had touched his.

The boy wanted to look up, to see to whom the lips belonged to, but all for naught as he couldn’t gain control over his body.

He wanted to feel those lips once again, bruise it with his own but he couldn’t as an invisible power seemed to constrict his whole being.

He longed for the warmth of the body that slowly, almost cautiously, disappeared.

His body refused to listen to his desperate demands for more and he was left there, whimpering out of frustration.

The body that had radiated warmth got close again, softly blowing into his ear, sending shivers down his spine.

“Hyung, wake up.”


"Hyung?", Jin’s eyes fluttered open, burning because of the ray of lights seeping through his window.

He sat up and couldn't look past the uncomfortable tightness in his shorts. Suddenly he was reminded of the dream that had put him in this embarrassing situation. And horrified, he looked at the bulge, remembering that he was called hyung (and not oppa) and had actually gotten excited by it... 

That voice that had called out to him had felt so familiar and safe. Yet it was pushed back to the deepest corner in his head, making him incapable to retrieve decent fragments of the sinful dream.

He sighed in frustration and looked up at his phone. Panic taking over as he read" 07:37" and he knew he would be late for school if he didn't hurry up.

The boy stood up rapidly and immediately went to the bathroom, taking a one-second cold shower before starting his morning ritual, not wasting a millisecond.

After exactly 10 minutes he was fully clothed and looked quickly around his room to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything. The sun was illuminating his room vividly Whilst he couldn’t remember even opening his curtains.


He descended the stairs in a dangerously rapid speed and once entering the kitchen he saw too familiar faces consuming calmly breakfast and sighed lightly.

"Ah, sweety, you finally woke up. ", commented mom as she was making pancakes.

Suddenly all the faces turned towards him. " Ah hyung you finally woke up. " said Taehyung taking a bite out of the pancake (that was meant for him).

"How come you're so late?", asked Yoongi drinking the last bit of orange juice (which he was supposed to drink).

"Hyung, why is your hair wet? ", asked Jeongguk, eating cereal (that he was planning to eat).

"Yah, you shouldn't ask such questions when the answer is so obvious.", Hoseok said with an all too familiar grin, coming next to him, nudging in his side.

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Chapter 5: I'm so happy this got updated!! I remember reading this on Ao3 >-< Hwaiting for your next update Author-nim!
_mary101 #2
Chapter 5: Nooo dont delete this story /cry/cry/cry
I know writing every chapter is not easy, so take your time, i'll wait ♡
I still want to know what yoongi did and of course... who kissed Jin ><♡♡
KoalaJin #3
Chapter 5: Dont delete this please T^T I luv this. I've been waiting for thiss>.< I cant wait 4 the next parttt~! Faiting author-nim <3
_mary101 #4
Chapter 4: I love this ;;___;;
And i was so confused... i like jin with yoongi and jungkook tbh....
Really really looking for the next chapter ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Cant wait ♡♡♡
KoalaJin #5
Chapter 4: At first i thought the guy kissed jin was Jimin,, cause at part 1(was it? I dont rmmbr sorry) jimin was the only one didnt laugh with the others when they were making fun of jin.. then i thought it was jungkook when he took some of jin's picture and admiring him and then it was taehyung when he said he liked the picture of jin. Nowww, yoongi cause something happen at Jin's house?. Wow, This is a really great fanficcc>.< i cant wait 4 the next partt!! ^^
blahblab #6
Chapter 4: Please update soon, this is a great fic!!
kayandrawa #7
JinsPinkprincess #8
Chapter 4: i thinks its taetae since my opt is taejin, though 2nd opt jinkook.
at 1st chap when jin n boys were talking n joking v was a bit aloof so my doubt, but kookie looking at jin, taking pics n feeling a pang when jimin n joonie sat beside jin.
m confused but hope its tae but whoever u decide is fine.
what did yoongie do, hope jhope is not in trouble due to skipping class.
Chapter 1: I'm rooting for TaeJin here! But if it was a love triangle it should be TaeJin and YoonJin<3