Chapter 19

Second Chance

WARNING: There are mentions of ual harassment and usage of sleeping pills. If you're not comfortable please do skip this chapter. I don't want to rate it M18 since I, myself just turned 18. 

“I hate you. I hate you, Hoseok.” I trembled in between his forced kisses.


The grip loosened. His lips stop roaming around my face. Everything stopped as if he finally heard my pleas. “You don’t mean that.”


I kept silent. Not because I feared him. Not because I was hesitant but because I didn’t have the energy to continue on screaming. I’ve been tortured and humiliated enough by this man for hours. I was drained. And the fact that he halted in the midst of everything means god must have been merciful towards this poor, weak victim of a attempt. When his fingers left my wrists, I began to slip down from the walls of his office. No more support from Hoseok’s harsh hands just likes how it must feel like after the hands of the prisoners be freed from the shackles. As soon as I could feel my bum touching the carpeted floor, I knew I had to force myself away from the devil’s reach. God, if it was not because of my weak body, I would have dashed out of here without any second thoughts.


“You don’t mean that right?” he reiterated once more - loud and clear.


“Soojeong…” He came nearer.


“Don’t. Don’t touch me.” I gritted my teeth as I forced my motor skills to move faster than it ever did in my life. I would never allow those filthy hands touching me once more.


“Did - Did I do this?” He dried the tears that were on my cheeks - as if he thought by being gentle, I would forgive his sins.


“Don’t touch me!” I somehow screamed with his whole body. The eyes wide with horror, the mouth rigid and open.


“I’m sorry. But don’t hate me, please. I didn’t realise. I didn’t know what I was doing.” He looked into my eyes with remorse etched in his heart. “I swear. I was… I was just…” A tear trickled down his cheek. No. Whatever he does, I could never forgive him. I will never forgive him. Not a single tear would deceive me. Not the remorseful look he is giving me.


“Just let me out.” I finally said, sounding betrayed and heartbroken.


“I will. I’ll send you home.” He said frantically.


“No. Just open the door. I’ll manage on my own.”



Still, in bed, I wriggled myself to sleep yet to no avail. The lustful look in his eyes still vividly replaying in my head. Staying awake makes me fatigue but trying to fall asleep proves to be a challenge. As my eyes shut, all I could think off was the sound of his hot breath on my neck, his lips nibbling on my skin and I hated it. It sets my heart beating faster than I knew it could. This sleeplessness is my torture. Everything I do - be it being awake or sleeping - reminded me of the horrifying incident earlier. I want to wash my brain in cold water, numb my memories and forget everything that happened. It didn’t help as I traced the bruises on my wrists, the marks on my necks brought. Is this my fate? Am I destined to go through what I went through earlier?


Sometimes I wished I was gone. I wished Hoseok left me to die. Maybe all these wouldn’t have happened.




. Dad is home. How am I supposed to hide any of the scars? It’s all over my already pale skin which made them even more obvious. The dark purple stains lining up my arms. The red welts being exposed around my neck. It was barely impossible to hide them. Sure, it’s possible to hide them for a day or two. But for a week? And I can’t bring myself to tell him what happened? How his favourite man assaulted me? How my boss almost me? How could I possibly tell him that?


I pulled my blanket, hoping it would cover as much as it could. At least for now.


My door creaked open to reveal a lively face I yearned the most right now. “Why didn’t you tell me you would be back early? I saw your shoes and I thought you were in your room.”


“I forgot.” I smiled sheepishly.


“Come have an early dinner with me. I bought some of your favourites. And guess what I got you? Your favourite Hanwoo beef!” He cheered.


“That’s … great.”


“That’s it? Are you really Jeong Soojeong?” He squinted his eyes in disbelief. “Shouldn’t you be jumping around? And calling me the best dad in the world?” He joked.


“I’m not feeling well.” I pursed my lips, swallowing hard at the white lie.


“Are you?” Dad held his hand to my forehead, expecting a burning temperature. “You don’t seem to have a fever but you sure are sweating. You should take a short bath.” Before I could reject his suggestion, his fingers were firmly gripped on my blanket. In a blink of an eye, he yanked it away to the side, revealing everything I’ve been trying to hide from him - my wrists, my arms, my neck.


He, disregarding my silent salutation, continued to blankly stare with wild-eyed at every inch of my skin. My breathing became constricted and shallow instantly. “Dad, I can explain.” Someone had to speak up. If it isn’t going to be him throwing questions, then I had to come up with a smart excuse for these scars. I was wary of how fast I explained and my tone of voice. If I appeared anxious or speak too quickly, dad would cast suspicious glances at me, knowing I'm hiding something from him. And avoiding the topic now would definitely blow off my cover


“I fell. That’s where the scars came from. And my neck, well I wore a new turtleneck shirt. It began to itch since it was new. Which explains the redness.” Lies swirled out of my mouth as if it was pre-planned.


“Soojeong.” his expression hardened as he sat on my bed. “Do you really think I’m that dumb?”


“Dad. I …” I reached out to him, desperately needing his warmth to erase all those memories away as my tears burst forth, spilling on my face. “I’m scared, dad. I’m really scared.” I feel the muscles of my chin tremble like a small child as it came into contact with his shirt. “It’s okay sweetie. I’m here. I’m here.” Salty drops fall from my chin, drenching his white shirt. He sobbed into his chest unceasingly, hands clutching tightly onto his waist. The sobs punched through, ripping through my muscles, bones, and guts. Then, suddenly, his hands reach onto my back, patting gently.


“You want to tell me what happened, sweetie?”


“I was … ually harassed.” I stuttered, blinking my lashes heavy with tears, before I collapsed into his embrace once again, howls of misery worsening. I hated that word. I hated how much that word impacted me.


And somehow the comforting session turned into an interrogation room within minutes. “Who did this to you?” He pulled me out of his embrace as he stared into my eyes, begging for answers.


I could only afford to shake my head while trying to deeply inhale deeply, to compose myself. My nails dug deep into my palms hard enough to draw blood. Tears started to roll down my cheeks - hot stinging tears covered my already pale face. Seeing my vulnerable state, dad frowned but said no more. His arms encircled around my waist, pulling me closer into his embrace. My head nuzzled perfectly into his warm snuggle.


The sentimental moment ended the moment someone pounded on the door. Grimacing at the disruption, dad stood up as he shuffled to the door. The pounding only increased in volume. Somehow, it seemed rather peculiar how our residence has guest when, in fact, we rarely have visitors during the weekdays. The only visitors that frequent this household would be …


Jung Hoseok.


No. No. Oh god, no. “Dad shut the door!” I squalled upon realising the disaster that is bestowed upon us if the door were to open, accessible to the horrendous monster that ruined me. To my dismay, I was too late. The door was left ajar, to only unveil the monstrosity that is waiting outside my doorstep. “No.” The single syllable that escaped the rough, hoarse throat of mine in a petrified voice. It hits me like a gunshot to the stomach to know I am now vulnerable upon his presence. I am not safe - I certainly am not. I could see his dark eyes scanning the house through the small gap.


“Is Soojeong in?” I could see his head, peeking into the house.


“Oh, Hoseok. Now isn’t really a great time to visit.” My dad admonished in a hushed tone.


“I see. If … if she’s ready, can you give me a call, Mr Jung?”


“Yeah, sure.”


It was a week after it happened. I didn’t bother turning up for work - I wasn’t planning too after the monstrosity that happened in his office. No resignation letter, no medical leave - I just quit without informing. It was, in fact, self-explanatory. How do you expect me to turn up to work after being ually harassed by my boss? That place just reminds me of the pain and the betrayal. 


After the incident, I couldn’t sleep well. It was 6 in the morning and yet I couldn’t force myself to sleep a wink. Though my eyes are open I can't think of why; my heart is pounding, mind empty. It's as if a hypodermic of adrenaline has been emptied into my carotid. I strain into the utter darkness, breathing rate beginning to steady. The early morning sun was already well risen yet, I am still bundled in the coldness of fear. My eyes strained as the light rays gushed into my room through the gaps of the curtains. 


My traitorous mind replayed the scene again - how Hoseok touched me, how his tongue roamed my body in ways I couldn’t imagine. Alarmed by these thoughts, I scrambled out of my bed, groaning in frustration. I felt disgusting. I felt dirty. For goodness sake, I’m living in my own fear. I can’t continue being like this. I can't continue popping these sleeping pills. It's been a week, I can't possibly depend on these pills to have a peaceful nap. I l gazed at the handful of sleeping pills in my hands. 


Little did I know, my dad felt the same way too. 

Author's Note

Lol writing this is a feat. God, it's so hard to write this scene. Anyways this will end soon? Another 2 - 3 more chapters? I promise there will be a fluff ending. Mark will be back to save the day. And well ... Hoseok.... Sorry for being on hiatus for too long. I had school and I was just too busy to write. Anyways I am back. I'm on my holiday break right now. 

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rap-monnie #1
i hope krystal is gonna do alright
rap-monnie #2
hoseok tho omg helpppp
Chapter 24: Please make Seok Seok happy?! He needs it T_T Subscribed to your new fic!
Chapter 23: This was a lovely twist! Is it cliche that I want Mark back with Soojung? And that I want Hoseok to go in jail? And that I want Soojung's father to go ballistic on Hoseok and beat him up and be all like "This isn't the only thing you'll get if you ever lay a finger on my daughter again"?

Scenes like father and daughter at situations like this one are rare here (or if not, then I'm probably not browsing too often). It's good that you tried so hard to express well Soojung's emotions or feelings in this kind of situation. And so lovely to see an update! Can't wait for the last 2-3 chapters kekekeke

Have a nice day ahead!
caratgenes #5
Chapter 23: oh. well, .
thanks for updating, really loved this chapter~
Chapter 23: Mark save her please! Poor Krystal .. she does not deserve to be treated like that! That pathenic jerk! *crycry* #TeamMark !!!
Chapter 23: Hobi....why?! Why?! Why?!
Chapter 22: I'm sorry that Hobi has gone this path but having been through an abusive ex, they only believe what they want to believe
Chapter 22: I think i cant find a Hobi fanfic here. :"D I'm really sad and surprised right now but i think i keep read because i like your story and my team Hoseok feelings don't let me go. There is still hope for me...