Chapter 18

Second Chance

WARNING!: There will be some uncomfortable scenes mentioned. It might trigger some so I hope you read with caution.


“I can’t believe you chose him over me!” It was a roar of pure anger.



In this intense situation, he somehow screamed with his whole body; his eyes wide with horror, his mouth rigid and open, his chalky face gaunt and immobile, both his fists clenched with blanched knuckles deep into his work desk. I felt my eyes widen and pulse quicken, my heart thudding vigorously against my chest as my eyes came into contact with his. Does he love me? How have I’ve not seen this coming? Was it because I was too blinded by my love for Mark?



But whatever it was, I see the pain in those eyes.



“Look, Hoseok … I didn’t know.”



He paused and sighed. “No… I’m not. I’m not going accept that bull excuse.” He cast his gaze to the ground and his eyes darkened. “Why? Why are doing this to me? Why are you hurting me like this?” His voice sounded more pained than anything. Once again my emotions turn jagged and my insides tight. “Hoseok-ah. I’m … I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to…”



Hoseok's lip curled. "It’s not too late. You can still change your mind". With that thought in mind, his curled lip transformed into smirk was playing at the corner of his lips as he pictured the best possible scenario in his part. But I never intended to be with him. Not when he is showing his true colours - just like how he is now. He’s showing me the crazy, dark side of his that I’ve never wish to see.



My quivering lower lip begged me, to be honest with him, my heart told myself I should never lie to myself and to him. He deserves to know the truth about my feelings. He’s been hurt enough. But my gut convinced me I would face hell if he were to know … One thing I know for sure, the truth can hurt. Yes, the truth is inconvenient. But if we don't accept that, we have to live with lies. We have to accept inconvenient truths.


I dropped my eyes to the ground, breathing deeply, and then raised them. I held my gaze to only see his eyes which harbors hope as to accept his proposal to start anew with him. I doubt myself, yet this time I stood firm regardless with dry eyes and still hands. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”



He curled his claw into a fist. "What? Tell me you’re lying! Tell me you’re not leaving me! Just say something!" And then there are hot tears, ones I’ve never seen. But I never said anything - I chose to remain silent. It felt as though I had been paralysed by some unseen, mind-numbing force. A chill ran through my spine as I heard him yell while the guilt remained stagnant within me. I broke him.



I really did.



Slowly a formed a smug smirk on his face. Bitterly, with tears that began to wet his cheeks, he said with confidence, "You'll see. I won’t let you leave me. My father left me. My mother hates me. Why is everyone leaving me?" His nostrils flared at his last statement. Tears stream down his cheeks, his whole face is red, and he screams at the very top of his lungs, “But not you. I’m going to let that happen!”



His approaching footsteps went past me. Each footfall made me fear of what's to come. Those confident yet threatening footsteps robbed me of my senses and replaced with the fear weighing on my ribs and a dull ache in my eyes. His footsteps continued to echo sharply within this four walls filled with tension and evilness within the atmosphere. His hands instinctively reached out to lock the door. I can feel the door closing in, the sealing off any viable exit.



There’s no way to escape.



“What … Why are you locking me in?” I desperately tried to hide how fearful I was with the pretentious act of controlling the tremor in my voice to a degree. But I couldn’t mask my fear through my eyes. They were already watery, begging for him to unlock the door.



“So you won’t leave me, Soojeong.” A cheshire grin spread over Hoseok's face as he walks nearer to where I was standing. As he advanced on me, his large frame toward me.



“I was the one your dad liked more!” He moved closer as I took steps back, finding ways to escape this nightmare.The adrenalin flew over my veins but I couldn’t move a single muscle, not even to scream.



“I was the one who took you in when you were jobless!” The left side of his lip tugged upwards creating a sinister smirk, casting a spell of lust to in his eyes.



“I was the one who rescued you when you were almost dead!” He moved forward, causing me collide with the wall that made it impregnable to move a step back from the monster in front of me. “And this is

how you repay me?!”



He has corralled me in the corner.



The absolute horror completely paralysed me. And that was just the beginning - that idea only made it worse. If that was even possible. But fear never did repress the anger within me. How could he expect me to repay for his kindness when I thought he did it out of pure intentions. I’ve always thought it was out of sincerity but I was wrong. I was devastatingly wrong about Hoseok. Is he expecting me to show my gratitude towards him by accepting his love? How could he use this against me as a way to guilt trip me into accepting his crazy obsessive love? “I didn’t ask you to do any of those things. You should let me lay dead! I would appreciate it more than the way you’re treating me now!” I clench my teeth as tears come running down my cheeks. I am fed up. I am fed up with him playing the victim.




“But I love you.” He said softly. Turning 180 degrees from his previous self.




“Bull!” I scowled.



A hand suddenly appeared from nowhere and tightened on both my wrists, white knuckled and strong. I turned to fight it but found myself being pinned on the wall similar to how a frail puppet is held in place by a puppeteer. It stung, my body stung so badly as it collided with the wall once more, sending swells of pain through my body. I tried shoving his hands off me but he's too strong for me to even fight back. At that point of time, I couldn't possibly breathe anymore, it felt as if he was choking me as his hands tightened the grip on both my wrists, preventing me from attempting to struggle my way out of his grasp. “Let me go!” I cried out hoping he would stop the throbbing pain on my wrists.



“No! Not when you’re going to leave me.” He closed the distance between us - our bodies touching. Instinctively I squirmed as close as I could onto the wall, away from his reach. "Step back," I said as coldly as possible but who am I kidding? He wouldn’t even listen to my pleas, how could I expect him to listen to my demands. My heart was racing and all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save me but no one would. Maybe, just maybe Luna is still here.



“Luna! Luna!” I was screaming my heart out hoping she’s in the pantry making her usual instant coffee. “Sorry, sweetheart but Luna went for lunch earlier today. I asked her too.” He smirked. He planned this. He planned this to trap me. At the sudden realisation,his fingers began digging into my skin while he leant on my neck. His lips moved down to my neck and nipped at the tender skin. “Please stop.” I was pleading for mercy at this point as if my pride and dignity were not existent. The tears burst forth, spilling down my face. I could feel the muscles of my chin tremble at the contact of Hoseok’s lips. Instead of stopping, the teeth turned to a tongue, sliding all over and then latched them onto my lips. I desperately tried to push Hoseok away but to no avail. He was persistent at making sure my lips were sealed with his.



This is no longer a nightmare. This is reality. Hoseok the sides of my neck, him brusing my wrists while he deavour me wholly. The man who I thought was an angel sent from heaven was no longer angellic in my eyes. He was an an angel disguised as a demon. I trusted this man - I trusted him but look where it got me. I'm stuck in between a wall and a lustful man who forces me to accept his love. I shut my eyes chanting the same words over and over again. “I hate you. I hate you, Hoseok.” I trembled in between his forced kisses.



Yes, I do. I do hate this man.

Author's Note:

So plot twist 2.0. Anyways I know the scene is a little .... okay it is majorly uncomfortable for many which explained why there was the trigger warning. And sorry if it's written badly. It's my first time writing something rated and attempted scenes are not my forte and I'm not planning to write anymore of these. And for all TeamHoseok fans, I'm sorry. I love this ball of sunshine but in this story ... not so much.

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rap-monnie #1
i hope krystal is gonna do alright
rap-monnie #2
hoseok tho omg helpppp
Chapter 24: Please make Seok Seok happy?! He needs it T_T Subscribed to your new fic!
Chapter 23: This was a lovely twist! Is it cliche that I want Mark back with Soojung? And that I want Hoseok to go in jail? And that I want Soojung's father to go ballistic on Hoseok and beat him up and be all like "This isn't the only thing you'll get if you ever lay a finger on my daughter again"?

Scenes like father and daughter at situations like this one are rare here (or if not, then I'm probably not browsing too often). It's good that you tried so hard to express well Soojung's emotions or feelings in this kind of situation. And so lovely to see an update! Can't wait for the last 2-3 chapters kekekeke

Have a nice day ahead!
caratgenes #5
Chapter 23: oh. well, .
thanks for updating, really loved this chapter~
Chapter 23: Mark save her please! Poor Krystal .. she does not deserve to be treated like that! That pathenic jerk! *crycry* #TeamMark !!!
Chapter 23: Hobi....why?! Why?! Why?!
Chapter 22: I'm sorry that Hobi has gone this path but having been through an abusive ex, they only believe what they want to believe
Chapter 22: I think i cant find a Hobi fanfic here. :"D I'm really sad and surprised right now but i think i keep read because i like your story and my team Hoseok feelings don't let me go. There is still hope for me...