
I miss the old you.

❝chapter one ©

Finally, today is the day. Its my audition day. wehee! I am not really sure about this audition at first, but now. I'm confirm about it, i know that i should enter the audition. but, i really want to meet him. knowing that he already become an idol, its really hard for you to meet with him. I go down, to meet my lovely parents after a very refreshing shower. 

The day of your audition day;
"Good morning appa, eomma" you says happily to your parents when you goes down from the upstairs. 
mom: are you really going to enter the audition?
you: mom. it just an audition though. its not like i'm going to get accepted right away. i just want to try my luck.
dad: Good morning, my lovely wife and our beautiful min areum. 
after having our usual conversation, I went to SM building with mom since dad need to go to his company early this morning. During the ride, I didnt talk to mum at all since I'm memorizing the song that i will sing. Mom looks like she is not interested to have conversation as well. Since she is still not agreeing the fact that I'm still going to go for the audition.
When we arrives at SM building, its not a shock there are many people who comes for the audition. I registered and take my number. I was sitting beside a stunningly gorgoeus girl, her name is Kang Sora if i'm not mistaken. Seeing from her style, you could say that she comes from a really well known family. At first, I thought that she is some kind of a cold person. but it turns out differently. She is an actual crazy person. 
Sora; oh annyeong! hehe. seems like we both are going to enter this crazy audtion. haha
you: hm? oh. yes yes. we are. haha. 
Sora: i think i need to be ready of the critics
Wow. seems like she doesnt have worry at all, suddenly 
woman: no. 4572, Min Areum shi..
I could hear my number and named being called. She is calling a few numbers more, but the only thing i could hear is all about me. There are three people who is going to take the audition, including me. so, i need to beat this two person. i couldnt say that they are not talented because all of the contastents today is coming to the audition well prepared. This is my one and only hope if i want to meet with Kim Jongin. 
The audition went well, seems like you leave a good impression toward the judges. They seems to have some interest in me as well. its a relief then. fuhh. 

They say that the audition's result will be coming out in another few days for the first intake and another few months for the next intake. It doesnt matter, which intake i will be accepted. I just want to be accepted. 

Finally, after three days of waiting, someone from SM comes to my house. They bringing some sort of files and all. They were explaining things to my parents. I was listening as well but I could only hear the words. "no here and no that. not allowed and prohibited" there are so many rules, so many things i couldnt do. so mant things that i need to do. how do they even lived this long in sm. aisshh jinjjaa.
man1: so, areum shi, would you like to cooperate with us, and deal with the contract?
I couldnt make my own decision at this moment, my mom was hoping for me to reject it while my dad suddenly changes his mind about it, he wants me to become idol, since it is my dream. 

you:..... hm..... de..... i will accept all the rules. and i will never broke the rules. 

thats it, i have make my deal on promises, i already sign my contract as well. what do i feel? happy? sad? worried? i dont know. but, all i know is, i'm now official sm trainee and my life will surely get changed real soon.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: so, this is my first chapter, i hope you like it. I would really love if you subscribed and upvote this story. oh, and please do tell me if i had any wrongs, or you want something to be add to.

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