I miss the old you.

❝characters.  ©


  • Min Areum, it is your character. yeah, the one who being known well with a title of 'the clumsy little girl' but its all happen when you were still a kid. Now, its different, you already change. You become, such a beautiful and talented little lady. She is younger by one year than Kim Jongin, your childhood friend. Areum is a shy girl, she doesnt know how to approach people first, so thats why its kinda hard for her to make friends. She doesnt know how to start a conversation first, but its different when you already know her. She is completely a crazy girl, she likes to imitates people a lot. 


  • Kim Jongin known as Kai or Kkamjong, his childhood name. He almost have the same personality as you. He also didnt know how to approach people first. Your first meeting also, is set up by his mother. your mom and his mom is really close, in other speaking way. BESTFRIEND, just like you. but its all different when he goes to SM Entertainment. He needs to cut off all of his relationship with outsiders. He didnt know you at the first time you meet but as the time flies, he started to know you.



  • EXO. ofcourse they will have a part in this story. Kai is in this group, furthermore you are kinda closed with Sehun. He knows everything about you. He knows that you are entering SM Audition because of Kai and all.



  • Kang Sora, she is your bestfriend in your trainee years. She is completely different. she is the type who is crazy girl. Sora is the one who approach you first, since that you become close with each other.You share all of your problems with her. Since she is one of the most understanding person in SM. Even sometimes the other trainee label you guys as 'lesbian partner' but they only call that just for fun.You and Sora never get it serious tho.





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