Good Morning

Good Morning

The things I said last night,

You probably won’t remember it all.

Whenever we go, the restaurant gets ready to close.

After it was just you and me.


In the dim lighting of the park, Seungcheol could still make out his younger companion’s gentle features as they walked in a comfortable silence.


Just like Jun Lam Hwae’s song,

I made a tacky and awkward confession.

I clearly remember your face.

It was like a red flower bloomed on your face,

Because of the lighting.

I believe it’s not just my misunderstanding.


    “Hey, Jihoonie?”




    “I like you.”


    They stood under the glowing streetlight, Jihoon frozen and speechless with his Hyung’s casually spoken confession. Seungcheol chuckled softly, patting the shorter boy’s head.


    “Don’t worry, you don’t have to say anything. Let’s head back to the dorm, yeah?”


    Jihoon could only manage a quiet “Sure”, but Seungcheol heard and started to walk, filling up the silence with some story that Jihoon would absent-mindedly nod to.


    Once they had gotten back to the dorm, Seungcheol wasted no time in hurrying the younger to take a shower, seeing that he was still caught in a daze. The raven-haired male quickly retired to his room for the remainder of the night.


It’s a good morning, it’s so strange.

I definitely came back home long after midnight,

But I’m starting off this day so lightly.

I guess I was miserable for all this time,

Contemplating whether or not to confess to you.

Now I just wanna wait for your reply.

    Seungcheol slept soundly that night, some kind of weight lifted off his shoulders.


    He woke up the next morning to a text.


Good Morning- that’s what I texted you.

I think I’m into you, it’s dangerous.

Oh, it’s okay if you don’t reply back.

I want to express this feeling to you before it’s too late.


[FROM: Jihoonie] Good Morning.


    Seungcheol smiled to himself. “Good Morning.” Nothing more, nothing less. A song that they’d sung together countless times- into microphones in front of hundreds, by themselves in barely audible murmurs. Words engraved into their minds, impossible to wash away.


    He typed out a response before tossing his phone onto his bed and going to take a shower.


Good Morning- that’s what I texted you.

I think I’m into you, it’s dangerous.

Oh, it’s okay if you don’t reply back.

I want to express this feeling to you before it’s too late.


Hope you have a good good morning,

Hope you have a good good morning,

Hope you have a good good morning,

Hope you have a good good morning.

[TO: Jihoonie] Hope you have a good good morning~

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Babematsu #1
Chapter 1: Awwww this was so beautiful....I swear I cri everytime I remember their predebut days and how close they used to be. I love your fic, precious Jichel ♥♥
ReinDropPop #2
Chapter 1: you make My heart melt omg
choclatl #3
Chapter 1: This is so short but so cute?! Eeeep what a precious little story. <3