Drunken Stumbles


Clubs are gross and you can't dance so why in the world did your friend think you'd want to go to a club party for your birthday?? She swears that it'll be a great night but you weren't sure what could possibly happen in a smelly, sweaty, crowded club that you would make her think that it's such an amazing birthday present.


"Y/N I GOT YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT!!" Flinching away from the shrillness of her voice you held the phone at a distance. "Good god woman. Is it a hearing aid because I'm pretty sure you've just destroyed my ear drum." "No, it's not! I got us invited to a party at the club tonight~" 

You sighed before sliding your hand down your face. "You've known me for years. What have I ever done, in our years of friendship, to make you think that that's what I would want to do on my birthday?" 

"Shut your ungrateful face and buzz me up." 

Dragging your feet to the door you prepared yourself for her imminent tirade.


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