Lovers' Quarrel

You left me heartbroken

(Haneul's P.O.V)

Weeks have passed since we last saw each other and I miss him already but it can't be helped since he's busy with his career.Though, his week is packed with schedules, he still finds time to check on me and the twins.

We could only communicate through the phone and calls me after his schedule is done.I could feel that he's really tired whenever he calls after his schedule for the day ends.

Today, I was working on my laptop sent by my secretary.I had a lot of catching up to do with work since I left for a vacation.

I was busy with my work when Travis came down from the stairs asking me if I can come with him today.

"Allison!" Travis called me in my Englsih name.

"Yes?" I asked him/

"Can you come with me today? I need your help in picking out fabric for the new set of gowns I'm making." He asked.

"Sure! But,where will you get those fabrics?" I asked.

"I have a friend here in Korea who sells high class fabrics.And I'm going to his place today." He answered.

"Okay,I don't mind tagging along.I'll change first."

Few minutes later

"Allison,why don't we eat lunch first.It's still early since I said I will be coming this afternoon."

"That's great then.I'm getting hungry." I said.

"Where do you want to eat?"

"Korean restaurants would be good.I want to taste Korean dishes."He replied.

"Okay.Korean restaurant it is!" I exclaimed as I went to the nearest Korean restaurant I know.

I parked my car and went inside.We sat near the glass pane and we could see people walking outside.

The waiter approached us and asked for our order then left.As we waited, Travis broke the silence and spoke.

"So hows you and that Leeteuk? I could see that you got together again." He said in a rather teasing tone.

I placed my chin on my palm and stared at stared at the other side of the glas pane."I guess you could say that." I said and smiled at him.

"You seem very happy. I'm jealous.When will I be able to meet the person who would make me happy? He sighed and pouted.

"Patience is a virtue." I replied and smiled at him.

Then,our order came.We started munching on our food when I noticed the sauce that escaped on his lips.

"Hey,you have sauce on you lips." I said as I grabbed a tissue and wiped it off for him.

"Thanks! I didn't notice that." He said and continued on eating his food.

I smiled at him and continued also on eating.

(Leeteuk's P.O.V)

We were in the middle of our practice when we remembered it's lunch time already.The members had suggested that we eat on the restaurant near the SM building and manager had approved of it.

We were already there when I saw Haneul together with her friend Travis.I could tell by the looks of it that they were really enjoying.I felt pain seeing her with another man.

What made it worse is the body contact she had with that man whe she wiped tha stain on his lips making me clench my fist with anger and jealousy.Different thoughts came to my mind and on a whim, I came to the conclusion that she's already cheating on me.

I didn't let the others saw what's happening and quickly dragged them to another restaurant.

The thing that I saw today, totally bothered me the whole day that I didn't get to practice seriously.I even got the members worried about me and I told them that I was fine and nothing to worry about.

We were already in the dorms.I was sitting on the couch when I felt a hand on my shoulder which belonged to none other than Donghae.

"Hyung,if there's something bothering you, don't hesitate to tell us.We're always here to hear you out."Donghae approached me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Thanks." I replied and Donghae went back.

I got my hands on my phone and dialled her number.

"Hello?" She answered.Her voice sounded rough.Did I wake her up?

"You sounded like you're asleep.Did I wake you up?" I asked.

"Aniyo. It's fine. I was kind of waiting for you to call.I really wanted to hear your voice."She said and that kinda made me blush.

"Can you meet with me tonight?" I asked.

"Of course.Where?"

"At the park."


"Then,I'll be hannging now.

"See you in a bit."She said and I ended the call.

At the park

"Did I made you wait?" She asked as she approached me.

"Not really."I replied.

"Shouldn't you be resting now?"She asked.

"Well, It's still early."

"Early you say?Jungsoo,you look really tired."She nagged and placed her hands on her waist.

"Haneul, let me get this straight.We're you cheating on me?" I asked her in a serious and cold tone of voice.

She paused for a while trying to process the words that came out from my mouth and suddenly said.

"And what makes you say that?"Ignoring my question,she asked with a serious tone.

"I saw you earlier today with Travis." I replied.

"That only means you don't trust me,Park Jungsoo."She said,her eyes sharply looking at me.

"I was just trying to ask you about it."I said.

"Then,figure it out yourself."She said.Her eyes on the verge of crying and then left.

I followed her and grabbed her wrist.

"Haneul,please..It's not like that.I was only trying to ask you.It's not like I'm accusing you of cheating."I said.

"Park Jungsoo,don't lie.The moment you asked me,it clearly meant that you're accusing me based on the tone of your voice." Her face got emotionless and her tears started to fall.

"Jungsoo, let go of my hand."

"No!" I firmly said but then, she pulled her hand and ran away.

(Haneul's P.O.V)

I laid on the bed and cried myself to sleep.I could still hear him questioning me with that cold voice.It hurts that the one whom all this time I kept loving,had doubted my feelings.

The next day

I was eating breakfast when my phone rang.I was surprised that my secretary from work,Miss Evans is calling me.I answered it immediately knowing that it's some important thing that made her call.

"Yes,Hello?This is me Allison Kang speaking."I answered in english using my englsih name.

"President! I have finally got contact with you."She said.She sounded worried about something.

"What is it?Is there any problem that needs my concern?"I asked.

"Yes,there is.Apparently,the money from the company's bank book have been withdrawn by an unknown person."

"What?! I'll go there immediately.I'll be there by tomorrow so I want every details regarding that matter today.Inform all the board members that we'll be having a meeting when I arrive."

"I understand.The Vice President  is already dealing with the situation."

"That's good to hear.I'll end the conversation now.Goodbye."I said and hang up.

Ugh...more problems......

"What's the matter?You looked problematic"My brother asked.

"Company problems.I need to go back to England to fix it.It might take some time so I won't be back for long."

"Is that so?Won't you need my help there?"

"No need.I'll fix this on my own.You're busy enough in managing at the bank."

"I'm gonna leave today.Take care of the kids for me."

"Aren't you going to tell Jungsoo about this?"

"No need.He's not involved in this.And besides, we're in a cold war right now." I said taking a sip on my coffee.

"I see. I'll take care of the kids.Anyways, I need to go to work now."

This is really not my week.......*SIGH*

Being the president of a huge company is really nerve wracking.

If ever you're wondering...Me, the daughter of a wealthy man, has been managing the family's company that's been left by my dad when he passed away.

My brother ,on the other hand, had retired on being an actor and decided to inherit the bank from my mothers side.So much happened in a span of 4 years that it's really getting complicated.

Plus,the problem with Jungsoo, I'm getting wrinkles all over...


Comments,pretty please.Yeah, I'm practically begging ^^

It's getting really quiet here..I miss all your reactions.......

For those who are wondering,well if there are..I'm kinda dragging the story to make it long.Don't really wanna end it yet.hehe..

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2037 streak #1
Chapter 25: hello there author-nim :) A nice story... I liked reading it
flattummy #2
i really had fun reading your story!!
Whaaaaaa T________T it has ended ...<br />
This was amazing sweetie ! I loved it, sweet, sweet Teukie <333 The twins sound sooooo adorable ^^
Oh My ~ A chigu suggested this fan fic ~~ and I didn't regret reading it ~ Well, I'm speechless ~ <333 Will read more of your works ~~
-haseul #5
kyaaaaa~ this is great, and when the part that Hankyung is back made me smile like and idiot. =)) Awesome story! ^^
Masquerade129 #6
@sjlovesjworld Haha..thanks! and btw, I totally loove your profile pic! >///<
MrsPenguin #7
WOW!! i love it! even if im just new in here i really really love it.. i'm looking forward for your other fics :))
Masquerade129 #8
@heemin 13 : Not a sequel though, but I'm planning on writing a one-shot about them until I finished my other fic...
heemin13 #9
Eonnie daebak!!!!love it!!!is there gonna ba sequel??