To practice courtesy p.3

The Code of Chilvary

The audience looked on with bated breath, gasping whenever the grating sound of clashing metal echoed in the large hall or when either of the men on whom all attention was focused on initiated an attack. To onlookers untrained in combat, the two looked to be evenly matched but to those who knew how to gage the strength contained in each swing of the sword, took note of footing and posture and could tell how easy or difficult it was to draw breath for the next move, there was a difference between the two.

Jackson had arguably more strength and precision in his attacks and certainly quicker reflexes but his opponent, Jaebum, was the more seasoned fighter. Those who fought knew that strength and speed only count for half of a battle. The other half was experience, the know-how to conserve energy and minimise unnecessary movement. It was this that had kept Jaebum toe to toe with Jackson and Jaebum could see that his opponent was tiring. Still, Jackson’s strength and endurance was remarkable and had they been evenly matched in terms of weaponry and experience, the duel might have turned out differently.

Another clash of sword on sword and the two guards were again eye to eye, glaring at each other through the cross of their blades as they searched once again for an opening, a momentary lapse of strength in order to disarm the other for that was how to win the duel – to disarm their opponent. Jackson grit his teeth as he put all his energy in an attempt to bring Jaebum’s sword down. He anchored his feet as best as he could on the smooth stone of the floor and gave another push.

With a grunt, Jaebum’s sword fell as Jackson wished but instead of allowing his sword to be wrenched from his grasp, Jaebum deflected the momentum of Jackson’s swing with the use of his shorter blade once again. It was a weapon Jackson had never encountered before and that half-sword had repeatedly and successfully thwarted his most practiced attacks. It had a great advantage over the shield Jackson was using for unlike a shield, that shorter blade was able to block and control the direction to which the opponent’s sword would be thrown. Hence, it handed Jaebum the upper hand because he knew where Jackson’s body would most likely be diverted to after each failed lunge. It was truly thanks to Jackson’s reflexes that he had been able to dodge Jaebum’s counterattacks.

Stepping backwards only to circle each other at a distance again, both men fought to draw breath. Jackson didn’t know how long he had been duelling but never in his life had he faced an opponent like Jaebum. He kept his eyes focused on the other, watching for any sign of an impending attack. Jackson had decided since his attacks were always deflected, he’d wait for Jaebum to make the move this time. At least Jackson had the satisfaction of seeing Jaebum’s hair matted against his forehead with sweat, droplets leaving glistening trails on his face and neck – just like his own.

While King Raymond was enjoying the duel, cheering slightly when things got exciting, Mark sat unmoving on his throne but if anyone could see beneath his heavy and elaborately woven cloak, Mark’s fingers gave away his anxiety. He was gripping the edge of the cushion beneath him, nails digging into the fabric, fist clenching hard enough to turn his knuckles white every time Jaebum swung his sword at Jackson. But always, always Jackson managed to defend himself. Not that it helped calm Mark’s nerves. The two guards were really giving it their all and part of him wanted to stop the duel before anyone got hurt but he knew that neither guard would have it. They would fight until there was a winner. If Mark had learned anything about Jackson it was that Jackson valued his pride and honour above everything so Mark bit back the order to end the duel and watched, helpless.

Little did Mark know, Jinyoung, who sat on the other side of the platform, was going through the same emotional turmoil. Never had Jinyoung seen Jaebum being matched so evenly. All the duels he had been in would have ended a while ago but this one was carrying on longer than either of them had expected. Still, it meant that they’ve found the one they were looking for. Jackson would be a great addition. His eyes watched Jaebum’s expression carefully. He noticed the instant his guard’s gaze hardened with an added clench of his jaw and Jinyoung drew an instinctive breath just as Jaebum rushed forwards on nimble feet.

Jackson ducked his chin ever so slightly to inject strength into his back and legs in order to cushion the impact the moment Jaebum rushed at him. He righted his grip on his sword and prepared to block with his shield. A dull clunk as well as the force of Jaebum’s swing made Jackson’s knees bend. Goodness, the guard packed muscle, but there was no time to think. Jackson used his shield to push Jaebum’s sword away and swung his own at his opponent – only to be countered once again by the half-sword. If it had been a shield, Jackson would be able to respond. But because this was a blade that could attack even if it was half the length of the usual sword, the way he had trained to fight was ineffective.

Biting back a grunt of frustration, Jackson leapt back when he noticed Jaebum bring his other sword up again. Jackson was breathing hard. So was Jaebum. There was no pretence anymore, both of them knew the other was close to their limits. The question was who would fold first.

As if he had made a final resolution, Jaebum suddenly rose from his stance and stood straight and tall while he lowered both his hands. Jackson’s eyebrows furrowed for Jaebum was basically standing defenceless. Tilting his head to one side, Jackson followed suit and stood up as well, lowering his own weapons only after a moment’s hesitation. It could have been a ploy to catch him off guard for Jaebum could be acting to deceive but Jackson trusted him. The other guard would never act dishonourably for he knew that they both believed in the same code of chivalry. Still… why now? What did Jaebum want?

“It’s been a good fight,” commented Jaebum, a lop-sided smirk etched on his lips. “You’re a good fighter.”

“I’d say the same for you” replied Jackson and then added, “maybe” with a fleeting grin. It actually made Jaebum want to chuckle and he did. The other’s playfulness was something that he found himself illogically drawn to. If it had been anyone else, Jaebum would have felt the need to correct and discipline but with Jackson? Jaebum just knew there was no ill-intent or malice. It was almost an instinctive understanding that Jaebum could not very well name.

When Jaebum didn’t say anything but laugh, Jackson couldn’t help asking “And?” Because surely stopping in the midst of a duel was not part of the rules.

“And,” echoed Jaebum, the smirk now morphing into a genuine smile. “I propose we do this. One more attack and we decide who wins this duel.”

“One more? Just one?” asked Jackson, half in surprise while the other half of him contemplated the idea.

“Yes. We’re both well-matched. We’ve both fought well and honourably,” Jaebum explained, “so let’s end this. Like knights.” Jaebum said the last word with a sense of pride. They were both just guards at the moment but in future, they would be full-fledged knights who would bring glory and honour to their respective kingdoms.

Jackson could not hide his excitement at the prospect. “Like knights?” mused Jackson. Knights. A full-fledged knight! A knight like Captain Paul, a knight who dedicated his life in service to the king and Mark would be his King. Jackson’s eyes left his opponent and darted over to his prince who sat so regally on his throne. Their eyes made contact and though they were quite a distance apart, Jackson’s eyes searched his prince’s face. It was as if Jackson could see it already. The princely crown Mark wore would be replaced by the one King Raymond now had. It was heavier for certain but Mark would bear that weight admirably. Mark’s face would also be more lined, older, wiser. His worries and care for the kingdom and his people would be etched into his features. Would he look as fair when he is king as he was now? Would he rule in peace with the lands around him? Would he be lauded as a great example of a king and be regarded as one other future kings could only hope to reflect? And… would he be able to help Mark become the King he could be? Would Jackson be able to be Mark’s knight?

Mark’s own thoughts at the moment were quite different. All his focus was on Jackson. When Jaebum had stood up and Jackson followed suit, Mark’s anxiety became tinged with apprehension. What was going on? And then when Jackson looked over to him, Mark could not help but meet his eyes. Jackson’s eyes were searching but for what Mark had no idea. All he could see just then was the rise and fall of Jackson’s chest and shoulders as he breathed hard, tired from the fight. Mark wanted it to end so that Jackson could rest. Yes, it would be nice if Jackson won but Mark honestly did not care for the outcome. Jackson had fought bravely and all he wanted right then was for Jackson to be safe. Not knowing what to do, Mark just gave a slight nod. He had no clue what he was affirming but he saw the way Jackson’s eyes sparkled despite his weary state. Jackson gave a bow to Mark in return, lowering his head and upper body which displeased the prince for it meant that Jackson’s face would be out of sight, hidden. It was only for a moment but still, Mark had wanted to watch the sparkle longer. When Jackson rose, there was resolution on the guard’s face and after only a brief moment of looking at Mark, Jackson turned back to face Jaebum.

“Like knights,” agreed Jackson. He placed his shield on the ground.

Jaebum grinned, nodded and signalled for a page to come and take his half-sword away.

There they stood, each armed only with their sword. Both hunched into attacking stances but waited. There was no need for a countdown in the now silent hall. No unnecessary three-two-ones. Jaebum and Jackson just watched each other as everyone held their breath. Then, without a word or sign, both guards lunged and their swords met again with an almighty clash that made those watching shudder. Again, after many many times, the guards tested their remaining strength. Jackson began to lean into Jaebum, signalling that he was beginning to have the upper hand but Jaebum clenched his teeth into a snarl as his eyes narrowed in concentration. Jaebum pushed back and Jackson responded using his lower body strength. Their arms were shaking by now, trembling with the force they exerted on the polished metal blades. All of a sudden, Jackson felt Jaebum’s blade give just a little and Jackson instantly intensified his exertion. He could win this! Jaebum’s blade was falling!

Jaebum’s expression showed it, it showed a flicker of dread and Jackson was sure he would win but then Jaebum’s wrist twisted his blade which caused Jackson’s sword to slip especially with the sudden force the younger guard had used. Jackson realised belatedly that it was a feint! With a loud grunt, Jaebum used the inertia to hitch his grip on the handle of his sword and shoved the hilt exactly where Jackson’s grip was. Jackson gasped as he felt his sword torn from his grasp and watched breathlessly as the blade sliced through the air to land with a loud clank on the stone floor. It skittered a little but finally came to a rest. And with it, Jackson exhaled.

It was over.

He lost.

Was he upset that he lost? Of course. Was he disappointed? No, he was not. Not when he had given it his all and fought to the best of his ability. And to have lasted so long against Jaebum – that was something Jackson was really proud of. True to nature, Jackson blinked to tear his gaze away from where his sword lay, extended his hand to Jaebum and looked the victor in the eyes.

“Congratulations,” said Jackson with a sincere smile and it was truly well-deserved.

Jaebum grasped Jackson’s hand in a firm grip. “You almost had me. It was really close.”

Jackson’s smile turned into a blinding grin. “Ah, that coming from you is praise indeed, Jaebum.” He was about to drop his hand and walk away as the King had risen to declare the end of the duel so he wasn’t prepared when Jaebum tugged on his hand to pull him into a quick but firm hug with one arm slung around the back of Jackson’s shoulders.

“I mean it,” Jaebum whispered into Jackson’s ear, “you are a good fighter.” Jaebum was so close that his lips brushed Jackson’s ear, the other guard’s breath hot against his skin. “We’ll work well together,” Jaebum added before promptly releasing him but Jackson didn’t move. He was stunned by the sudden praise and Jaebum’s words. Work together? He had talked to Jaebum for quite a bit but the other had never demonstrated much sign that he regarded Jackson as more than just a friendly acquaintance or given any hint that there was something ‘together’. Blinking, he parted his lips to express his surprise but King Raymond had called the victor forward. Hastily, Jackson resumed his ceremonial place but the moment lingered on Jackson’s mind. Something in how Jaebum regarded him had changed but Jackson had no idea what or why. Plus, what was this suggestion? What did Jaebum’s words mean?

Of course, Mark and Jinyoung had watched the exchange between their guards very closely. Obviously, their whispers were unheard due to the distance as well as general noise of the excited crowd, some of whom were going through memorable moments of the duel with animated gestures. While Jinyoung had a knowing smile on his lips, Mark could barely keep a frown from showing. It was Jinyoung’s smile that made Mark suspicious. Something else was happening here but what was it? Still, Mark kept his face void of any emotion but polite interest as Jaebum was announced the victor amidst the crowd’s cheers with his father’s words of praise of how the battle was well fought. Though Mark had to keep his gaze supposedly focused on Jaebum, he angled his head so that he could keep Jackson in the periphery of his vision. Jackson was standing off to the side, next to a squire who now held Jackson’s sword and shield. From what Mark could see, Jackson was confused and Jackson being confused made Mark even more suspicious. What was going on?

 Mark never found out. When he questioned Jackson a day or two after the duel had taken place, Jackson couldn’t give him any answers because the guard too did not know what had happened (Jackson kept Jaebum’s words to himself) or why Jinyoung and his guard had subsequently had many private councils with Mark’s father. Though Mark was involved in meetings that dealt predominantly with the ruffians, there were times Jinyoung would approach his father and ask for a word in private. The first time Jinyoung had done so, Mark made to stay but the visiting prince had politely explained that this was a matter between King Raymond and his own father and that Jinyoung was merely acting as a messenger. So Mark had left the room reluctantly. What were they talking about that was so secretive? Perhaps it was also Mark’s imagination that he thought their whispered discussions mentioned Jackson. Still, Mark knew better than to ask especially with the stern look his father had given him the one time he had alluded to the issue. Mark could see that it was something that worried his father but until his father was ready to tell him, Mark would wait.

Perhaps his father would tell him once Jinyoung left as his visit was drawing to a close. Finally. It had been a long month.


As a way to end Jinyoung’s visit aside from the customary banquet, Mark had arranged for a private hunting party consisting of only four individuals – the two princes and their two guards. No pages, no servants, no entourage. It had not been private at first because it was meant to be a full blown affair with a pack of hounds and herd of horses but Jinyoung had suggested that it be scaled down and Mark could easily see why. There would be far less formality and since they had an odd dynamic worked out between them, the group of four would do just fine. As much as Mark still did not think of Jinyoung as a friend, and truth be told neither did Jinyoung, they had reached a particular level of comfort with each other. At least, Mark did not find himself as irritated by Jinyoung these days… except when it came to one individual.

Mark glanced over his shoulder at Jackson as they rode across the fields to get to the forest that had been secured for their hunting session. The guard caught the Prince’s eye and gave the royal a wide grin that turned mischievous in an instant. Without further ado, Jackson gave the black mare he was riding a nudge with his ankles and off they shot, overtaking Mark on his white stallion. Mark was startled for he had not expected Jackson to react like this. If there had been others around, Mark knew Jackson would have made sure to keep behind him as decorum dictated but since there was on one else except Jinyoung and Jaebum, Jackson seemed far more at ease and had dropped his guard persona. Mark liked it. A lot.

Initially caught by surprise as his guard surged forward with Jackson’s loud high-pitched laugh echoing in his ears, it only took Mark a moment to respond. Clicking his tongue, he used his ankles to urge his steed to pick up the pace and leaned forward to give chase. Hooves pounded as they flew across the grassy fields. Mark soon caught up and he called to his guard as the wind whipped through his hair, the fresh air filling his lungs with a sense of light-heartedness that he rarely felt within the castle.

“Think you can win?” Mark asked Jackson with a carefree grin, voice raised to be heard over the rushing wind.

“Is that a challenge?” replied Jackson with too much candour that anyone would have used to address royalty. Jackson wiggled his eyebrows teasingly and his grin never left his lips. A few months ago, Jackson would have never dreamed of being able to speak casually like this with the Prince. There had always been that barrier of social hierarchy between them and it was such a titan that Jackson could not even address the Prince as just Mark in his thoughts. Mark had always been ‘his royal highness’ even in Jackson’s head. Now, however, the situation was different.

“Shall we hedge a bet?” Mark asked right after letting out a guffaw of laughter at Jackson’s reply. He liked this banter. It was different! It was free from the chains of decorum. It was them.

“Victor gets a wish,” Jackson suggested before adding, “any wish!”

“Done!” agreed Mark. “To that tree!” Mark gestured with an incline of his head before he took a tighter hold of his reins and spurred his stallion on.

“Hee-yah,” cried Jackson to his own horse.

The prince and guard raced across the fields to the finishing point at breakneck pace. It was dangerous and Jackson, in his right mind, would have stopped and not egged Mark on but they were caught up in the spirit of youthful recklessness. They were often so confined to their social roles that the experience of escaping it all was exhilarating. Mark was a little ahead but Jackson was determined to win. It was more for the thrill of competition than the prize and Jackson hunkered further down into his saddle, urging his mare to go as fast as it could. He was gaining, soon they were neck and neck. Not even sparing his prince a glance, Jackson kept his focus and eyes entirely on the terrain ahead of them. As Mark clearly had the faster horse, Jackson needed to do all he could to guide his own along the most stable path, avoiding as much uneven ground as far as possible. Gritting his teeth, Jackson held his breath as they neared the aforementioned tree. Only a little more. And, with a final burst of speed, Jackson won!

“YEAH!” howled Jackson in victory, throwing his clenched fist high in the air as Mark passed him in a blur before both their horses slowed down to a canter.

“YES! YES! YES!” Jackson continued to shout in whoops of excitement.

Mark had never seen his guard this excited before and though he had lost, Jackson’s joy was contagious. Jackson’s smile was the widest Mark had ever seen, his eyes the brightest they had ever shone and Mark was the only one Jackson was looking at, every feature of his face b with that spark that only Jackson had.

“You won,” was Mark’s simple comment once he had shaken himself out of moments of stunned admiration. With a smile, Mark brought his horse along Jackson’s as they continued the rest of the short distance that was left at a languid pace for their horses to recover.

“So what is your wish?”

“My wish?” echoed Jackson, blinking in confusion before he remembered that they had made a bet.

“You suggested it,” Mark laughed, “don’t tell me that you forgot.”

“I did,” Jackson confessed with a laugh as well. “Entirely.”

“Ah, I should not have reminded you then,” replied Mark with feigned regret but the twinkle in his eye told Jackson that Mark felt no such thing.

“You shouldn’t have,” teased Jackson, “I might take advantage of it.”

Mark froze, startled at Jackson’s reply. He was sure that Jackson had no inkling of what he felt in response to Jackson’s words or the ideas that flitted rapidly through his mind, each more insane than the last. It was an unsettling feeling – confusion, hope, worry, excitement, even a tiny bit of dread – it all combined to make Mark’s gut twist at the idea that Jackson would, for once, be the one who had the power to make decisions. It was certainly a change but was it pleasant? Or was it erse? Did Mark want it to change? Swarmed by thoughts not least because he could not believe that he was actually anticipating Jackson taking ‘advantage’, Mark kept silent and Jackson, who had seemed to get better and better at reading Mark’s moods after he became the prince’s guard, felt the awkwardness.

Clearing his throat, Jackson spoke up to break the silence. “Please don’t worry, your highness. I didn’t mean what I said.”

Mark glanced at Jackson who did really seem sorry for what the guard must have deemed to be a thoughtless reply. Shaking his head slightly, Mark signalled that he had not taken any offense but the prince couldn’t think of what to say, not when the feeling in his gut was now tinged with slight disappointment. Heavens, what was going on?

Jackson bit his lower lip as he observed Mark’s silence. This was a confused, preoccupied silence. Whatever Mark was thinking of seemed to be bothering him and Jackson was mentally kicking himself for being the cause of it. He never wanted to cause the prince any trouble or discomfort. What an idiot he had been. He spoke up but he did not really have anything to say. He just wanted to break through Mark’s reverie.

“Your highness, I-”

“Mark! Jackson!” came Jinyoung’s voice as the other pair drew closer. It wasn’t the first time that day that Jinyoung had called their names but of course, they hadn’t heard him over the thunder of their horses’ hooves and wind in their ears. Instead, Jinyoung and Jaebum had been left far behind because of the unexpected race and only now caught up just as they reached the place to tether their horses. Being ignored left Jinyoung feeling a tad petulant because, well, because he wasn’t used to being ignored.

“A bit too eager, aren’t we?” Jinyoung commented in a huff as Jaebum, who had already dismounted, held out a hand to assist Jinyoung just in case. Jinyoung didn’t take his guard’s hand and swung himself off his horse with an easy and natural grace, feet landing nimbly on the ground. Jaebum did not react to the refusal at all, taking the reins of his prince’s horse instead in order to lead it towards a shadier patch of grass. He was used to his prince’s moods for they were varied and often underwent sudden changes.

Mark, who had also dismounted, was feeling quite relieved that Jinyoung and Jaebum were there. At least their presence helped Mark push the unsettling feelings out of his consciousness for the time being. He was about to respond to Jinyoung’s complaint with a polite but thinly veiled sarcastic comment before Jackson spoke up. “Prince Jinyoung, it was my fault entirely. I do apologise,” said Jackson, stepping closer to the visiting prince in order to accompany his apology with a polite bow.

Jinyoung blinked, sidestepped by Jackson’s sudden apology. He hadn’t wanted one and Mark knew that. Jackson, Jinyoung guessed, did not and Jinyoung wasn’t surprised. He had barely known the guard for a month and he could count on his fingers the times that they had shared a conversation that had gone beyond the usual polite banter. A tad nonplussed about how to respond and even feeling slightly uncomfortable that he had essentially forced Jackson to apologise for no reason, Jinyoung cleared his throat lightly and waved his hand in a dismissive gesture.

“Shall we begin the hunt?” Jinyoung suggested as a way to overcome the odd atmosphere.

“Certainly,” Mark replied, his old rivalry with Jinyoung successful in casting Mark’s previous emotional conflict into shadow. “Let’s see whose game graces the royal table this evening,” Mark put forth as a challenge before letting Jinyoung choose which side of the forest he wanted and Mark graciously took the other.


*            *            *


Three rabbits, one hare and two pheasants later, Mark and Jackson were sitting by the riverbank to enjoy the sunshine as they waited for Jinyoung and Jaebum to come back. Truth be told, Mark had had enough of hunting. He wasn’t much for the sport for he never could kill for enjoyment. There was something about his arrow drawing blood that still made him uneasy no matter how many people tried to persuade him that it was a gentleman’s sport. That was why he had hunted rabbits that were considered pests for gardeners as well as pheasants who were breed for the hunt. He had taken care not to kill any of those that belonged in the wild. Of course, he understood that some had to kill to eat and necessarily so. They needed to sustain themselves and others for a living. For Mark, however, there was a ready supply of game meat for the palace kitchens so he saw not the need.

Also, he just wanted to enjoy the time outside the palace away from ever-watchful eyes wherever he went. And to have no one other than Jackson for company made it even more precious so he’d rather rest on the river bank than stalk through the forest’s undergrowth. Sighing, Mark stretched his legs on the grass and promptly laid down, eyes closed to enjoy the sun’s rays on his face.

Jackson, who was sitting an arm’s length away from Mark, tried to maintain some sort of awareness as the prince’s guard. They were out in the open and though the forest had been secured with other guards stationed at its periphery to prevent strangers from entering it, Jackson knew it was his duty to remain alert. Jaebum, for one, would probably smack him on the head for being relaxed. But… it was hard to keep his attention on his surroundings. While he could have admired the way sunlight rippled on the river’s current or followed the gentle sway of branches and leaves in the breeze, his attention was drawn exclusively to the man lying next to him. He rarely had the chance to watch Mark so closely. True, he accompanied the prince most of the time but he was always standing behind Mark or he would be stationed outside a room while Mark was within it. Thus, being able to let his eyes linger on the handsome face of his prince was an opportunity he could not resist. He was helplessly transfixed as he studied his prince’s features – the gentle slope of the prince’s nose, the unmarred brow, the dark eyelashes complemented by high cheekbones, the sharp yet firm jaw that told of the prince’s character – Jackson found it hard to believe that someone could have been born so fair. It was no wonder the ladies of their kingdom envied the prince.

Mark knew that Jackson was staring. He could feel it but he controlled his expression. Nothing showed that he was aware of it, nothing showed that he was curious about Jackson’s expression as the guard watched him though Mark truly wanted to know, but most of all, nothing showed that he was basking in the reality of being Jackson’s sole focus. If Jackson wanted to look at him, then let him look. It did no harm to Mark at all. After all, others have had the chance to study his face such as the painters who painted his yearly portrait as well as some ladies of the court who made no secret of their infatuation. Why not Jackson then? Content with that, Mark let the silence between them wear on and if not for Mark’s training as the kingdom’s heir, he would not have been able to withstand it.  The only sign that gave him away was the faintest blush of pale rose pink that was beginning to colour his cheeks.

Jackson had not moved, stopping himself from inching ever just a little closer to the prince. An arm’s length was the fitful distance between them. It will always be that way but bless his sense of sight that allowed him to overcome that separation. After what seemed like suspended moments in time, Jackson’s eyes caught some movement a little behind them. He tore his gaze away from his prince and saw that Prince Jinyoung and Jaebum had arrived, the guard proudly carrying a full-grown deer in a sack.

“Your highness, Prince Jinyoung is here,” Jackson informed Mark.

Mark finally opened his eyes and sat up with a sigh. The world was not just the two of them anymore. “A deer, Jinyoung? You win then,” Mark pronounced, not at all begrudgingly.

“Well-deserved, don’t you think?” replied Jinyoung, unable to mask the hint of pride in his voice because it was one of his most accomplished solo hunts.

“Yes, Jinyoung, very well-deserved,” said Mark, a small smile forming because Jinyoung was allowing his real self to peer through – the self that showed what Jinyoung actually thought and felt. Too often Jinyoung hid everything behind a persona but with this visit, Mark was beginning to see and accept who Jinyoung was and Jinyoung was beginning to see Mark in the same way.

The visiting prince approached the two who were still seated on the grassy bank and sat down next to Mark while Jaebum went to store the kill in a secure place. Jinyoung sat on a piece of rug he had brought with him for though Mark might not mind grass stains but Jinyoung did. Conversation followed regarding their hunting experiences and when Jaebum was back, he took his place next to his prince. Like Jackson, Jaebum sat at an arm’s length away with eyes scanning their surroundings.

Jackson caught the visiting guard’s gaze, however, and they communicated for a bit through sign language and facial expressions which was something that tickled Jackson. When they had first met, Jackson would never have guessed that Jaebum was so expressive. The various degrees of Jaebum’s smile were incredibly interesting. It could range from a cold, disdainful smirk, not unlike those that had been directed at Jackson during the first few times they met, to ones that were so wide, it looked as if Jaebum’s jaw had dislocated. After using gestures to ask Jaebum if he would like to spar, to which Jaebum agreed wordlessly, Jackson requested permission.

“Your highness, may I spar with Jaebum?”

“Of course, Jackson,” came Mark’s automatic reply even if it had come as a surprise. He thought Jackson would have been content to remain by his side like always… Or was that not enough anymore…

“Thank you, your highness,” Jackson answered with a happy smile before scrambling to his feet while Jaebum got up to get their weapons. Soon, Jaebum was teaching Jackson how to use that half-sword. A parrying sword, it was called.

“You’ll likely fight better using this,” Jaebum commented as Jackson practised a basic move. “You’re more an attacker than a defender.”


“I meant that your skills and nature are more inclined to attack. A shield would not do you justice. I could teach you more if you’d like,” offered Jaebum who stepped closer to Jackson, taking the younger guard’s wrist in order to correct Jackson’s grip on the sword.

“Really?” chirped Jackson, excited at the prospect of mastering the use another weapon. As quickly as his excitement rose, however, it soon fell and it showed on the young guard’s face. “But you’re leaving day after tomorrow.”

“But we’d meet again so-,” Jaebum began to say before he managed to stop himself. He can’t be the one to tell Jackson. It wasn’t his place to do so.

“What’s that? Meet again?” Jackson asked in surprise before laughing. “Yeah, again as in the next time your Prince comes to visit which would be sometime…. Next year?”

Jaebum shrugged nonchalantly though inwardly, he was relieved that Jackson was taking his words lightly. “That’s still meeting,” Jaebum said, acting a little offended.

“Right, right. Whatever makes you happy, Jaebum,” replied Jackson with a wink. “Now, teach me another move.” Jaebum gladly obliged.

Meanwhile, the two princes were sitting together, their attention divided between bouts of silence, conversations and watching their guards spar. Jinyoung had a curious look on his face as he observed Mark. Little did Mark and Jackson know, Jinyoung had had a good look at Jackson’s face when they just returned from hunting and Jackson’s expression had been one of absolute adoration and devotion. It was a look that Jinyoung had not seen before. Then again, perhaps it was because those usually around him were not as expressive as Jackson. Still, Jackson’s expression captivated Jinyoung. What was Jackson thinking of when he stared at Mark like that? And more so, Jinyoung found himself wondering what it would be like to be on the receiving end of that devoted gaze. Could he elicit such a gaze from Jackson? Would Jackson look at him like that? The idea somehow took root in Jinyoung’s mind and the visiting prince soon saw it as a personal challenge. He would get that gaze from Jackson. He would prove to himself that he was worthy to receive such feelings too.

Without anything more than a nod to Mark, Jinyoung got up and called to Jackson, interrupting a bout of rough housing that was going on between the two guards.

“Yes, Prince Jinyoung?” Jackson asked, hastily standing at attention once Jaebum had released him from an impending headlock. Jaebum and his headlocks would be the death of him, thought Jackson.

“Come here, please,” said Jinyoung, his voice raised just enough to be heard over the distance.

After a confused glance at Jaebum, who also seemed to be at a loss about why Jinyoung wanted to speak to Jackson so suddenly, Jackson approached the visiting prince. He saw Mark watching as well and sent his prince a bewildered look but there was no time to seek a reply.

“Jackson,” said Jinyoung the moment the guard was near enough, “I noticed that bird over there.” Jinyoung pointed at a bird that just happened to be nearby when Jinyoung needed it. “I heard that you like birds and know them well. What is it called?”

Jackson blinked, his lips parted in surprise because this was the last thing he expected from the visiting prince. Then again, this wouldn’t be the first time Jinyoung had asked him these type of questions. Recovering his wits, Jackson moved closer to the bird to get a better look. He could not yet see it that well. He crouched behind a bush and peered closer, trying to discern what bird it was. Ah-ha! Jackson knew this species! He motioned over his shoulder for Jinyoung to join him, which the visiting prince did after a moment’s hesitation. It felt odd to be beckoned like this by someone like Jackson. His intention had been to occupy Jackson’s attention and now that he had succeeded, Jinyoung actually found himself willingly sneaking up to crouch on the ground next to the guard. Who would have thought Jinyoung would be found in such a situation? No one who knew him would have guessed, not even Jaebum and the older guard was looking on silently after having arranged their used weapons in a neat pile. Jackson proceeded to explain that the bird was a finch and that it was usually found in such areas near the river. As Jackson continued his explanation with his eyes fixed mostly on the bird but sometimes flickering to the prince beside him, Jinyoung listened not only to what Jackson was telling him but also to the changed cadence of the guard’s voice. Usually excited and outspoken, Jackson’s voice was often loud and of a slightly higher register but now that he was speaking in hushed tones, there was a melodic low quality that was very pleasant to hear.

Mark, on the other hand, had remained seated where he was but his eyes would not look anywhere else apart from where Jinyoung and Jackson crouched. Mark couldn’t help but feel resentful at the sight. That was a position and bond that he thought was special between Jackson and himself. It was a position that they often assumed when they had gone bird watching when Jackson had been a squire in training. It was a position that Mark associated with Jackson and, thought Mark with a slight pang, had hoped that it was a position Jackson associated with him only. But apparently, Mark’s position could be replaced by someone else without much thought. The idea made Mark feel bitter. Mark found himself ready for Jinyoung to leave the kingdom, his mind skipping over their improved relationship in favour of Jinyoung no longer being around Jackson.

Just as Mark was about to order the hunt closed so that they’d head back to the castle because he no longer found any happiness being out there by the river, he saw Jackson suddenly get up and beckon to him.

“Your highness,” hissed Jackson, not daring to raise his voice too loudly or even move too much. When Mark did not respond because he was still wrapped up in his disgruntled state of emotions, Jackson hissed louder, “Your highness~” Jackson crawled a little towards Mark as he raised a hand that beckoned insistently for Mark to join him. “Come here~” The sight of Jackson on his knees in the grass with a pleading but excited look on his face was enough to expel the illogical resentfulness Mark had earlier felt. It was also helped by the fact that Jackson was ignoring Jinyoung who had tapped on the guard’s shoulder.

“Your. Highness. Prince. Mark,” Jackson continued to hiss, his eyes round and imploring as he crawled closer. “Come here puh-lease~”

Hiding a grin but allowing himself to smile a little, Mark made his way over and in practised ease, crouched next to Jackson who was motioning with his finger at yet another bird nearby.

“Your highness, do you see it? I told you there’s a blue bird with a red spot on its chest but you didn’t believe me,” gushed Jackson.


“There, your highness, there,” pointed Jackson, leaning close to Mark in order to direct his prince’s gaze to where the rare bird was perched nearby.

“I don’t see it,” said Mark, who was in reality teasing Jackson because he had seen it and it was a beautiful bird but in that moment, what was even more beautiful was that Jackson had forgotten about Jinyoung. Mark could see the disappointment and rejection on the visiting prince’s face and the selfish, immature part of him was delighted.

“Your highness,” huffed Jackson in exasperation. He pressed closer to his prince until their shoulders touched. “There.”

“Ah, I see it now. You were right, Jackson.”

“See? I told you, I told you!”

“Yes, you did,” Mark replied, indulging Jackson in his excitement and celebration of his small victory. It wasn’t often that Jackson could point out something Mark did not know so when it happened, Jackson always wanted to boast a little and Mark let him.

Jinyoung, on the other hand, had crossed his arms in a vexed manner as Jackson’s attention was now focused on Mark. While Jackson’s face was turned away from him, he could see Mark’s face clearly and it showed a happiness that Jinyoung envied. He wanted to be the one with that happy expression. The bird watching continued with Jackson finally turning to Jinyoung only to ask if they had the same bird in his kingdom because he was arguing with Mark about how rare the red-spotted bluebird was. Jinyoung realised there and then that as long as Mark was around, Jackson would barely pay him any attention. Well then.

Finally, it was time to return to the castle and after having listened to more talk about birds than he could stomach, Jinyoung was ready to ride back. As the guards gathered up the remnants of food from their makeshift picnic by the river and secured their kills on the horses, an idea struck Jinyoung. It was a selfish idea, purely egotistical and quite dangerous but he had to try it. He’d get Jackson’s pure and undivided attention before the day was over. It must be noted that Jinyoung wasn’t usually given to such selfish impulses but rarely if ever in his privileged life had he ever needed to compete for attention. It was always poured out to him in leaps and bounds. Along with the fact that he was very intelligent and had learned to read people very early on, he had never had to deal with anyone like Jackson whose attention was usually fixated on someone else other than Jinyoung. Jinyoung had never been second. And it displeased him.

Jinyoung approached Jaebum to order him to prepare the horses.

“Yes, your highness,” answered the guard with a slight bow.

Jinyoung hummed his acknowledgement but just as Jaebum turned to leave, Jinyoung caught hold of the guard’s wrist. Startled, Jaebum stopped in his tracks to look at his prince. He saw a look of guilt on his prince’s face and wrecked his mind trying to understand why or what had brought on this sudden change.

“Jaebum,” murmured Jinyoung, eyes searching the guard’s own dark ones before falling, downcast. Jaebum’s breath hitched. What was going on? Why was his prince acting like this?

“Jaebum, please…” Jinyoung had to pause and clear his throat before continuing in a small voice. “Please don’t hate me.”

“Y-your highness,” stuttered Jaebum, his usual controlled demeanour vanishing without a trace. “What do you mean? What in heavens do you mean?”

Jinyoung’s first response was to tighten his grip on Jaebum’s wrist. He took a deep breath and said softly, “promise me. Promise you won’t hate me.”

“Your highness,” breathed Jaebum in a sigh that sought to both reassure his prince that nothing could ever make him hate Jinyoung and communicate his hurt that Jinyoung would even imagine such a thing happening. His loyalty and devotion to Jinyoung was unshakable, he thought Jinyoung knew that.

Jinyoung squeezed Jaebum’s wrist again. This time, the guard lifted a hand to enclose Jinyoung’s pale one. “I promise.”

Jinyoung glanced up at Jaebum, relief replacing most of the guilt and then he nodded, releasing Jaebum’s wrist after giving it one last squeeze. “Now prepare the horses and wait there until I call for you.”

“Yes, your highness.”

“Remember, do not come until I call for you.”

“Yes, your highness.” If Jinyoung’s order puzzled Jaebum, the guard didn’t show it. He’d do whatever Jinyoung desired and if Jinyoung said to wait until he called for him, then he’d wait. Giving another bow, Jaebum set off to where the horses were which was quite a distance away from the river because they had wanted to let the horses lie in the shade.

Back by the river bank, Jackson was chatting with Mark in animated gestures, probably telling Mark another funny experience he had heard recently while the prince waited for Jackson to gather up the last of their belongings. Jinyoung took a deep determined breath and raced passed them, calling out as he ran by, “I’m going to take a dip!”

With that, Jinyoung jumped and dived into the river headfirst.

“Wait, Jinyoung!” Mark gasped in shock before Jinyoung resurfaced, shaking his head and swiping his hair out of his eyes. “Jinyoung, what do you think you’re doing?! That river’s too dangerous to swim in!”

“Is it real-?” but Jinyoung’s words were lost as he felt the undercurrent tug him. It was stronger than he had assumed.








author's note:

first of all, i am SO SORRY this chapter has taken so long. i've been up to my ears in work and yes, i know it's not excuse for readers because i too wait for updates like crazy. so i am truly sorry for making you wait as well.

on the other hand, things are progressing and only one more chapter to draw this story's arch to a close.

i do apologise beforehand for jinyoung's characterisation. i needed him to be a bit selfish in this fic and even though he is very sweet and generous in real life, think of the jinyoung in this fic as an utterly immature imaginary jinyoung.

oh and in case you're worried about jinyoung's survival - i don't think i'm spoiling anything by saying that Jinyoung is rescued :)

hope you've enjoyed the update and as always, do let me know what you think! i love reading comments, short, long, spazzy and critical. all comments welcomed :)

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Chapter 12: Please don't abandon this story please. This is one of my favourite fanfic ( I have read all Markson fanficitons ) . Your writing style , the plotline everything is so good. Also take care of your helath ^_^
Cawito #2
Chapter 12: What? No more chapters? Why?? This fanfiction is really good!!!
blueandgrey_ #3
i was on a six month hiatus, and i came back recently...this fic was one of the first stories i looked for because it had been one of my absolute favourite markson fics ♡
i hope you haven't decided to not continue this story or something, (though if you have, that's completely your call if course). as a writer, i do know how hard it is to find the time to write and actually be motivated to write and find the right words and stuff...but as a reader, i really do wish you decide to update soon (no pressure haha) :)
Joker_hyphen #4
Chapter 12: I miss this story so much that I came back to read it all over again ahah happy new year author-nim and readers!!
I miss this story! I hope you don't give up on it! Best wishes
Dichromatic #6
Chapter 12: I love your story with how much detail you put in and your writing style is just great! I didn't think there would be an update this soon. You are awesome! Thank you.
petshopxoxoxo #7
Chapter 12: Jackson, I'm sure that Mark misses u as much as u miss him. It might be because u didn't write him any letter for weeks. It might be because of his prince image in public. Fighting Markson!
Nachtice #8
Chapter 12: Good start to the last arc authornim!
Fighting Jackson! I'm sure Mark's got a lot on his mind.
Chapter 12: Ugh lord I was so close! So close to seeing that Markson interaction. You're cruel to me T.T but I'll take what I can get. Thank you <3
klollipoper #10
Chapter 11: this story is so good im so happy i found it ?? just how you write is beautiful and detailed and i love their personalities especially jinyoung's and jackson's omg