Love and Muse

To Love
"What's wrong with our pretty princess?"


Taehyung simply grunted and didn't bother to lift his head up. He doesn't need to see who it was for there's only one person who calls him that.


"Leave me alone, Jimin." he huffed on his desk.


"Oh come on, princess. You know you can always tell me~" 


He heard the sound of wood scraping on the floor along with a silent thud which tells him enough that Jimin had made himself comfortable with a seat. His friend doesn't plan to let him off, he supposed.


"Stop calling me princess." he said, but there was no bite in his words. Taehyung lifted his face from the hard wood only to find Jimin smiling at him, crescents forming while his eyes disappears when his smile reaches his cheeks. Everything is the usual... well everything except for Jimin's bright orange hair. Taehyung raised an eyebrow at that and his friend caught the unasked question.


"I lost a bet, okay. Ignore it. I only have to put up with it for a week." It was obvious that Jimin was bothered by it, but Taehyung has the feeling that the reason behind the hair is what bothered his friend, and not the color itself.


"I can't believe he'll force his muse to do this." Taehyung casually said.


"I am not his muse!" Jimin instinctively answered. Although after a few seconds of staring at Taehyung's satisfied smile, he finally realized his mistake.




"Ugh! I really hate you, Love."


"I hate you, too, Muse."


On their way out of the university, they saw a bunch of students loitering around the school gates like there was some sort of attraction to see there. They were curious as well and decided to slowly approach it, though a glimpse of something white and shiny steeled Jimin's expression into a glare. The smaller guy practically marched his way through the crowd and Taehyung made sure that he was out of the way. 


"My muse!"


A loud deep voice penetrated through the crowd, as the ball of bright orange hair approached the man leaning on the white sports car. The man was about a head taller than the majority of the crowd, and he was in all ways looked intimidating. Well... intimidating just before Jimin came to his view, then he suddenly broke into a wide grin and attempted to welcome the younger man in his arms.


A pained groan was all Taehyung heard as he followed Jimin, no surprises there, afterall there was nothing new about Namjoon getting welcomed by a punch to his side.


"What gave you the idea that you can come to the school?" Jimin hissed at the taller male who was still rubbing his side.


"But my muse--"

"And I told you to stop calling me muse!"


"But you are my mu--"


Another groan from Namjoon, Jimin's fist planted on his stomach this time. His friend circled the car and hastily seated himself to the passenger's seat and glared at Namjoon one more time. The taller male rushed to the driver's seat with a goofy grin on his face.


"Tae, do you want a ride? I can drive you to your house." There was a glint in the older's eyes. This tactic wasn't new to Taehyung. All Namjoon is trying to do is to extend the car ride with Jimin and he knows well enough the amount of nagging he'll get from his friend if he agrees.


"Maybe next time, hyung. I think---"


The sound of Jimin's phone cut off what Taehyung was about to say. The moment the orange-haired boy saw the caller, his eyes went wide and glared back at Namjoon who shivered slightly.


Jimin brought his attention back to the phone and quickly answered it. "Hoseok-hyu--"


"Jimin! Namjoon is missing! Do you know where he is?! We're already pushing his deadline. What is he doing escaping when he's supposed to be working?!"


Namjoon didn't wait for the rest of the call as he sped up his car away from the school. Jimin looked outright murderous at the moment he heard the editor's complaints.


Taehyung was left with his hand in the air with an attempt to give them a wave, though he doubts if either of them will see it considering how the car literally leaves a trail of dust behind.

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nightowl10 #1
Chapter 5: This story is so good! I hope you will continue writing it as well as the green envelope! More power author-nim! ?
Tettych #2
Chapter 5: More Than Just Love and Thee Green Envelope, both of which are awesome fics, the way you write and the story line is really interesting, different from others.
I hope you can find more free time to continue these two fics, I'm sure very many of your readers are waiting for the rest. Please continue writing because You are a great author !!
Chapter 5: I will look forward to the rest ^-^
owpaaal #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for update! It's interesting and i'm craving for the next chap! <3
owpaaal #5
Chapter 4: GOSH I'm a year late! And to top that, It's so sad that you didn't continue this again TT
exoooo12 #6
Chapter 4: Beautiful.
Chapter 4: Intriguing, yes, but beautiful :)
Chapter 4: I think is really interesting :) waiting for the next update :D
jessica180788 #9
It going to be a good story! I'm glad that ypu finally separated it into another chapter. It gives more clear explanation about the way Jin looks at V as Taehyung and Love. Looking forward to the update..
Chapter 2: Woah! It's so different but really good! I like your story.... I already know, it's going to be a good one ^^