For You. (Yoonmin Ver.)

For Him.
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HI!!!!! Sorry before i have to post my another work here (i mean Yoonmin) but hey it's still inspired by Troye's For Him. after all so mind me. For Him. is an actual song that's out there for everyone to hear and i got strangely emotional over it again. i apologize for absolutely everything this fic is.


writing process through Jimin's pov



Yoongi was acting weird.

Why? Jimin wasn't sure. The last few days have been odd, to say the least. Jimin wasn't use to feeling out of place in his own home, hell with Yoongi around he'd pretty much feel at home anywhere.

But oddly enough, Yoongi has made it his mission to make Jimin feel as out of place as he possibly could.

Ironically, it started with YouTube.

        It was getting late, the Seoul heat making them feel more tired than they should've been on a Tuesday night. They had their dinner and were wasting the night with their laptops on their bellies, feet twisted together on sofa.

        Yoongi eyelids were drooping with each scroll, vision going blurry as he went in and out of consciousness, suddenly bolting awake at the squeal that came from behind Jimin's laptop.

        Yoongi sat up, "What the was that?" He asked, shutting off his laptop and moving it aside.

        Jimin peaked over the top of his computer, "Oh, were you asleep?" He asked with a giddy smile on his face, trying to appear apologetic. "It's this video I found, I'm sorry it's so cute."

        "What's the video?" Yoongi mostly asked to be polite, rubbing his eyes and trying to wake himself up enough to get himself ready for bed.

        "A proposal!" Jimin practically squealed again, quickly turning away to press play on the video.

        That woke Yoongi up. "A proposal?" When Jimin didn't answer he scooted closer, Jimin noticed him leaning over and adjusted so they can watch together.

        "Yes! Should I start it over? She just got off the plane and her boyfriend has a guitarist waiting at every turn with a song he wrote for her. Can you believe that? That's at least ten songs." Jimin excitedly restarted the video, they two of them grinning as the girl on screen made her way through the airport with her hand over in shock, every corner stood someone with a guitar, playing a song specifically written for. She finally reached her boyfriend where he played her a final song and then got down on one knee.

        Jimin clutched his chest and awed.

        "I can't believe people actually do this kind of stuff." Yoongi said, grinning himself when the girl on screen said yes and the strangers that gathered around them cheered.

        "I know!" Jimin responded. "It's so cute, that someone loves someone else so much they'd want to express it like this." He sighed, liking the video and adding it to a private playlist.

        Yoongi rolled his eyes, "You're such a sap."

        Jimin shrugged, eyes still somewhat shining from watching such a cute display of affection. "Can't argue with what is true." He shut his laptop, stretching and yawning. "Bed?"

        Later, Yoongi pulled off his clothes and glanced to where Jimin was already settled under the covers, still grinning at the thought of the video.

        "That really got to you, didn't it?" He teased.

        "Original songs, Hyung." He exclaimed. "If it didn't get to you, you're heartless."

         Yoongi rolled his eyes, "yeah alright. Go to sleep."


         The change started that night, although Jimin won't pinpoint that until much, much later.

         He did notice several things though, and the first was Yoongi's laptop.

         They were best friends before they were boyfriends and that came with their lives trusted in each other's hands, it was perfectly clear that they knew each other's passwords to, well anything.

         At first, it just became a hassle when one boy asked the other to type a response to text and they'd have to hand the phone over anyway to unlock it. It then became easier to just have Jimin log into his Instagram to post a photo he took onto Yoongi's account. It became a common thing, when one of their friends asked to borrow one of their laptops they'd find the nearest of the pair to type in the password, despite who it properly belonged to.

         So Jimin was struck confused when he grabbed Yoongi's computer to look up a recipe while how was charging in the other room, only to type in the password it and be told it was incorrect.

         He typed it again, assuming he wrote too fast. Nothing happened.

         Tilting his head in thought, he typed a couple of other passwords he's known Yoongi would use. None of them worked.

         Huffing and pushing the computer aside he turned out of the kitchen only to walk into Yoongi himself.

         "You sound irritated." He said, placing a hand on his shoulder as he walked around him to grab a glass from the cabinet.

         "I'm making lunch." Jimin said petulantly. At Yoongi's amused eyebrow, he continued. "Well, I was going to make lunch. But I need a recipe. And my computer is dying. And yours is broken." He pouted.

         "You broke my computer?" Yoongi asked, looking at it and seeing nothing wrong.

         "I didn't break your computer, it was broken before I got it." He explained. "The password isn't working."

         "That's because I changed the password, dummy." Yoongi laughed, clicking in the correct one and sliding it over once the screen loaded.

         "Oh." Jimin stared at the screen blankly for a second, only moving again when Yoongi walked passed him, ruffling his hair and giggling at his expense.

         Jimin laughed with him, although something about it bothered him. He didn't dwell on it too much before it was forgotten.


         Jimin worried.

         He worries a lot, it's his thing almost, he'd been told. He's a worrier. He sometimes wonders what his life would be like if he'd never left Busan, and traditionally had a handful of friends and didn't have millions of followers he felt responsible for.

         But, he did leave Busan and he has quite a bit more than a handful of friends. Friends who he worries about and hopes are doing well and are healthy and happy.

         And it just so happens it's a lot worse when it comes to the one's he loves most. Specifically his family. Even more specifically, Yoongi.

         So he worries, it's not something he minds. Yoongi makes fun of him, calling him "mom" just to push his buttons (and to make him calmer, as a matter a fact), but he doesn't mind either. Appreciates it quite a bit, he's admitted.

         It's not an issue. Until it is.

         At least, Jimin thinks it is. If there was one thing he hated the most about worrying, is when he's worried he's over worrying.

         He doesn't ever want to cling, and be overbearing. Doesn't want to suffocate Yoongi. When Yoongi told him about staying in Seoul , he did the polite boyfriend thing to do and helped him find an Apartement close enough to all of his favorite places in the city. When he knows Yoongi has a long studio day he makes sure to let him know of his own busy day so Yoongi doesn't think he's waiting around for him. If Yoongi gets invited to some party because of his work, Jimin makes plans with friends. Even if it means seeing Yoongi pout once or twice at not having him there.

         He has his own life separate from Yoongi, and while they prefer theirs together, he do

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Good lord wHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING AT WRITING!!! This was so beautiful (and I absolutely love Troye so as soon as I saw the title I was hooked). Goodness, the concept for the taekook one was so unique and the end left me wanting more but at the same time I was oddly satisfied?? Idk, but I absolutely loved it. I love your style of writing and I really enjoyed the yoonmin (so relieved that it didn't turn into something super angsty or sad). Okay I'm sorry my response isn't exactly the most coherent, but bottom line I love this so thank you for uploading ^^~
Awesome_gurl #2 cute:))) love it!!!