The Actual Stars.

For Him.
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If Jungkook could count, he'd be able to tell you how many hours he'd been floating in space.

He can't count and he can't speak but he would do it if he could.

Jungkook floated aimlessly and observantly, always watching and burning brightly, in a cluster of others similar in size and brightness.

        Jungkook liked being apart of a cluster, he can feel the energy of the lonelier stars as he spiraled around in the vast emptiness, feeling their pull. He'd feel bad for them, if he could. 

        Jungkook didn't know what else to do but to burn, to create light and to emit energy. He didn't know if there was an end, despite knowing of his beginning. He'd say he'd feel content regardless of the unknown, but it's hard to that when you're a star.

        Jungkook liked the space in space, he liked the light years that separated him from the other stars, he liked his cluster and would never want to be like the others floating alone but he liked that he could burn on his own, being impressive by his own light.

        Jungkook loved being a star, it was all he knew.

        Jungkook didn't know why he burned, but he loved to do it. But when he felt his flame diminishing, he was content about that too.

        This is what he burned for, he was sure of it. He had watched several of the stars in his cluster shrink and collapse into their own, and he was ready for it to be his turn.

        He grew smaller and smaller, until there was nothing left, and if he could identify what his last thoughts were, if he could think, he'd tell you he was excited.


        Taehyung was easily impressed, Jungkook learned early on. He was very easy to please and would celebrate the smallest accomplishments. When he was tired, and Jungkook would help him out of his clothes or bring him a glass of water, he'd press kisses into every bare part of Jungkook he could reach, tickling his skin with thank you's.

        He'd always praise Jungkook's work, always a willing eye to watch his videos, or ready to pose for an impromptu photoshoot.

        He'd hop in place when the shot was particularly beautiful, bumping his shoulder against Jungkook's when he couldn't kiss him when they were in public.

        Taehyung encouraged Jungkook in everything he did, ready to give advice or to praise it when it was finished. Jungkook never had to worry if Taehyung would be let down or disappointed, both because Jongkook was confident in his choice and his endless support.

        Still, Jungkook had moments before he showed him an old favorite song or a new video or a poetic tweet, anxiously anticipating Taehyung's reaction. Because yes, he could love it and appreciate the work but would he understand what it means, and why it means so much to Jungkook?

        That was the emotion Jungkook felt as he lied on the grass, sunflowers creating a wall around him, towering over him. The sun had gone down, the sunset captured in stills on the device inside their jackets.

        Taehyung lie beside him, breathing in the fresh air in deep breaths, hands running over the grass where his hands rested.

        Jungkook knew Taehyung would love this place, would love the serenity. Love that the flowers around them created a barricade that kept outsiders from intruding. The way they swayed in the breeze and the way the sunlight made them glow as it descended. He'd love the crisp cold air that bit at their cheeks, even though summer was far from over back home. He'd love the way the music that played from their phones blended with the sound of wind rustling the leaves. And when they shut the music off he'd love the crickets singing in the distance.

        He knew he'd love all that because Jungkook loved all of it, but he hoped he loved what he loved most.

        There weren't many times Jungkook wanted Taehyung's attention to be anyone's but his, but right now he wished more than anything that he wasn't focused on him but the vast sky above.

        Jungkook loved the stars the most. When he was little and found out there were billions of them, he'd try to prove it by counting them when he came here with friends. He never got too high before his parents called him home.

        He watched them with wide eyes, letting them refocus and catch sight of the dimmer specs he hasn't noticed before, feeling his heart swell at the beauty.

        He hoped Taehyung was watching

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Good lord wHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING AT WRITING!!! This was so beautiful (and I absolutely love Troye so as soon as I saw the title I was hooked). Goodness, the concept for the taekook one was so unique and the end left me wanting more but at the same time I was oddly satisfied?? Idk, but I absolutely loved it. I love your style of writing and I really enjoyed the yoonmin (so relieved that it didn't turn into something super angsty or sad). Okay I'm sorry my response isn't exactly the most coherent, but bottom line I love this so thank you for uploading ^^~
Awesome_gurl #2 cute:))) love it!!!