Chapter 2

Love Spell

Seoyoun's P.O.V

"SEOYOUN!! YOU HAVE A GUEST!!" I heard Kogyeol yell from the first floor. 


"OKAY! ONE SECOND. I'M ALMOST DONE." I yelled back. I looked in the mirror one for time just to make sure everything was okay. I was wearing one of the two plain denim skinny jeans I packed and one of Kogyeol's grey shirts that was a bit too big on me. I didn't do anything to my hair, but brush it since it stopped right at my hip and I was too lazy to style it. I kept my makeup simple - just some eyeliner, a lot of mascara, foundation and a muted pinkish brown lipstick. I grabbed my phone from my bed and went downstairs. I found Kogyeol, the guest and a few of the guys from yesterday all in the living room. I didn't like it one bit though. I stood there, hoping for this to be a dream.




"Youngjae..what the hell are you doing here?" I glared right at him. He only chuckled and waved my glare off.


"I missed you. Remember the times when we would just cuddle on the couch and watch movies until hours end?" He held my hand in his. I pulled away in disguist after he planted a kiss on the back of my hand.


"Yea. Remember when I found you hooking up with the school's ?" I shot back at him who let out a bit of a hurt expression.


"I'm sorry to interupt, but I think you should be on your way." Kogyeol politely smiled at Youngjae. He eyed Kogyeol from head to toe.


"Who're you? Are you her new boyfriend?"


"Um, no. You see, he's the brother that I never knew about." I stated matter of factly, knowing it pissed off Youngjae.


"You had a brother?"


"Half brother, biologically, but whatever. He's better than anyone in the family." I rolled my eyes at him.


"Well, are you really going to stay here? Why don't you come back, sweetie?" Youngjae turned his attention from Kogyeol to me.


"Unbelievable. One, do not call me sweetie. Second, how the do you have the nerve to come face me after what you did? Third, I can't because I got expelled. I never liked the school anyways..or any of the ones in the area." I listed the reasons off. At the third reason, there were a few gasps.


"Wait, you got expelled?" Kogyeol asked me with disbelief clearly written all over his face.


"From all 4 of the school within the region." 


"5. There were 5 in the region, and yes, I got expelled from all 5." I corrected Youngjae, giving Kogyeol a mini heart attack. 


"Well, it was worth a try."


" get out. Have a fun trip back to Canada!" I rapidly pushed Youngjae out the door, happy I got rid of him. I should really get a new phone. I sighed and went back to the living room, grabbing a piece of bread from the kitchen along the way.


"What'd you do to get expelled?" Kogyeol asked me once I settled on the couch between him and Xiao.


"Well..I may or may not have got into several fights and broken a few rules here and there.." 


"I'm a bit scared to ask, but what kind of rules?" Jinhoo asked instead of Kogyeol, who was currently in a state of shock. 


"First of all, I don't do any of these anymore. on the school property a few times, came to school drunk, and I..okay, this is really awkward, but I preformed acts of intimacy with a guy. The other 2 times were because of my anger issues." I added the last part quickly.


"At least you have more experience than Kogyeol hyung." Xiao laughed awkwardly to lighten the mood.


"Thanks for trying, Xiao." I pat him on the shoulder.


"At least someone appreciates my efforts." He murmmered for the other 3 guys in the room.


"Wait, then why do you need to go to school?" Kuhn asked, being the second one to recover from the shock along with Jinhoo. 


"I'm 17." Everyone looked at me with big eyes.


"I think I'm going to be sick." I laughed and continued eating. 




"Why does Kogyeol hyung look pale?" Hwanhee asked as soon as he arrived at the house with the rest of the guys.


"Did something happen?" Sunyoul brightly asked.


"Wei! Stop pulling on Kogyeol's ears." Bitto said as he pulled him away.


"Well..we found out something shocking this morning." Kuhn hesitantly said while looking at me.


"What?" Wooshin asked, also eyeing me.


"The reasons why I got expelled from all the school in the region back at Canada. Oh, by the way, that's why I'm here." 


"YOU GOT EXPELLED?!" I nodded at the screams.


"Well, if it's something that shocking that hyung still isn't recovered, then I don't want to know." Gyujin said, only Sunyoul and Bitto agreeing. The other bunch, however, was curious. It seems that Kuhn and Jinwoo told them because as soon as they pulled away, the group seemed to shock to move.


"Is it that shocking?" Sunyoul asked me.


"Oh, hyung, you don't even want to know." Xiao chuckled, sending me a michevious smile. I rolled my eyes away, but also smiling at the same time. 


"So..can we go shopping now?" I brightly asked Kogyeol, poking his cheek. He weakily nodded and I jumped up, walking away to the door. 




"You got a lot of grey, black, white and denim." Wooshin commented when we were all done with shopping. 


"Yea..I just really like them. I don't like too much color." I replied, making him chuckle.


"Well, what do you want for dinner?" Kogyeol asked, and since he was looking at me, I assumed it was for me.


"I want chicken!!" Xiao shouted, raising his hand.


"Not you, stupid. Let Seoyoun decide." Xiao started pouting at Gyujin's side comment. 


"I was actually going to say chicken." Xiao brightened up at my answer. 


"Well, I'll order it. Why don't you get changed?" I nodded, agreeing to my brother's idea. I stood up, grabbed all of my shopping bags and went to my room. 


I closed the door behind me and poured all my shopping bags out on to the floor. While deciding what to wear, I started organizing them into piles: jeans, long sleeves, t-shirts, sweatpants, hoodies, shorts, sweaters, and cardigans. After orgainzing, I started folding my clothes, starting from my jeans. Once I got to my long sleeves, I laid my eyes the shirt that my brother picked out for me. It was a plain grey lace up v neck shirt. Apparently, I needed at least one shirt that would make my feminity stand out. I sighed and just decided to wear that, since it didn't show that much and it was really soft. I finished organizing everything, and I decided to just wear some comfy shorts that were meant for sleeping. I stood up and started taking my clothes off. I reached for my top, when my attention was turned to the person that opened the door. My eyes widened, the person also stood there with his eyes widened. After I was able to process everything, I screamed, also making him say sorry and slamming the door shut. 



A/N: I was going to name who the person is, but this wouldn't be so fun if I did it right away xD

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Sooshi_luvs #1
Chapter 2: wahhhhhh I wasn't even expecting this to be good but.... nguhigihfrgbaliuregblzibfzlwiefbsiddbidzugbzlub update when you have the time author-nim!
great start too!
snorlax808 #2
Lol. Sounds interesting , can't wait to read it