Chapter 4

Does it matter?

Jungkook’s footsteps were light against the cold tiled floor of his school’s hallway. It’s almost six in the evening and he had to stay late to help his teacher check some papers. It was part of his punishment and he have to do it for one month.

He carefully opened the doors to empty classrooms, he felt a sense of nervousness wash over him when he realized how empty and quiet these classrooms are. Opposite of how it usually is during the day where it’s noisy and packed of students chattering about their crushes and TV shows.

Jimin and Taehyung promised that they’ll wait for him in the school, the two really just couldn’t leave the younger behind and told him they’ll all walk home together but now they’re missing in action. Jungkook reached the end of the hallway and ruffled his hair in frustration. Where did they go? Did they trick him and just went home?

Jungkook thought that he should just give up and go home alone until he saw the classroom to his right, he remembered he haven’t checked it yet.

The doorknob was cold against his palm. He took a mental note that if they’re not here then he’ll go home and wouldn’t bother to check the upper floors. He turned the knob and peaked inside the room.

He was greeted by the sight of Jimin pushing Taehyung away, Jimin’s face was red and Taehyung’s back is facing him.

“Hyung? I’ve been looking everywhere.”

There was a long silence as Jimin stood still. He looked like he just ran a marathon with how flushed his face is and how heavy his breathing is. Taehyung on the other hand looked better. He turned to Jungkook with a blank expression (so much for blank Taetae, the younger thought) and it’s always hard to read whatever he’s thinking. Though the younger didn’t miss Taehyung’s ears turning red.

“Oh right, are you done?” Taehyung broke the silence, sticking his tongue out to his lower lip. Something that Taehyung had started to pick up as a habit and Jimin’s faced flushed darker.

“Is Jimin-hyung okay? He looks like he’s sick.” A pause, “The nurse is still here, do you want to go to the clinic?” The younger stared at Jimin who shook his head and covered his face with his hands.

Taehyung laughed, he slapped Jimin’s shoulder lightly, “He’s fine. He’s just embarrassed.”

“I’m not!”

Jungkook frowned, “Embarrassed about what?”

There was a long silence again that was killed by Taehyung’s laugh.

Jungkook wanted to ask more but decided against it. Jimin is bad at keeping secrets so he’ll probably say it sooner or later.

The walk home was a disaster because Taehyung stepped on a dog poop and he won’t shut up about it.


“Jungkook, help me here and peel the potatoes.” His mother called him from the kitchen.

The young boy dragged his feet to the kitchen. If his brother is home he’ll be the one who will be peeling the potatoes, not him. This made Jungkook angry because of how unfair this was.

(And he was watching Iron Man on TV.)

“Mom, can it wait? Iron Man is almost done.”

His mother turned to Jungkook, her hands on her hips, “You’ve watched that movie a lot already. Peel the potatoes or I’m turning the television off.”

Jungkook made another protest about how badly he wanted to finish the movie again because he needed some inspiration to study, but his mother easily won the argument so he did what he was told.

He clumsily peeled the potatoes, few of them slipping to the floor and he immediately took them to wash it on the bowl of water on the table. He made sure his mother didn’t see it or else he won’t hear the end it. He already had enough scolding for the night.

He was peeling the fifth potato when he glanced up at the wall clock in the kitchen. It was almost seven in the evening. He vaguely remembered that he’ll be dropping by at Taehyung’s place to borrow Seokjin’s English notes. He asked his mother’s permission before running out to the house next door. He even forgot to wear proper shoes and is still wearing his indoor slippers and his Iron Man socks when he noticed his brother approaching their house.

He was with a girl, perhaps around his brother’s age. He was about to call out to his brother when the girl moved in front of his brother and leaned in.

He kept quiet and watched until he saw his brother’s gaze lands to him and he immediately pushed the girl away, his face is red.

“Jungkook! What are you doing outside?”

The girl turned to see the younger boy and whispered something to his older brother.

He nodded his head, “Yeah, that’s my brother. Well, goodnight. See you tomorrow.”

With that, the girl left.

(Jungkook recognized the girl, she lives two houses away.)

“What are you doing here?” His brother asked once again, stepping closer to a confused Jungkook.

“I’m going to Jin-hyung’s place to borrow his old notes. What are you doing with her?”

“Oh. Uh. Kissing.”

“Kissing.” The scene looked familiar, maybe Jimin and Taehyung were kissing before?

“Yeah. Is dad home?”

“No. But mom is home. Help her peel the potatoes.”

The older boy rolled his eyes, “Fine.”

Jungkook beamed because he finally got out of the peeling potatoes (silently thanked and cursed his brother) duty so he ran to the house next door.

“Jin-hyung!!” He yelled and rang the doorbell in the gate.

Seokjin opened the door, he held his phone on his right ear as he walked to the gate to open it. He smiled at Jungkook and gestured to the younger that he should come in. The younger didn’t move.

 “It’s fine, Yoongi. I’ll call you later.”

He flipped his phone close, “Come in, Kookie.”

“Ah, it’s okay. I need to finish Iron Man so I need to go back soon.”

“I see.” Seokjin turned his head to the direction of the door, “Taehyung! Can you get me the notebook on the coffee table? The color pink one.”

After few seconds of awkward silence, “Which one? All the notebooks here are color pink!” A muffled reply came. It was no doubt from Taehyung. Another sound accompanied him that sounded like something shattering on the floor.  

Seokjin sighed, “The one with the Yoshi sticker!” Seokjin turned to Jungkook with a tired look, “That’s the second vase he broke this week.”  

“Give me a moment!”

“Faster, Kookie here is in a hurry.”

Jungkook looked up at his hyung, “Who’s Yoongi?”

The older blinked at the sudden question, “He’s a friend. He lives in Seoul.”

“Have you kissed him?” the younger asked curiously, he tilted his head to the side.  

Seokjin’s eyes widened, “Who?”

“The Yoongi.”

“Oh. No, no.”

“Have you kissed anyone before? That is not your mom or dad or Taehyung.”

“No. Not yet, I’m saving my first kiss to someone special.”

“Really? Should I save my first kiss to someone special too?”

A smile, “Of course, Kookie.”

“Can I have you as my first kiss?”

Seokjin opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off by Taehyung hitting the back of his head with a pink notebook.

Seokjin took the notebook and gave it to Jungkook (after giving Taehyung the look), “Make sure you study hard, alright? If you need help just send me a message.”

“Thank you, Jin-hyung!” The younger beamed before he ran back to his house.

The younger boy tried (keyword: tried) to study from the notes (because he doesn’t take notes in class) but failed miserably. He couldn’t even read the word ‘July’ properly. Is it ‘Julai’ or ‘Julee’? He doesn’t know but his brother said it’s read as ‘Julai’. Though he doesn’t trust his brother with this because he knew how dumb the older male actually is. He guessed it runs in the family.  

In the end, he actually didn’t study. He just stared at Seokjin’s neat handwriting and it made him smile because it looked pretty, like Seokjin (he heard his older brother say “stop smiling like a psychopath” so he told him his handwriting is ugly just like him. It earned him a pillow thrown to his face). Maybe he’ll ask his Jin-hyung to tutor him soon.


The sun was unusually scourging hot that it made Jungkook sweat hard.

“Is Jin-hyung home?”

“No. What do you need?” Taehyung asked, he leaned against the doorframe of his house. The younger could tell that the older is bothered by the heat too with the way his shirt clung to him because of sweat.  

“Oh. I need help with English.”

“That’s it? I can tutor you instead.”

“Ew no, you’re badder with me in English.”

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, “badder?”

“Yeah. Like if I’m bad at English you’re…” the younger frowned, “…badder in it?”

Taehyung laughed, “You’re hopeless. We can ask Jiminie to tutor you today. How’s that?”

Now Jimin is better in English than Taehyung, which is a good news.

“He said he’s not allowed to go out today, right?”

“Who said he’s going out? We’ll go to his house.”

“But his house is like three streets away! I don’t wanna walk, it’s hot.”

“We’ll go by bikes.”

“My bike’s wheel is not doing well...” Jungkook pouted.

“Then you can hop in the back of my bike.” Taehyung said as he closed the door behind him and walked to where his bike is parked. Jungkook watched him examine the tires by giving them light squeezes.

“I’m not a girl.”

Taehyung, who is currently crouched on the ground, turned his head to the younger, “So?”

“I can’t hop in the back of your bike, girls in dramas do that and I don’t want to call you oppa.”

And it made Taehyung laugh harder (if the first one was annoying, this one tops it), “Really? And I don’t want you running around calling me oppa because it sounds gross coming from you.”

Jungkook gasped, “You’re calling me gross?”

“But I bet you’re willing to call Jin-hyung oppa.

Jungkook’s face turned red with that. Okay, that doesn’t sound bad but that’s embarrassing.

Taehyung blinked when Jungkook didn’t answer, “Holy , look at your face! Oh my god you totally would. Holy .”

“Shut up---“

“And you’re not denying it!! Oh my god, you got it bad.” Taehyung almost fell on the ground because of laughing too hard and Jungkook considered kicking his crotch, but he just glared at the older, “Alright. I get it. Just hop on the back unless you want to walk? Don’t worry I won’t take the oppa spot in your heart. It’s reserved for Jin-hyung.”

Jungkook punched Taehyung’s arm.

In the end, it wasn’t that embarrassing as what Jungkook had thought. The streets are almost empty (too empty for a Saturday afternoon) so no one was there to witness the scene (save for the older people taking afternoon walks, though it’s not like they care).

They arrived at Jimin’s place. Jungkook has only been here for a few times but more than what his fingers can count. He doesn’t really like going here because Jimin’s dad scares him. It wasn’t a bad thing but he just feels intimidated, Jimin knew this so he’s the one who usually go out to hang out to their houses.

Jimin was still in his pajamas when he opened the door for the two. His eyes widened in surprise, “What are you two doing here?”

“Did you take a bath?” Taehyung asked.

“Rude. And yes I did, I just like to wear these because they’re comfortable.”

“Hi, Jimin-hyung. I need help with English.” Jungkook asked meekly.

“Sure! Come in, I wasn’t doing anything anyway.” He stepped to the side to let the two in.

As soon as they made themselves comfortable in the living room, Taehyung glanced around the room nervously, “Are your parents home?”

There was a short silence before Jimin answered, “No. Don’t worry.”

Jungkook blinked curiously, what was that?

He saw Taehyung move closer to Jimin, he could see Taehyung’s mouth moving but he couldn’t hear anything. Jimin frowned and clicked his tongue, “I’m fine, Taehyung.”

“Okay.” Taehyung said.

Jungkook decided to take a seat on one of the couches and Taehyung followed him afterwards. The older stretched his arms and stretched his legs to the coffee table which earned an eye roll from Jimin.

“Jiminie, I’m thirsty.” Taehyung grinned.

“Go get yourself a glass of water then. The kitchen is wide open.”

“We’re your guests, serve us.” Taehyung nudged Jungkook’s side.

“Y-yeah! I’m thirsty too!”

“You better be thankful I love you, Taehyung. And Kookie too.” A groan escaped Jimin’s lips before he disappeared to the kitchen.

“I know you do.” Jungkook heard Taehyung murmur under his breath and he almost didn’t catch it because it was so soft. Complete opposite of how the older talked on a daily basis that includes yelling and laughing.

Jungkook realized he didn’t bring his notes with him.

Twitter: @tsoookie


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Not_A_Robot #1
Chapter 24: Just wanted to say I remeber loving this story back in 2016 and 2017 and I still check back every now and again to see if you added to it. Honestly you would make my year if you finished this story
jeonsjinkook #2
Chapter 24: Omg!!! Update pls?! This is so goood. Yoongi’s love for Seokjin...TT but JinKook is my ultimate ship and their roller coaster relationship here is unreal I’m broken and happy. I wanna know what happens next huhuhu
Not_A_Robot #3
Chapter 24: Please update, it's killing me!!! I don't care if the next chapter is the end (actually would be a little sad) I am just tired of waiting!! Please end the suffering!!!
Chapter 24: I miss this story to be updated T_T
Not_A_Robot #5
Chapter 24: It has been 184 days since this story updated, and I am dying for more!!!!
Natashabird #6
Chapter 24: Ahhhhhhh my poor yoongi :(
I'm feeling so conflicted right now. I want yoongi to be happy but I also want Jin to be happy. As much as I love Jinkook I also love Yoonjin. * throws a frustrated sigh* I don't know if this is completed or not but I can't wait for the next chapter. I really do wish for Jinkook to be happy.
Chapter 24: I felt kinda sad for Soekjin broke up with Yoongi. But I can't stand any longer for JinKook love to bloom. Really, this way too long to wait they can be together. I wish you would make it soon, really soon.
Keep do your best, Author nim ♥
I hope you would make the update soon! 하자! 사랑해♡
Chapter 24: hurt me to see how broken SeokJin is
i can relate what happen to SeokJin same as me.,, due to the responsibility of being the eldest daughter of the family.. I kind of did everything for my family (dad, mom & bro/sis) i also dropped college out (because there some conflict happened in the middle of my final year reasoned by families) hahaha
Chapter 24: aaaaahhhh my heart hurrttssssssss
Chapter 24: I want to cry; this is really good <3