Chapter 10

Does it matter?

It wasn't like jungkook actually got enough sleep from thinking last night. He actually ended up staring at the ceiling until he heard the chicken from outside (he doesn't know where outside) and figured out his sleep is pretty much ed up already so he shouldn’t bother trying. It's morning already and if the heavens are watching over him they'll let him sleep for another few hours before his alarm goes off.

He got some sleep but that was probably only for few mintues.

So he found himself sleeping during lunch until Taewon shook him awake for the next class. He lifted his head and squinted at the sudden light that invaded his vision.

"Ew, you're drooling."

Taewon pointed at his desk which had a pool of liquid that is no doubt his drool, and his cheeks felt so wet it's kind of disgusting. He wiped his cheeks with the sleeve of his uniform that made the other male scrunch his nose in disgust.

"Leave me alone." Jungkook murmured while he ripped a paper from the back of his (empty) notebook to remove the evidence of his drool on the desk.

"I would love to leave you alone if I have a choice." He replied and took a seat on Eunseo's chair next to his.

"That would be nice." Jungkook frowned and crumpled the paper.

"Yeah, I mean we even have the same cram class together. Unbelievable, I'm tired of your face."

Jungkook threw the crumpled paper to Taewon.

The next class started and Jungkook ended up scrolling through his phone in secret under his desk. He scrolled through his inbox and realized that fifty percent of the messages in there are from Seokjin. Thirty percent from Taehyung, ten percent from Jimin, nine percent from Eunseo, and one percent from Taewon (it was that one message from the other male when he asked him if the classes are suspended).

From: Taewon

To: Jungkook

Are the classes suspended

From: Jungkook

To: Taewon

Idk ask Eunseo

He deleted a few messages to clean his inbox and found himself surprised that he's pretty much removing Seokjin's messages in his phone. As much as he wanted to keep them, his fingers are literally just moving on it's own without even asking his brain if it's okay to delete them. But whatever, at least he's saving himself the trouble to think.

He read some of Eunseo's messages. It's mostly her asking if he did his homework, pointers to review, some key terms to remember for their history class, websites to check if he's having trouble with some math equation, if he's available to come with her to the town to buy a gift for her mom's birthday, and messages asking him if it's okay to drop by his place because her grandmother baked too much pies and she'll give some to him.

He unconsciously grinned at his phone, deciding not to delete those messages and turned to his side. He saw Eunseo concentrating hard to the teacher in front, her pen is tapping her lips and her hair is tied in a messy ponytail.

Her skin isn't perfect but it's good. Definitely better than Jungkook's. Her cheeks are pink, there are bags under her eyes, and there's a barely visible scar on her nose that Jungkook remembered was from a cutter last year.


Eunseo turned her head to Jungkook, "What?"

Jungkook grinned, "Nothing."

She frowned, turned her head back to the teacher in front and placed her pen on the table. "Don't talk to me, I'm listening. This one is hard."

Jungkook shrugged and went back to his phone. His smile didn't leave his face though.


“I can’t believe that thought it was okay to hit on him.”

The young boy sighed for the nth time this afternoon, watching Taehyung kick an empty water bottle.

“Calm down, hyung. Jimin-hyung might be small but he can throw a punch.”

“Well .” Taehyung cursed, “He can’t even hurt a fly. And he doesn’t know that people know, alright? It’s better to stay like that, really. The news is dying down anyway, except for those old people who just can’t get over this.”

“How is it possible that he doesn’t know yet?” Jungkook’s phone vibrated and fished it out of his pocket.

“He never noticed.” Taehyung frowned, he stared at the phone in Jungkook’s hand. “Can you keep that while you’re talking to me?”

“Sorry, just a moment.” 

Jungkook received a message from Eunseo, he opened it.

From: Eunseo

To: Jungkook

Are you available later at four? I need to buy something in the town and Taewon can’t come with me ):

“Anyway,” Taehyung said, “you’re still coming with us, right?”


“You forgot already? Last week I told you that we’ll go and watch Jimin in his dance competition later at four. You said you’ll come.”

“I did?”


Jungkook stared back at his phone, “I can’t go. Something came up, sorry.”

From: Jungkook

To: Eunseo

Yeah, sure. Let’s meet at the bus station?

He noticed Taehyung’s disappointed face, “Sorry, hyung. Maybe next time.”

From: Eunseo

To: Jungkook

Thank you!!! Three-thirty sharp.


Jungkook isn’t exactly the type to put too much thought on what he’s wearing. Usually, a plain shirt and jeans would do. This is why when he opened his closet, he saw nothing but a row of plain shirts in different colors and that’s all. Nothing more. No fancy polo shirts, nice sweaters, just plain shirts and plain jackets.

He doesn’t even know why he felt disappointed about his closet’s current condition. After all, who is he trying to impress? Surely not Eunseo, she knew that Jungkook probably owned nothing but plain shirts so it’s not a big deal. Right.

So he dressed himself in plain white shirt and jeans before running out of the house, of course with his trusted red beanie.

“That getup again?” Eunseo grinned when she saw Jungkook.

The young boy was sure he will arrive five minutes early at the bus stop but for some reason, Eunseo still managed to beat him to it. He’ll never beat her in punctuality, won’t he?

Jungkook just rolled his eyes and took a seat on the bench. The girl took a seat next to him and hummed, “It’s fine. It looks good on you though and it makes you you.”


She laughed, covering with her hand just like how Seokjin does it. “It makes you you. That getup literally screams I’m Jeon Jungkook. Get it?”

He huffed and felt his cheeks go red.

The bus arrived approximately four minutes after Jungkook arrived. The ride was only fifteen minutes but he felt like he spent one hour listening to Euseo talk.

She talked animatedly. He hands are flailing everywhere and she would cover her face with her hands whenever she talked about her bias slaying. Whatever that meant. She mainly talked about her favorite idol group, how they released a special album today, and she needed to get it soon so she could get the poster that is only limited for the first press. She said it was Taewon who would always accompany her to the town to buy the merchandises and going there with Jungkook made her happy.

“Also they’re having a concert this summer in Seoul and I saved up for it but my parents didn’t allow me. They said I need to study…” Eunseo sighed.

“That sounds horrible. Why do you still need to study? I think you’re smart.”

Her eyes widened and shook her head, “No way! I’m not really…”

“You can probably get into a good university in Seoul.”

“I don’t think I can, I’m not as good as Seokjin-oppa.” A pause, “I don’t think I’m good enough…”

“Why are you comparing yourself to Jin-hyung?”

“Because he’s your everything, isn’t he? You always look at him like he’s the best person alive and I can’t argue with that. It’s true. You really admire him and you always look at him. I…want to be like that too.”

Jungkook frowned, “What are you talking about? You like Jin-hyung?”

“No! I want you to look at me like that too—never mind, we’re here.” She turned her head away and stood up, following the passengers who will be getting off on the same stop.

As soon as she entered the shop, it was as if she never mentioned anything. She pulled Jungkook with her, pointed at the posters, almost cried over the special album, and paid for it while she tried so hard not to cry. It was funny, Jungkook thought. Although it amazed him how passionate Eunseo is with the idol group.

“Are we going home now?” Jungkook asked as they walked out of the store.

“It’s only four-thirty. Do you want to eat something?” She asked, her eyes focused on the paper bag that she was holding.

“Yeah. Sure. I’ll pay, what do you want?”

Eunseo snapped her head towards Jungkook so fast that Jungkook almost got scared. It was like those scenes in horror films.

“What did you say?”

“What do you want to eat?”

“No. Before that.”

The boy scratched the back of his head, “I’ll pay?”

“Oh.” She snorted, “You don’t have to! We’re not on a date. I can pay for my own. Silly.”

Jungkook’s cheeks turned red for the second time that day. Silly Jungkook, what the hell. He came here to accompany her to buy that album, why is he trying so hard to impress Eunseo? What?

“I was trying to be nice.” Jungkook sulked, he buried his embarrassment under the gates of hell.

“That’s cute.” She grinned and pulled Jungkook towards a fast food restaurant.

Jungkook ordered a complete set of meal with two extra burgers while Eunseo just ordered a salad and a pineapple juice.

“What?” Jungkook frowned at the tray with Eunseo when they took a seat near the counter.

“What do you mean what?”

“Just that? And what the hell, that salad is so expensive.”

“Oh, it’s fine. I’m trying to lose weight.”

Jungkook fought the urge to roll his eyes, why are girls so obsessed with losing weight? They’re missing so much things in their life like how good burgers are. It’s unfair but he’s not the one losing the opportunity so he just shrugged it off and dug in.

He saw Eunseo open the album with hopeful eyes and heard her scream when she took out a small…what’s that? A business card?

“Oh my god.” She stared at it in disbelief as Jungkook stuffed his mouth with a burger. “Oh my god.” She said again, “I got his photo card! My bias’ photo card!!”

Jungkook swallowed. So that thing is not a business card? What’s up with the photo card? Can’t she just print a photo of her bias?

“Jungkook! I never got my bias’ photo card ever since. I always have to trade with other people. Oh god, I think you’re my lucky charm.” She grinned and carefully placed the card back in the album.

He felt his stomach drop when he realized how similar Seokjin is to her. With the way Seokjin smiled when he’s faced with something related to Super Mario. He gave off the same aura of excitement with Eunseo right now and he tried so hard not to compare the two.

Whatever Eunseo told him earlier in the bus, it knocked some sense to him. As if everything clicked on the right buttons, he realized that everything that Eunseo had done for him is somewhat similar with Seokjin. Except it was kind of obvious to everyone that Eunseo is doing it because he liked the young boy, while everyone saw Seokjin as someone who just cared deeply for him as a younger brother. Oh. Similar actions but different meanings. How hilarious. Just because Seokjin is a male and five years older than him. But then maybe he really shouldn’t get his hopes up. Why did he like Seokjin anyway? Why can’t he like Eunseo? He got the same treatment, they’re pretty much the same. Why can’t he?

He took frustrated bite from the burger and sipped his cola with anger that Eunseo raised an eyebrow to his direction.

“Sorry, I’m really starving.” He murmured before he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

He took it out and saw a new message from Taehyung.

From: Taehyung

To: Jungkook

Jimin is starting his dance number now!!! I feel nervous. Where are you when I needed you the mossstttt koookieee I need u to hold me tight

From: Jungkook

To: Taehyung

*holds u tight* there. Better?

Maybe he should have come to the dance competition with the two. He thought. But when he turned his gaze to Eunseo smiling at him, he realized that maybe it’s worth it.


okay I know people kinda want to see some JinKook action oops this is realllyyy a slooowwww progress but do not worry we're getting there. We'll see Seokjin SOOOON like really really soon.
Thank you so much for all the support and messages that I receive both in twitter and tumblr TT v TT They really mean a lot to me you guys have no idea. Thank you so much and I hope we'll all stick together until the end of this fic. Yeah?
huhu thank you again.


Twitter: @tsoookie


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Not_A_Robot #1
Chapter 24: Just wanted to say I remeber loving this story back in 2016 and 2017 and I still check back every now and again to see if you added to it. Honestly you would make my year if you finished this story
jeonsjinkook #2
Chapter 24: Omg!!! Update pls?! This is so goood. Yoongi’s love for Seokjin...TT but JinKook is my ultimate ship and their roller coaster relationship here is unreal I’m broken and happy. I wanna know what happens next huhuhu
Not_A_Robot #3
Chapter 24: Please update, it's killing me!!! I don't care if the next chapter is the end (actually would be a little sad) I am just tired of waiting!! Please end the suffering!!!
Chapter 24: I miss this story to be updated T_T
Not_A_Robot #5
Chapter 24: It has been 184 days since this story updated, and I am dying for more!!!!
Natashabird #6
Chapter 24: Ahhhhhhh my poor yoongi :(
I'm feeling so conflicted right now. I want yoongi to be happy but I also want Jin to be happy. As much as I love Jinkook I also love Yoonjin. * throws a frustrated sigh* I don't know if this is completed or not but I can't wait for the next chapter. I really do wish for Jinkook to be happy.
Chapter 24: I felt kinda sad for Soekjin broke up with Yoongi. But I can't stand any longer for JinKook love to bloom. Really, this way too long to wait they can be together. I wish you would make it soon, really soon.
Keep do your best, Author nim ♥
I hope you would make the update soon! 하자! 사랑해♡
Chapter 24: hurt me to see how broken SeokJin is
i can relate what happen to SeokJin same as me.,, due to the responsibility of being the eldest daughter of the family.. I kind of did everything for my family (dad, mom & bro/sis) i also dropped college out (because there some conflict happened in the middle of my final year reasoned by families) hahaha
Chapter 24: aaaaahhhh my heart hurrttssssssss
Chapter 24: I want to cry; this is really good <3