
Listen to Me

So, as promised! here's the Epilogue!!




Jonghyun’s Graduation Day.


Ultimately, Minho’s and Jinki’s graduation too.


“Congratulation, oppa!” Miyoung greeted Jonghyun as he stepped out of the auditorium.

“Did you see me up there?” Jonghyun asked as he accepted the graduation bear and a single yellow tulip from Miyoung.

“Yes, I saw everyone from a far. Lucky, Hyoyeon here got an awesome zoom thingy on her camera. She got everyone’s pictures in there,” Miyoung pointed at Hyoyeon’s camera.

“Thanks Hyonie,” Jonghyun high-fived with Hyoyeon.

Not long after that, Minho and Jinki joined them. Minho came straight to Hyoyeon and received a congratulatory hug from her.

“Thanx babe,” Minho said to Hyoyeon. Miyoung smiled at their affection – mostly on Minho’s PDA actually. It seemed surreal.

“Hey,” Jinki greeted from beside her.

“Hey! Congratulation!” Miyoung sort of shoved the gifts that she brought with her to Jinki.

“Thanks, Mingyoung,” Jinki coyly said, smiled when he saw the single red rose Miyoung had given him. Miyoung blushed at how he said her name.

“OOKKK. Just because I’m ok now, doesn’t mean you guys can do this in front of me. Stay away from him, Mimi,” Jonghyun said came in between them, pushing Jinki further away.

“Oppa, stop,” Miyoung laughed as he pulled Jonghyun away from Jinki.

“We didn’t do anything,” Jinki said playfully pushing Jonghyun’s hand away from him too.

“That lovey dovey look you guys shared. I don’t like it. Don’t do it in front of me,” Jonghyun continued, pulling Miyoung away.

“But we were not being lovey dovey!” Miyoung protested, looking behind her at Minho, Hyoyeon and Jinki for help.

“Jonghyun, give it a rest,” Minho said following the Kim. “Where are you going?”

“I don’t know. Somewhere to eat! Celebrate!” Jonghyun answered as they all made their way out of the school ground.

“I should come too, right? Since, it’s my graduation as well,” Jinki interjected.

“Sure, if you’re paying,” Jonghyun said as he turned around to face Jinki.

“No problem. I know a Kim who always wanted me to pay things. I’m used to this,” Jinki

“I wasn’t always!” Miyoung slapped his arm.


Jonghyun was about to say something about the interaction between Jinki and Miyoung but Minho quickly pulled him away from them. Hyoyeon gave a little wave goodbye to Miyoung with a wink.


What was that? Miyoung asked in her head poking her tongue out at Hyoyeon. The other girl just laughed as she followed her boyfriend.


“Finally, he’s gone. Where should we go? Do you feel like having some sushi today?” Jinki asked as their hands intertwined.


A few days after that midnight walk in the Central Park, Jinki had insisted on treating Miyoung like she was his girlfriend again; brought her to the movies, eating out, kissing her forehead as he said goodnight on her front door. No matter how much Miyoung tried to protest, he wouldn’t listen to any of it. He even was bold enough to ask permission from Jonghyun every time he asked her out. Surprisingly, Jonghyun let him.

So, seeing how Jonghyun was ok about it, Miyoung gave up and let it be.


“My treat?” Jinki asked again bringing Miyoung back to the present.

“Ok but can we just ordered take away and eat at the park or something?” Miyoung asked hugging his arm, being cute.

“Sure, jagiya. Anything for you,” Jinki cooed as he lowered his head and gave a kiss on the tip of her nose.

Miyoung smiled giddily.


“I saw that!” someone bellowed.


Miyoung and Jinki turned around and saw Jonghyun running towards them but Minho caught him just in time to drag him away. Again.


“What am I going to do with him?” Miyoung asked in annoyance. She looked at Jinki in disbelief.

“Ah, well. We have Minho to keep him at bay,” Jinki said looking at her mischievously.

“What?” Miyoung pulled back, bewildered.

Jinki continued to wiggle his eyebrows and Miyoung continued to back away.

“What are you doing, Jinki?” Miyoung said when Jinki closed the distant between their faces.

“You remembered how I like it when you call my name?” Jinki had his hands around Miyoung waist and Miyoung became still.

As their noses touched, Miyoung closed her eyes and waited for impact.


But it never came, so Miyoung open her eyes.


“You think I was going to kiss you, didn’t you?” Jinki had his eyes open all the time waiting for Miyoung’s reaction.


Miyoung pulled away quickly feeling embarrass.


“Jonghyun left before I could do anything to annoy him, so I didn’t do it,” Jinki said kissing Miyoung’s temple as he grabbed her hand again. Miyoung stayed quiet.

“but I really wanted to kiss you. On the lips,” He whispered into her ears.

Miyoung rolled her eyes tried to pull her hand away. But of course, Jinki wouldn’t go. He made her face him instead.

“Hey,” He said. Miyoung looked up at him. Anger clearly showing in her eyes. “You’re not mad, are you?”

“No, I’m ecstatic,” she sarcastically smiled. Jinki chuckled as he caressed her face with the back of his fingers.

Miyoung hated that he knew her that well. Jinki knew she would agree to anything when he did his little gesture of affections.

“You’re not getting any if that’s what you are trying to do,” Miyoung sternly said locking her eyes with his.

“Yeah?” Jinki moved his face closer. His breath touching her face.

“Yup,” Miyoung nodded.

“Are you sure?” He whispered as he tilted his head to the side, moving closer and closer.

Miyoung didn’t even manage to nod properly when she felt Jinki’s lips on hers. At first Miyoung refused to respond but Jinki had to the back of her neck and she kissed him back.


“I hate you,” Miyoung said as they pulled away, breathless.

“I know. That’s why you can’t get enough of me,” Jinki grinned. He kissed her forehead before letting her go.

Miyoung smiled happily as they continued to walk hand in hand towards Jinki’s car (which he got as gift for being on top of the class).


“Haish, how I wish Jonghyun was there when we kissed. I wana hear him rant,” Jinki said as he opened the passenger door for Miyoung.

“Will you stop?” Miyoung laughed.

“After that punch, the least I could do is annoy him with the things he hated the most,” Jinki said matter-of-factly. He closed the door and got to the driver seat.

“Well, he’s going to get used to it somehow,” Miyoung said as soon as Jinki entered the car.

“Why? You think we’re going to do this for a long time that he just had to get use to it?” there was a teasing tone in his voice.

Miyoung rolled her eyes. Seeing how Miyoung didn’t quite believe that they should be together again after that awful incident, Jinki always whenever she slipped a word indicating that she thought about their relationship just as much as Jinki did.

“Well, didn’t you want it to be?” Miyoung turned to her left, pulled her safety belt out and when she was about to click it on, she pulled back in shock as Jinki had sat nearer to her.

“I certainly would love to think that we could still be together for a long time,” he said. Miyoung giggled at his action, such puppy like. And so cheesy.

Miyoung pulled him by his neck and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

“How about we start off with feeding me with food? I’m getting really hungry with all this cheesy stuff,” Miyoung said as she pulled away.

Jinki pulled away to laughing. “Yes, Ma’am,” he said as he put his safety belt on.

He put the car into gear and slowly pulled out of the parking.


As they continued to drive in silent, Miyoung realized she wouldn’t mind being together with Jinki for a long time. He cares for her, loves her and most of all, he understands her. Miyoung didn’t even have to work hard in this relationship. She just had to be herself; just as Jinki wanted her to be.


Jinki naturally intertwined their hands together and made Miyoung smiled again. Yes, Miyoung was positive about her decision. She wouldn’t mind at all.


Once beaten, Twice shy? Jinki made sure Miyoung didn’t have to feel that way anymore.


and that's the end of Listen to Me.

*tears* *happy tears*

I think I started this story almost two years ago.

it took awhile but I finally finished it.

yay me!!

I want to thank all my subbies! and most of all, i want to thank all of you who had left countless comments on this story.

those comments was what kept me going and got me inspired (losing subbies also inspired me to write more, so thanks to them too :) ).

a special thanx to missAminor and theclumsywitch for always leaving down a comment after each updates.

not forgetting, dububu, iheartlife, thenameIlovedOnew, rachanasapre, Hollylimm, blueorangefantasies and WisdomJade.

and also, richelleadriana, zoeystar, kwangminx, monstermonsteur, b2utygirlx3, xMichiechan, dubumints, chanyeolliepop22, kpopqirl, greenlove, lovestillgoeson.

OF COURSE! to you lovely silent reader(s), THANK YOU!

thank you all for taking the time to read this story of mine. thank you!

I just, thank you.


maybe I see you in the next story? ;D

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[Listen to Me] and that's a wrap folks. Until next time ;D


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Chapter 5: Nononononooooo! Miyoung, dont be mean to jinki! T_T
Chapter 3: I am so enraptured by a bookstore Jinki! I know there is mysterious stuff happening with Minho and miyoung but Jinki wearing his glasses and working the bookstore has suddenly become a dream come true (i am in a silly fluffy mood because your story is making me giggle ^_^)
flaming260297 #3
Chapter 35: Woahh!!! I just finished reading ur story>< really love it<3<3<3<3<3 i want jinki to be my boyfrend!!>< and i rlly like the way u write abt the posesive&sweet oppa jonghyun<3 i didn't mind if jonghyun be my boyfriend kkkk.
Anyway thx for sharing this story! Author-nim jjang!!^^
dububu #4
Chapter 35: I LOVE THE ENDING !!!!!!!
i wont complain. *cross fingers*

thank you so much for make story of jinki as main cast.
i love it. and thanks to call him as jinki. i love it
i love you ^^ kekeke

please make another story
i'm waiting ^^
Vivihyung #5
Chapter 35: YAY FINISHED!! Last comment here! Great ending :DDD Loved this story <3 It was complicated but in the end, everything turned out well ^^ <3 You can't have a sad Onew~ Great job! Looking forward to more stories from you in the future (: You're an awesome author!
Vivihyung #6
Chapter 15: Oh no why Miyoung why D: You stubborn grl... I'm so tempted to just skip to the end now... Must keep reading through ><
Vivihyung #7
Chapter 14: Asdfghjkl; omgggg whyyy miyoung whyyyy ~~~ -pulls at hair- Stop listening to Hyoyeon's bad ideas XD And be a bit more straightforward about what you want!! Sorry just had to let out my frustration here... Love this story so far though :3 <3
bananadubumilk #8
Chapter 11: omy..hyoyeon is getting on my nerves..like seriously ! right from where she planned about the scheme thingy to get minho back..i knew it already that she is a one of a bad influence friend, where on earth will you find a bff where she's trying to push you to do a bad thing..oh well, i'm hating hyoyeon here but i'm loving your story..it's great so far ..^^
Chapter 35: Aww...I love the ending!! Sweetness overload and I am not gonna complain about it. Keke. Thank you for the mention, most importantly thanks to you Author Dear, for not giving up on this story. Love you lots for that. *hugs* Hope we'll see each other on another one of your new project. Arigato gozaimasu!!!!
Chapter 35: And thank you, too author-nim! IT WAS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL~ I'd read your new fic, if you were to write another one! ^^