Truth Hurt

Listen to Me


are you ready for another update??

coz here it comes~


Chapter 27: Truth Hurts


So, Saturday came. Miyoung woke up with a heavy head. She could feel the puffiness around her eyes. She covered her eyes with her fingers for a moment thinking that would ease the puffiness a little, but of course it did not work like that. She let out a defeated sigh, jumped off her bed and got ready for the day.


Of all days to be getting puff eyes, it has to be today she thought as she dabbed a little concealer to hide her apparent eye bags. She leaned back from the mirror and turned her head this way and that. She couldn’t cover much. She stowed her make-up away when she realize there was nothing else she could do. Hyoyeon would definitely ask her a lot of question along the way. Oh well, face your fears she thought.


Face her fears, she did not. She wasn’t ready to tell Hyoyeon what happened after their cut-short phone calls last night. So, she wore her comical black-rimmed glasses instead.


But Hyoyeon being Hyoyeon, she noticed right away.


“What happened to your eyes? You cried last night, didn’t you? I said something that made you cry, right?” Hyoyeon questions as they made their way to the seats in the middle of the bus.

Miyoung pulled her cap lower, “No, just forget about it, ok?”

“But how could I? What did I say last night? You have to tell me so that I won’t let it slip again next time,” Hyoyeon insisted.

Miyoung sighed and turned her head at Hyoyeon, “I said its fine. Just chill, ok? We’re going to the mall. Let’s just focus on that for now, ok?”

“Speaking of which,” Hyoyeon finally said after several pause, “Do you wana eat some black noodles? I’m feeling black noodles today”

“Sure. I know there’s that one fancy restaurant that serves the best black noodles at the mall,” Miyoung said looking out the window.

The moment Hyoyeon said black noodles; Miyoung was brought back to the memory of when she first lied to Jinki. She cancelled her date with Jinki, just to accompany Minho to eat black noodle. It all seemed kinda worthless now that she looked back. Worthless.


“Oh right. Minho must’ve brought you there before,” Hyoyeon said noticing look on Miyoung’s face.

“No, we never went to the one at the mall. You know, being secretive and all,” Miyoung let out a little laugh.

Hyoyeon quickly changed her mind and decided they would have sushi instead.

“But you’re feeling black noodle. I don’t mind,” Miyoung said with a smile.

“You sure?” Hyoyeon asked just to make sure.

“Yes,” Miyoung nodded.




After their brunch, Hyoyeon dragged Miyoung everywhere. They mostly window shopped and only went into a certain shop to get a better look at some stuff when it caught their attention.

The one shop that they spent the longest time browsing was inside that small shop that sell cute stuff; from jewelries, phone accessories, bathroom decors, animal flushies, etc.


Miyoung had decided what she wanted to buy; a couple of cute pens and several phone accessories. While Hyoyeon, well, she wanted to buy the entire shop.

“Should I buy this one or this one?” Hyoyeon brought up two almost identical looking (to Miyoung at least) mugs to Miyoung.

“Erm…this one?” Miyoung said not pointing anywhere. Hyoyeon narrowed her eyes in annoyance before turning back to the shelf of mugs and picked another pair.

Miyoung went on to pay for her stuff first and when she came back to where Hyoyeon was, the girl hadn’t quite decided on what she want.

“Hyonie, I’m thirsty. Can I go and buy some drinks at the café?” Miyoung asked while she thumbed the direction of the café which was just a few feet away from the shop.

“Sure, I’ll meet you there,” Hyoyeon said without even looking.

“you want anything?” Miyoung asked as she was walking out. She heard a faint ‘No’ from Hyoyeon and Miyoung just said ‘Ok’ and continued her way to the said café.


Miyoung ordered and paid for her drink to the male cashier who asked her to have a sit for moment while her drink was being prepared. Miyoung thanked him and looked around for an empty sit. She spotted one at the inner most part of the small café and made her way there. There were only two other people inside the café. People mostly just ordered their drinks and left.

Miyoung was fiddling with her phone when she got called and informed by the cashier that her drink was ready. Miyoung smiled in gratitude and went to get it. When she made her way back, she was surprised to see someone was sitting where she just sat. What the- wait, Jinki? Where did he come from?

Miyoung was rooted the floor for a couple of seconds, trying to figure out what she should do? What is he doing here? was the most repeated questions in her head.


Miyoung pushed her feet forward and Jinki finally looked up. Miyoung wanted to smile but seeing as Jinki wasn’t, Miyoung kept a straight face too.

“What are you doing here?” Miyoung asked as she gathered her stuffs.

“Are you leaving?” Jinki asked instead.

“Clearly,” she curtly said. She shouldered her bag and left.


She wasn’t sure what just happened, how Jinki got there and how he didn’t look surprise when he saw her. It seemed like he had planned it. Miyoung wondered why he insisted to make her life so miserable. He probably wanted Miyoung to admit her mistakes out loud. She got it. It was her fault but she didn’t need this kind of torture. Wasn’t it enough that she let herself willow in self pity? Besides, he didn’t bother listening to her before, so why now?

Just leave me alone already screamed the voice in her head as she pushed thru the crowded mall.


“Can you please hold on for a second?” Jinki exasperatedly said as he trying to keep up with Miyoung.

 “Miyoung!” Jinki shouted when Miyoung refused to turn back to him.

Miyoung stopped on her track and turned around angrily. Several people were looking at their direction. Jinki closed the distance between them and when he had come face to face with Miyoung, he seemed..not happy.

“Why do you always have to run away? I’m trying to talk to you,” Jinki said.

Miyoung became angry with him. Didn’t he know that what he was doing right now would make things harder between them? Wouldn’t it be easy to just let it go?

“Let’s talk,” Jinki said pulling Miyoung away from the staring eyes.

He led her to the nearby emergency staircase.


“What else do you want from me?” Miyoung asked pulling her hand away. She braved herself and looked at him in the eyes. She looked away as soon as she did. She couldn’t do it. She used to love those eyes.

“I don’t know. An explanation, maybe?” Jinki said in a force calm manner.

“And what good would that bring us? Didn’t I tell you? Yes, it’s my fault. I get it. I lied to you. I cheated on you. I’m such a disgusting person. Whatever. You didn’t bother about this before,” Miyoung said exasperatedly.

“That’s not what I want to hear,” Jinki was still looking straight at Miyoung while she kept avoiding his gaze.

“What do you want to hear then? Was I not thinking about your feelings? Did I not care?” Miyoung asked, tears threatening to fall now.

Jinki remained quiet. and Miyoung took that as her cue to continued, “of course I do”

“Then why did you still do it?” Jinki asked.

“Because I was greedy,” Miyoung simply said wiping a tear away.

“Haven’t I proved enough to you that I am so much better than Minho? I gave you everything; my trust, my heart. How could you do that to me?”

“I know-”

“- No, I don’t think you do. Do you know how much you hurt me?”

Miyoung wanted to say ‘I do’ but shook her head instead. She knew Jinki would disagree with her answer anyway.

“Of course, you don’t. You’re so selfish, you know that? If I knew things would turned out this way I wouldn’t have ask for a chance to be with you in the first place,” and that did it. As soon as Jinki said those words, tears spilled from her eyes and the only logical thing for her to do was to run away.


She ran as far as she could. When she got tired and couldn’t think anymore, she stopped. She made her way to the quiet alley and sat near the dumpster, secluding herself from any passersby.

She cried her heart out quietly.

She told herself that Jinki was just saying those words to release the pain he was feeling. He couldn’t hurt her physically, so he chose to attack her with words which would hurt her so much more than a punch could.


Smart moved. It hurt alright. Hearing someone you like so much to say those things. It really hurts. I would rather you punch me in the face. At least I can ease that pain. How am I supposed to take out my heart, squeeze it tight and numb the pain? Tell me how.


She didn’t care how long she cried near the dumpster but when she finally got her strength back, it was getting dark.


So, she wiped the last tears away, in a gulp of air to clear her head and exhale. She didn’t feel a lot better but she could control her sobbing now.


She held up a taxi as soon as she stepped out of the alley and asked the taxi driver to send her to her house. Bus ride would be too noisy at the time like this. She preferred solitude.




Miyoung locked herself in her room that night and buried herself in her bed. She wasn’t crying anymore. Well, not as much as she was at the dumpster. Both Jonghyun and Mrs. Kim tried to talk to her but she didn’t budge. She just wanted to be left alone. At least for the night. It had been a long day.


Hyoyeon didn’t know what really happened but she knew something when wrong when Miyoung went home without informing her. Hyoyeon found out about that from Minho. He was texting her asking whether she had arrived home safely because he saw Miyoung just as she entered her house. Hyoyeon straight away knew something bad must’ve happened.

Hyoyeon tried to call Jinki but he did not answer. She texted him, asking what happened, he did not reply to that either.

Hyoyeon tried to call Miyoung soon after, texted her even, but Miyoung wasn’t answering too.

Feeling all guilty that this was partly her ideas, Hyoyeon decided to text Miyoung about how Jinki got there in the first place.


Miyoung read thru her explanation and rolled her eyes. So, it was Hyoyeon’s ideas to let Jinki met up with Miyoung. Because Hyoyeon thought that Miyoung was ready.


Just call me when you’re ready to talk, alright? I’m right here was Hyoyeon final text to Miyoung.

Miyoung didn’t even bother to text her back.


What Miyoung did not understand was that how Hyoyeon could think that she was ready?

Wasn’t she the one who kept on worrying about Miyoung being depress?

And this morning about Miyoung’s puffy eyes, even though Miyoung told Hyoyeon not to worry about it, Hyoyeon couldn’t be that naïve to still carry on with her plan. It was crystal clear that Miyoung was not over it, no matter how much she denied it.


Miyoung wasn’t ready to meet Jinki. Not when she still couldn’t let him go.


How am I supposed to move on like this?



i think that's the longest I've made for a chapter. when i drafted it, it was only two pages long. LOL and when i finished editing it, it became almost five.

I was impressed. LOL

I hope you guys enjoy this updates. i cant promise another update soon but just remember, there will be another update. hehe


thank you so much for reading. Love y'all.

isn't he adorb? those chubby thumbs *.*

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[Listen to Me] and that's a wrap folks. Until next time ;D


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Chapter 5: Nononononooooo! Miyoung, dont be mean to jinki! T_T
Chapter 3: I am so enraptured by a bookstore Jinki! I know there is mysterious stuff happening with Minho and miyoung but Jinki wearing his glasses and working the bookstore has suddenly become a dream come true (i am in a silly fluffy mood because your story is making me giggle ^_^)
flaming260297 #3
Chapter 35: Woahh!!! I just finished reading ur story>< really love it<3<3<3<3<3 i want jinki to be my boyfrend!!>< and i rlly like the way u write abt the posesive&sweet oppa jonghyun<3 i didn't mind if jonghyun be my boyfriend kkkk.
Anyway thx for sharing this story! Author-nim jjang!!^^
dububu #4
Chapter 35: I LOVE THE ENDING !!!!!!!
i wont complain. *cross fingers*

thank you so much for make story of jinki as main cast.
i love it. and thanks to call him as jinki. i love it
i love you ^^ kekeke

please make another story
i'm waiting ^^
Vivihyung #5
Chapter 35: YAY FINISHED!! Last comment here! Great ending :DDD Loved this story <3 It was complicated but in the end, everything turned out well ^^ <3 You can't have a sad Onew~ Great job! Looking forward to more stories from you in the future (: You're an awesome author!
Vivihyung #6
Chapter 15: Oh no why Miyoung why D: You stubborn grl... I'm so tempted to just skip to the end now... Must keep reading through ><
Vivihyung #7
Chapter 14: Asdfghjkl; omgggg whyyy miyoung whyyyy ~~~ -pulls at hair- Stop listening to Hyoyeon's bad ideas XD And be a bit more straightforward about what you want!! Sorry just had to let out my frustration here... Love this story so far though :3 <3
bananadubumilk #8
Chapter 11: omy..hyoyeon is getting on my seriously ! right from where she planned about the scheme thingy to get minho back..i knew it already that she is a one of a bad influence friend, where on earth will you find a bff where she's trying to push you to do a bad thing..oh well, i'm hating hyoyeon here but i'm loving your's great so far ..^^
Chapter 35: Aww...I love the ending!! Sweetness overload and I am not gonna complain about it. Keke. Thank you for the mention, most importantly thanks to you Author Dear, for not giving up on this story. Love you lots for that. *hugs* Hope we'll see each other on another one of your new project. Arigato gozaimasu!!!!
Chapter 35: And thank you, too author-nim! IT WAS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL~ I'd read your new fic, if you were to write another one! ^^