First Day

Surviving Park Jimin

High School, well it's a new chapter in my life. I'm honestly not ready to start high school. My older brother, Namjoon has been telling me to calm down. Apparently it's not that bad says the one that's a straight A student. How does he manage to get good grades when he goes out a lot? Why can't I be as smart as him? Anyways, at least I won't be alone since my best friend, Jungkook and I will get through this together. I'm just hoping that we get classes together. Oh and let's not forget about my other best friend, Ahn Minyeong. She's practically like a sister to me. I mean I should only have one best friend, but we're a trio, like the Three Musketeers. Other than those two, I don't really have any other friends. We're not part of the popular crowd. We're not exact nerds or geeks either. I mean we all like anime, since we have anime marathons together. I think Minyeong was the most excited out of all of us. 

I wore a casual outfit that consisted of an Attack on Titan t-shirt, some torn up jeans, and black converse. Of course I can't forget my glasses, since I'm practically blind. 

After that, I grabbed my bag to head downstairs for breakfast. The aroma of eggs and bacon filled the air. Namjoon was already at the table.

"Ready for school, sis?" He asked.
"No, why would I be?" I replied.
"Just thought you would be" he simply replied taking a bite of toast.
Although we were a Korean household, we were still slightly American since we live in the US. I met Jungkook when his family first moved to our neighborhood, and I met Minyeong since she lives right next door. My mom handed me a plate and seemed like she was in a rush.
"What's with the rush?" I asked.
"I have a meeting soon" she replied.
I already knew that dad left for work, since he leaves at 6 in the morning and comes home late. He has a busy job, but makes more than enough money to support us. It's also a surprise for mom to be home, since she's busy as well. It's kind of rare to see them.
"I'll be home late as well, so you two order some dinner" said mom rushing out the door.
"I'm surprised that I even got to see her this morning" I said.
"Well it is your first day" said Namjoon.
"Yeah, yeah, how do you even manage to get straight As when you go out?" I asked.
"That's easy, I'm way smarter than you" he answered.
"Shut up"
"It's true" he replied.
"Do you really want me to hit you?" I asked.
"Well I was joking, but as long as you study hard, you'll be fine" he said.
"Well I'm off too" he said putting his plate in the dishwasher.
"You're leaving early?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm meeting up with some friends" he said, "have fun with your first day" 
He closed the front door leaving me alone. Sometimes he can just be so annoying, but then again we are siblings. He just likes to tease me sometimes, doesn't he. I got a text fro Minyeong asking if she could come over. I replied saying that she could. In a few moments, I heard a knock. Opening the door, she suddenly hugged me.
"M-Minyeong, I c-can't breathe" 

She finally let go of me, so I can finally breathe again.
"So excited for the first day?" she asked.
"Nope, why would I be?" I asked.
"Aww, don't be like that" she said.
"We're freshman Minyeong, we're basically at the bottom of the food chain" I said.
"It won't be that bad, and plus we have Jungkook with us too"
"Yeah, but what if we're not in the same classes, hmm?"
"I'm sure we can make new friends"
Ugh, I hate making new friends. The reason being that I'm too shy to talk to people. If it weren't for Jungkook and Minyeong, I would be a loner right now.
"The bus is getting here in like five minutes, so we need ti meet Jungkook" she said.
"Ugh, I'm not ready for school" I said.
"Come on Nayoung, let's go meet Jungkook at the bus stop"she said dragging me out the door.
At the bus stop we saw Jungkook waiting there.
"Hey Nayoung, hey Minyeong r-"
"Don't you dare ask if we're ready for school" I said cutting him off.
"Well then" said Jungkook.
"Don't worry about ehr Jungkook, she's jsut scared of her first day" said Minyeong.
The bus finally arrived. The three of us attempted to fit into one seat. I sat in between the two. Being squished wasn't fun, but I'm sure Minyeong had it worse being by the window.

When we finally reached school. the crowds of students could be seen. As much as I don't want to label people, but you could see the different crowds of people. As soon as we reached school, we found our homeroom classes based on our last names. I was in the same homeroom as Jungkook, but sadly Minyeong couldn't be with us. We walked with Minyeong to her homeroom and said goodbye. Then Jungkook and I tried to find our way through the school for our homeroom class. 

Inside homeroom, we found our schedules. 

1st Period: Literature
2nd Period: Algebra
3rd Period: Physics
4th Period: Lunch
5th Period: Graphic Arts
6th Period: World Geography
7th Period: Visual Arts

Jungkook and I ended up comparing schedules.
"Hey, we have most of our classes together" he said.
I noticed that we had Literature, Physics, Lunch, and Visual Arts together. It atually surprised me that we would be together for most of the day.
"Yeah that's great, at least I won't be alone" I said smiling.


Classes went by pretty slowly. It turns out that Minyeong was in my Algebra class as well as in Lunch with us. Well school wasn't too bad, but if I had to answer a question, it'll be pretty awkward.

At Lunch, Jungkook, Minyeong, and I found a nice spot where we weren't completely awkward. It turns out no one was allowed in the Senior section because they will literally throw food at you. Well the good news is that I don't have much homework because it's the first day.

While we were eating, two guys randomly came over to us.
"You guys don't mind if me and my friend sit here right?" asked the person.
"No of course not" said Minyeong.
It surprsies me how Minyeong could be so friendly with everyone.
"Thanks" he said, "my name is Taehyung by the way, and my friend is Hoseok"
"nice to meet you, I'm Minyeong, this is Nayoung, and Jungkook" said Minyeong.
"So you three are freshman, right" said Hoseok.
"Yeah, is it that obvious?" I asked.
"We can just ell, I mean we've been there" said Taehyung.
"So what are you guys?" asked Jungkook.
"We're juniors, so bow down to us" said Taehyung, 'no we're kidding, but just be careful as freshman"
"Yeah watch out for the senior pranks because those happen every year" said Hoseok.
"Well good to know" I said.
"Wait Taehyung, weren't you supposed to sit with Jimin today?" asked Hoseok.
"Yeah, but he seems a bit too busy over there" replied Taehyung.
"Who's Jimin?" I asked.
"Well he's my best friend of course, but he rose to popularity over the years" replied Taehyung pointing at a certain figure at a table. He was surrounded by girls and some popular guys. I turned my attention back to Taehyung.
"So does that mean you're popular too?" I asked.
I just hate being around populars because, well I just don't like them in general.
"No, I'm actual not. I'm the anime club president" he replied.
"Well then, how are you two friends?" I asked.
"We were childhood friends, but our friendship has kind of drifted" said Taehyung
"I remember when he was an awkward freshman, he was a part of my dance club" said Hoseok.
"Well people change" said Taehyung.
"Anyways, how are your days so far?" asked Hoseok.
"It's been great!" said Minyeong.
"Meh" said Jungkook and me at the same time.
"Are you two twins or something?" asked Taehyung.
"No, we just think alike" I replied.

Our conversations were really random, but it was nice to have some junior friends who could help us around the school. Classes were over and it finally was the end of the day. I was at my locker putting in random books I didn't need. I was about to walk off when I bumped into someone. Some of things fell to the ground. I gathered my things to be met with the person known as Jimin.
"Hmm, you're pretty cute"
"So?" I asked.
"It's your lucky day, Why don't you go on a date with me?" he said.
"No thanks, I'd rather date a cactus than you" I said.
I was about to walk off when he blocked my way.
"Woah there, playing hard to get I see"
"Whatever, just leave me alone" I said trying to find Jungkook and Minyeong.
What I learned earlier that day from Taehyung is that Jimin was notorious for being a player.He'll woo a girl's heart, then dump them the next day. People like him are just disgusting and cruel to play with someone's heart. Some girls would've thought I was insane, but he's not worth my time. I'm sure I'll find someone nicer than him. Plus although he may look attractive, his personality is way down in the drain.



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dxiong7 #1
Chapter 4: Please continue XD
Aussieturtle #2
Chapter 2: Jungkook is so cute ^^