Chapter 2

Love Again [Jungkook-BTS]

"good morning mrs. Jeon T/b"-Jungkook said softly, he move closer into T/b's embrace, letting the warm sunshine of the morning warm him up, and kept on sleeping. An sudden wind made T/b flinched, her pinkish skin was then getting whiter because of the breezing wind, but as soon as Jungkook open his mouth lazily, she giggled, crimson spred across her beautiful face. T/b could felt the warmth coming from the sun and Jungkook, who was hugging tightly into her waist, now coming closer to her face, leaving soft kisses all over her face. His lips started to look for her lips. T/b quickly cupped his face with her hands, then gave him a passionate kiss. She pushed Jungkook down to the green grass, her lips started to travel down to his neck, leaving a few marks, then up to biting his ears, then slowly kissed his forehead.

"happy birthday stupid"-T/b said, smiling so hard she couldn't see the haters.

Jungkook felt a bit awkward, he flushed at how T/b was acting, and took no time to make his revenge. As T/b quickly stood up, dusting her clothes off, Jungkook had grabbed her arm, making her turn her back, stading directly in front of him. His strong, muscular arms wrapped around her tiny waist, pulling her in, closer, closer, then giving her a much more passionate kiss then before. T/b was completely helpless right now, she tried to pull out, catching for breath as Jungkook took the chance to let his tongue enter . T/b widened her eyes, a bit surprise, the slowly close her eyes, enjoying the kiss, her hands were hugging his neck, playing with his soft hair. They only pulled out when both were out of breath, then stood on the river bank to watch the sunrise. T/b turned to Jungkook, resting her chin on his shoulder. Jungkook asked whether she was ready for breakfast or not, and T/b quickly nodded, as she hadn't eaten much yesterday, her stomach started to make weird noises hearing the word food.

T/b hugged Jungkook's neck, letting him drag her to the car. The traffic was quite light considering it was still early on a Sunday morning, they were listening to the radio, chatting, laughing, talking about what they should eat, when all of the sudden, a car driving with mad speed, crashed into theirs.



Jungkook woke up from a coma, a 1 year long coma, as the doctor said. He was to weak to sit up, as his mother pulled him to her embrace, letting out a soft cry. He couldn't think straight, couldn't move his body quite normally, but the doctor said he might be able to move normal again if he worked out regularly, and that he had no serious problem due to the accident. His mother continued to explain to him what had happened after the accident. After sitting there trying to remember it, he remembered about T/b.

"mom, where is T/b????"-Jungkook said loudly, trying to interrupt the conversation using all the strength he had left.

"Jungkook, darling, do you know that T/b's parents have paid for our hospital bills?"-his mother tried to sound happy but her voice seemed to be shaky and unstable, a bit hoarse.

"...and t/b...has been dead for 10 months, sweetheart."- she said, trying to push out a fake tear.

Jungkook couldn't believe what just happened. His heart was beating weakly, then felt a burning sensation in his chest, then as if nothing was there any more, so empty his chest felt, hot tears started to fill up his eyes, blurring his vision, before streaming down his face uncontrollably. He shook like a helpless chihuahua, hands gripped tightly onto the sheets, his head shook, faster and faster, not wanting to believe the terrible truth. T/b's family had found her, and they took her away from him without letting him say goodbye. Hiccups started to fill his throat, letting themselves out one by one. He couldn't remember when was the last time he had cried this much, but this feeling, he had felt it before. The image of his dad started to fill his mind, making him more in pain. He screamed, at the top of his lungs, so much had happened at a short second, his mind was torturing him slowly, the ground was then spinning, then everything went to pitch black.

her mother after having witnessed all the suffering her own son had went through, how could she act so calm. She was certainly worried about her baby boy, but not about T/b's death, and how it was effecting him.











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