A Love Shared By Two


After barely passing his first two years of high school, Mingyu needs to actually attend (and do well) this year, or he'll risk failing, and be stuck there even longer. 

The problem? He has two little kids and no family able to watch them while he's gone. 

So, with the little money he has (and a charitable donation from his loving grandparents), he searches for a babysitter. But who in their right mind would want to watch two trouble making kids?




     As Mingyu went to pin the flier, a small hand hit him in the middle of the face, before attempting to reach for the paper Mingyu held in his hand.

     "Dohyun, what are you doing?" Mingyu asked the child in his hands. 

     "Me do it." Dohyun responded, still reaching for the flier, close to falling out of his father's hands. Age two and already using violence in attempt to get his way. Mingyu thought. Great. 

     Nonetheless, Mingyu couldn't help but laugh at how determined Dohyun was to get the paper. "You wanna do everything yourself, don't you?"

     "Me do it!"


It's been a while, but allegedlyinsane is back in the fic writing world. 


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amravi #1
Looking forward to it , please update soon♡♡♡
BaoziCute #2
I'm looking forward to reading your story ♡