Never Forget You

{Suicide Warning, do not read if sensitive}

It had been 4 years since Jihoon last went out of his apartment to do anything other than work or buy necessities. Looking around, he finally noticed all the changes that had been made in the short amount of time where he locked himself in. 'Soonyoung would be really happy if he saw the progress of the city,' the pink haired male thought, a faint smile unconsciously appearing on his face. The smile disappeared as fast as it came when Jihoon was hit with reality. It didn't matter what Soonyoung thought or felt anymore.

Jihoon's pace slowed as he thought back to the past, to the times where he and Soonyoung would have fun together. Soonyoung would always try to get the younger to lighten up and forget about his responsibilities, if only for just a moment. The two basically completed each other, like two pieces of a puzzle. What Jihoon was missing, Soonyoung had; and vice versa. But now, Jihoon's other half was gone, and it hurt. Or actually, it felt more numb than anything. Jihoon was still in shock and disbelief from the incident that took his lover and closest friend from him.

The memory of the incident was still fresh in Jihoon's mind, like it was recent. That day seemed completely normal, until he got a goodbye text from Soonyoung. Rather than being worried or frightened, Jihoon thought it was a joke of some kind. After all, Soonyoung was known to be a prankster. However, when he came home to their shared apartment, there were police cars and an ambulence parked in the middle of the street. That very day, Soonyoung had comitted suicide by jumping off the roof of their apartment building.

With a heavy heart, Jihoon pushed the memory to the back of his mind, wanting to be in peace for once. He strolled down the street to the park where he used to play when he was younger. He remembered meeting Soonyoung there for the first time, where the latter bought him ice cream to make up for accidentally kicking his soccer ball into the street. Soonyoung had become Jihoon's first friend, and they were immediately close.

Once again, Jihoon shook his head to temporarily forget his lover. It seemed that no matter what, he couldn't get Soonyoung out of his mind. It terrified him that he was unable to move on, even after 4 years. Jihoon forced his legs to move, tearing his eyes away from the park and heading to his old high school. It had been remodelled, and no longer looked the same. In fact, it was completely unrecognizable compared to the small, rundown school he attended. 'This is the school Soonyoung encouraged me to go to, even though it was outdated and dirty,' Jihoon recollected.

Tears ran down Jihoon's cheeks as he thought back, a realization hitting him like a slap in the face. He could never forget Soonyoung. There was no way when his mind kept going back to the seemingly cheerful, friendly boy. It was like Soonyoung was haunting him, never letting him free. Jihoon was chained in the past without a way to move on. Soonyoung's memory was breaking him down, slowly, until one day, there wouldn't be anything left of him. Just an empty shell of sorrow and despair.

Mind clouded by depressing thoughts, Jihoon looked towards the street, bustling with cars. There was a way to end his suffering. And it was easy, given the right opportunity. All he had to do was take a few steps... It was almost as simple as arithmetic. But Jihoon couldn't bring himself to do it, not just yet. Did he really want to leave his life behind? Even while being antisocial, his friends and family still made an effort to console him. Was that really something he wanted to give up so easily?

Yes. He would do anything to be reunited with his lover. Jihoon took small, uncertain steps towards the busy street. He quickly dried his tears using his sweater sleeve and took in a deep breath. He took a few more steps, and his last words slipped out of his mouth.

"I'll see you soon, Soonyoung."


Angst is my fave. This was really short but meh... Hope you enjoyed!! <3

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