Sorrowful Kiss

Each Kiss


This is only one part. Slightly depressing and a little... ... hehe. Don't worry I have a nice, light one before part two of this comes out so don't be too depressed by Seung-Jo's standoffishness. 

Sorrowful Kiss- Reach Out to Me

"I think it's time for me to grow up," Oh Ha NI said from across the table. I looked up at her in confusion. She was looking down at her empty plate and biting her pink lips.

"I don't understand," I said when she didn't elaborate. I was confused as to why she was bringing such a random topic up. What did she mean anyways?

"I think," she paused again trying to gather her thoughts. "I think- no, I know that I've been too dependent on you."

I frowned once more. She was 24 and very independent now; I didn't get where all this was coming from.

"I don't really think so," I replied.

Her face lit up at this. I could see her eyes shine and crinkle with her overjoyed smile. But it didn't last do long. I didn't like that. If only I was able to make her smile like that more often. She never asks for anything in return for all the happiness she gives me, and all I can seem to give back are stoic glances and rare compliments. Just the way she glowed at my simple compliment showed how I never took the time to pay attention to my wife.

"I think I need to leave," she said suddenly. It was so out of the blue it took the breath straight from my lungs. I tried to compose myself and I saw the hurt on her face from my blank reaction. I longed to reach out and stop her from killing me, but I was to shocked to move. To shocked to even breathe.

"What," I managed to gasp out. My neurons weren't firing all at once and I struggled to grasp what she'd just said.

"Seung Jo-ah. I need to move out. We skipped the dating part of our relationship and went straight to marriage. We skipped the living apart and have lived together even before we started dating. Instead of being independent before leaning on you, I let you carry me first. But I realized that I'd like to walk on my own two feet now."

I was shocked. I couldn't articulate anything more. What had brought this sudden change of mindset. The mere thought of her living apart from me made my breath hitch in my chest and my throat tighten. I couldn't imagine it. Not now. Not after living with her for so long.

"I'm serious Seung Jo." She must have seen the shock on my face and misread it for disbelief, but all I was thinking of was how miserable I'd be without her living next to me.

She pushed her chair back and put the dishes in the sink. Without facing me she said, "I love you Seung Jo. But I've thought about this for a while. The two days I ran away from you before wasn't thought out, purely selfish, and too short." The water started running and she started to scrub the dishes. "This time it's for me. It's for me to gain my own feet and for me to prove myself to MYSELF. Not to make YOU jealous or worried."

I couldn't help myself. I pushed the chair back and strode towards her, enveloping her in a tight hug. I nuzzled her neck and inhaled her sweet scent. I was puzzled and scared by this new woman I front of me. The change wasn't unwelcome, but it sure as hell was frightening.

She twisted in my arms to face me and clung to my shirt. I pressed her against the counter and ducked to kiss her. One kiss turned into two and soon I was tracing my tongue lightly against the edge of her hot lips. Her soft body clung to me and I slowly drew a needy moan from her. My lips curved in a smile of satisfaction against . Her small fingers traced up towards my neck and she gripped my hair pulling me closer to her. Closer and closer I pushed myself against her spiraling into an unknown cavern of feelings. Sadness and sorrow. Lust and love. Passion and desire. I tried to show all the emotions I couldn't voice in my physical actions.

She finally pulled back, gasping for air.

She breathed my name and I looked into her eyes. I have her my full attention, listening with ears and heart wide open.

"Will you look for an apartment with me?"

I didn't answer and she prodded me once more.

"Seung Jo, you had your chance to live alone. Give me mine," she whined. She had a point. While I had lived on my own and found my own feet I left her behind with no consideration to her thoughts or feelings. I couldn't believe I had acted like that. I couldn't believe I STILL acted like that.

From her eyes, I knew what she wanted I hear from me. I ducked down near her ear and whispered, "Don't go." Two simple words that had to be drawn out of me kicking and screaming.

Her eyebrows shot up with surprise. She hadn't expected me to say the words-to show do much emotion. I couldn't stop the slow spreading grin from being able to surprise her so thoroughly.

"I love you," she said with delight and sprang at me again.

I pulled back with a grin. "Isn't the guy supposed to be attacking the girl?"

She simply shrugged and kissed me again.


Oh Ha Ni leaned over my shoulder peering at what I was looking at: I was looking at cheep, safe apartments to rent for four to six months.

My wife and I had stayed up late discussing the details of the move, all of which she had carefully, and secretly, planned for.

I wish I could have expressed my unwillingness for her to move. Who would make the noise and disturbance I needed in my life? Who would shake me from my work and invite me to play?

I needed Ha Ni-ah, but I couldn't find the words or bring myself to express that to her.

"I like that one," she said pointing to the apartment that was slightly expensive but close to the house we were in now.

I was shocked at the speed and energy she took to planning the move and applying for a real job. Her determination was something I had always knew about, but I had never seen her channel it into one specific goal. It was amazing what she could do when she focused her unfailing determination on one goal!

"Too expensive," I disagreed.

"But it's close to you."

"Ya! Do you want to stand on your own?" I asked throwing all my frustration that I wasn't able to stop her from leaving at her. 

She reeled back in hurt and I regretted that I snapped at her immediately.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

I groaned in frustration. What was she apologizing for? I was at fault.

She turned away from me fully. I bit my lip to stop another groan. Why couldn't I do things right? Around Ha Ni-ah, I always fumbled and messed up like a middle school boy with his first crush. It was embarrassing.

"Seung Jo-ah," she started and then stopped herself.

"What?" I asked avoiding her face.

She nodded her head 'nothing' and I asked again searching her eyes for a clue of what she felt, seeking a peek into her thoughts. But her face reviled nothing and once again I grew frustrated at myself for not being able to red my own wife.

"How about this," I asked, tapping the screen, pointing to something that was close to the hospital and cheaper than the last.

She smiled and hugged me tightly from behind. I could feel her soft breath against my neck and I felt my body stand at attention, suddenly aware of her every move.

"It's perfect!" she squealed and I sighed in happiness. At least I was able to do one thing right.


I could feel soft lips caressing my cheek and moving down my neck to where my pulse ran lightly.

I woke from my daze suddenly wide awake. I rolled over to find Ha Ni-ah with dried tears down her face looking at me.

"Go to sleep," I mumbled, trying to ignore the guilt I felt at saying those worded. I couldn't think clearly enough to offer any comforting words of advice at this time of the night. My stomach twisted painfully when her face crumpled and she brought her hand up to cover a sob.

I slowly wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer to me. "Sleep, my Ha Ni," I whispered into the dark. Her face was pressed to my chest and I looked over her head into the dark room. My eyes still hadn't adjusted and all I saw was a dark, frightening void.

"I'm scared," her small voice floated up to me up from the dark. But I was unable to grasp it. And it slipped through my fingers. All I was able to say was, "Sleep."

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emilycollin121202 #1
Chapter 5: Update update update update update update update update update update update update plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz my hands are not tired yet but i'll stop here update update update update plz plz plz :p :p waiting author for the update *-*
Chapter 3: This fanfic is so cuuttee
i re-read it many times,
wish u continue this story :') fightiiing♡
kimsojn #3
Chapter 11: Where did jea go???? Plz i m confuse in the drunken kisss !!!!!
kimsojn #4
Chapter 10: Soo cute and loving chapters !!! Wating for update
Chapter 11: Just so lovely. Update soon. Wanna read more.
Chapter 11: Just perfect! Love it. ♥♥ Please update soon. Please. Please. Please.
28 streak #7
Chapter 11: Each kiss had it's impact on me and i wish it would go on for ever! this story and update soon!
Chapter 11: Yay! Good to see this on aff. Already subscribed on!
Chapter 11: That was sweet...I want to see them like this haha...thank you that was awesome...hope to read more
bsjlover #10
Chapter 11: Waaaahhh...full of ♥♥♥♥♥
really love this story..thanks for the update^^