Sneaky Kiss

Each Kiss

A/N: Thank you guys (and girls) so much for the constant faves and reviews! I know that I have been absent for a while. I was out of the country and didn't have my laptop with my files on it with me. Thank you for hanging in there.

Sneaky Kisses- Our Little Brat

Seung-Jo POV:

My son was such a er for his mom—and I hated it. He knew that I hated it as well. Every time I'd lean in to kiss her before I left for work he tugged at her hand and asked her to tie his shoe for him. Every time I though he was asleep in his room and I crept off to our own master bedroom he'd pop in and snuggle in between us, wide awake and full of questions. Every time I went to sit next to Ha Ni-ah in a restaurant he was suddenly there first and already holding the menu.

He was an evil child. And although I couldn't help but want to bend over and slap him on his for being so insolent, he was our son and I loved him. I loved him with every piece of my heart that wasn't Ha Ni-ah's. And secretly, without Ha Ni-ah knowing, I had been giving some of her pieces to him. She had plenty; she could stand to spare a few.

"Appa." I looked down at our son's adorably round face, and I couldn't help the smile that split my face.

"What's up, Jae?" I asked putting down the medical journal I had currently been pouring over, trying to update my knowledge with the latest news and breakthroughs. The medical field was a fast paced and ever changing one, and I always had to be updating my information.

"Do you believe in God?"

My smile faded. Damn him and his questions.

"Well. I mean, there are some people who think that God created us and some people who think that atoms evolved to rearrange themselves into human beings," I tried to answer tactfully and carefully. Ha Ni-ah and I hadn't made much effort in going to church or being religious.

"But do you believe in God. Yes or no?" Jae asked once more wanting a straight forward, black and white answer that kids always want.

I hesitated. I was a doctor and a very literal person. My parents were slightly religious, but we were in no way orthodox. I was hesitant to believe that there was really a higher power. Then again, working at a hospital, miracles happen from time to time and you really question things all over again.

"Honey. Where are you?" Ha Ni-ah's voice called from the kitchen.

Both mine and Jae's head turned at the term of endearment. Sadly it wasn't for me as was apparent when Ha Ni-ah reached down to pull Jae into her arms and plant a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

"What are my two favorite guys talking about?" she asked and met my eyes with a small blush and smile. I felt my love grow for her even more every time she looked at me in that half shy half giddy expression. How could she love someone who had ignored her for the first four years of her pinning after me? How could she not give up even when talks of engagement had floated around? Every time I felt so grateful that she hadn't given up on a block of ice like me.

"Umma. Does God give you babies?"

Ha Ni-ah's eyes widened, and her blush deepened.

She stuttered, looking at me for help. I was trying to smother my laughter. That little brat finally decides to hit his mom with some hard questions and not me for once. Thank gosh she came into the living room at the perfect time.

"Well… you get a baby after doing something very special. Only a boy and a girl can make one."

I burst out laughing. "Something special?" I snickered and her face got so red I worried all the blood in her face would make her head pop. "That's the term you decide to use. Well I suppose it is pretty special."

She gave me a cute pout and slapped my arm. "Well, I don't see you helping me explain it."

"Mom. Just yes or no. Does God give you a baby?" whined Jae now getting impatient.

I finally cut in, giving Ha Ni some slack. "No, technically, God does not give you a baby. Some people believe otherwise though."

Jae looked on the verge of throwing a tantrum, and I glared at him before he could open his big mouth and start wailing. The kid was also aware that whenever he was with his mom he could get anything he desired no matter what it was. Ha Ni-ah would move mountains for Jae and at best move small streams for me. I could tell that most of my pieces of her heart had already been distributed out to Jae. That little er.

"Umma. Can I have a cookie," Jae diverted seeing my glare.

She opened , her gaze loving and ready to acquiesce. But I cut her off and said firmly, "No way. After lunch. You haven't eaten anything proper today."

Ha NI-ah looked at me guiltily, thanking me with her eyes for stopping her babying our kid. Or otherwise known as our little brat. Even my little brother loved to fawn over him and shower him with gifts. It seemed that I was the only sensible one around here.

"Let's go eat," I said and got up from the couch where I was reading a medical journal before Jae had come and asked his questions.

Ha Ni-ah put Jae down and he sprinted off to the kitchen to secure a spot. Finally. Alone with my wife for a few seconds.

"His questions get harder to answer the older he gets," Ha Ni-ah mumbled to me and I smiled at her.

"That's what you get for babying our kid. It's all your karma coming back to bite you," I snickered and leaned in for a kiss.

Ha Ni tiled her head up expectantly and that's when Jae raced in and tugged on Ha Ni-ah's hand yelling, "I can't reach the plates, Umma!"

I sighed and ran a hand over my face. This little bugger actually had a radar in his mind that told him whenever his parents were about to kiss.

"You're not supposed to be able to reach them. You're six!" I almost growled at my own son, and then felt slightly guilty for sending him such menacing looks. But really, what a lame excuse for interrupting us.

Ha Ni-ah as usual was oblivious to my frustration and leaned over to ruffle his hair and sweetly say, "Hold on. Let me come with you and help you reach the plates."

They walked off hand in hand and I was left to contemplate how to get my wife alone for a few minutes without getting interrupted by our very own self-made block.

I walked into the kitchen to find the table set and Jae seated next to Ha Ni, as expected. I sat across from her and gave her a surly glare that I knew she didn't deserve at all. She looked adorable all confused so that eased some of my guilt.

"What's wrong?" she leaned over and whispered to me. Her breath fanned over my face, and I tightened my hands under the table to keep myself from reaching over the table and kissing her senseless right in front of our six year old son.

"Nothing," I mumbled and shoveled some more rice into my mouth. I swear Jae smirked at me. Seriously. I knew it was irrational to be jealous of my own son, but he really was stealing all my wife's time from me.

After we ate I gathered all the plates and put them in the sink.

"Jae. Why don't you watch some t.v? Umma and I will wash the dishes. Then we can all go out to the park for some time."

Jae pondered this for a moment and then he looked at Ha Ni-ah, eyes shining. "Umma. I want to help with the dishes today!"

She grinned and looked at me as if to say: Look at our son, all grown up and willing to help.

Ha Ni fussed over Jae and handed him a rag.

"Here you go," she said. "You can dry off all the plates that Appa hands you, okay. Be careful not to drop anything."

I pulled on my yellow rubber gloves and got to scrubbing. I looked at Ha Ni-ah and playfully flicked soap bubbles her way. They landed softly on her nose and she squealed and rubbed them off. I reached into the sink and flicked Jae with bubbles as well and he grumbled, yet his cheeks were flushed with happiness. At moments like this I felt completely at peace.

Ha Ni-ah flicked bubbles back at me, and she blushed when I gave her and impish grin, thinking back to the night almost six years ago where I had flown back early just to see her. And then we had some fun in the kitchen with the bubbles.

Even though I had married Ha Ni-ah, at that time it was a spur of the moment this egged on by her being swayed by another man. I had to admit, knowing that a girl was in love with you for four years without you ever returning that was an ego boost. And she had always had her attention on me before; I was suddenly scared that I would lose her when Bong Joong Gu asked her to marry him and she even considered saying yes. Of course I sound like a hypocrite. Yet, she was the only constant girl in my life. All the other girls gave up on me when they saw I was as cold as ice. Not Ha Ni-ah.

Yet now, as we got older and I spent more years with her, I was able to appreciate her more. Especially with Jae who finally managed to divert her attention from me to himself. Although, I really did love Jae as well. He was almost in tie with Ha Ni-ah now. I'd have to give it a few more years and see if he grew out of this annoying stage.

"Ok, were done. Let's go to the park now," Jae said eagerly and rushed to the foyer to put his shoes on.

I grinned and leaned over to give Ha Ni-ah a quick kiss. "Finally. He's gone."

Ha Ni-ah grinned widely and reached up to kiss me again yet pulled away way too quickly for my tastes.

"Let's go," Ha Ni-ah laughed and pulled me along to the park.

I know in the anime they have a girl who steals her dad's affection. Yet I was so frustrated with that. Why should Ha Ni be fighting with her own daughter over her husband. Let Seung-Jo be jealous even over something so petty as his kid. It's more amusing that way since we rarely see him get flustered.

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emilycollin121202 #1
Chapter 5: Update update update update update update update update update update update update plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz my hands are not tired yet but i'll stop here update update update update plz plz plz :p :p waiting author for the update *-*
Chapter 3: This fanfic is so cuuttee
i re-read it many times,
wish u continue this story :') fightiiing♡
kimsojn #3
Chapter 11: Where did jea go???? Plz i m confuse in the drunken kisss !!!!!
kimsojn #4
Chapter 10: Soo cute and loving chapters !!! Wating for update
Chapter 11: Just so lovely. Update soon. Wanna read more.
Chapter 11: Just perfect! Love it. ♥♥ Please update soon. Please. Please. Please.
28 streak #7
Chapter 11: Each kiss had it's impact on me and i wish it would go on for ever! this story and update soon!
Chapter 11: Yay! Good to see this on aff. Already subscribed on!
Chapter 11: That was sweet...I want to see them like this haha...thank you that was awesome...hope to read more
bsjlover #10
Chapter 11: Waaaahhh...full of ♥♥♥♥♥
really love this story..thanks for the update^^