A Crazy Start.

Rescuing the Babo.

"Joo-hyun-ah! The bread's burning!" my mom is shouting. I know the bread was burning and it is my fault, or hers? My fault because I don't know how to bake a bread. Her fault because she know that I have no idea how to bake but she made me do it. What a mother right? Or maybe it is really, my fault?!

The whole bakery is filled with smoke! What I have done?! My mom will kill me. I can't see which way I was going but I'm still walking, trying to find the fire extinguisher. It is truly your fault Joo-hyun.

Suddenly the smoke is gone.I haven't do anything yet. Then I saw my mom standing in front of me with a fire extinguisher in her both hand with a dark aura. She's angry.

"M-mom..." my voice was fading.

"Are you trying to kill us?! You little... ." and she pinch my arm right away. Putting aside the fire extinguisher.

"O-ouch! Mom! I'm sorry!" I was trying to cover my body to escape from her pinching. But she is too strong.

"You really make me mad today! Are you really my child?" she asked while still busy pinching my arm. And now she's slapping my whole body! Pity me.

"Of course." I answer her question. "I look like you." I said.

"What?!" she stop. Then I ran right away.

"Joo-hyun-ah!" she shouted! I run with my full speed. I don't want to hear my mom's voice, scolding me again. Just a short escape, because I know later when I come back home she will scold me again.

I don't know what I look today. People is staring at me. Then I suddenly saw Harry, our neighbor. He was my Dad's friend.

"Joo-hyun, you ran away again?" he asked me. Again? Like I did this before? Or maybe? Im not sure. I'm always running outside when my mom or my dad was scolding me. But it is not like I am running away. Running away and running outside is different.

"I'm not running away. I'm just making an escape." I said. He laugh. Seriously? I'm not joking tough.

"Okay. You say so. Very well." he said then he walk away.

"Of course." I said. Than I start running again. Aren't you curious where am I going? Well, I'm going to my crazy friends. Hoping they will help me again. Giving me food and shelter. Hey what am I saying? I didn't run away. I just run outside.

Okay people was staring. Just what do I look like? I am really curious right now. I need a mirror.

"Joo-hyun?" I hear somebody saying my name. Then I saw my friends! My dear friends!

"Seung-wan! Seol-rim! Sooyoung! Se-rim!" I said happily. That's beacause I really am happy to see them.

"No need to say our names." said Seung-wan. Why are they together? Are they having a party without me? How rude of them. But of course I'm just joking. I'm just wandering.

"Look at her running away." said Seol-rim. Did she just said that I ran away?

"I didn't ran away okay?" I said.

"She just ran outside." said Sooyoung with her lollipop on .

"Correct!" I said.

"Yeah. I know you would said that." said Se-rim. "You always said that everytime you run away..."

"Run outside." I corrected her.

"Okay. You say so." she added.

"What happened to you? You look like you've escaped from a war." Sooyoung said. Yeah I remember. People was looking at me.

"Is my face dirty?" I asked them. They just look at each other.

"Dirty is not the proper term." said Seung-wan. I feel relieved. Then why are they looking?

"You are dirtier than dirty. Dirty is much cleaner." said Seol-rim.

"What?!"  I said shocked. Just what on earth do I look like?

"Let's go to my house." said Se-rim and we went all excited. This is what I'm saying! "Do you guys want a sleep over tonight?" she added. They all agree.

"Hey. Not tonight! My mother will kill me. I just ran away, so she will not allow me to sleep over this night for sure." I said and they all shake their head.

"Pity you." they said in chorus. Are they teasing me?!

"Did she just admitted that she ran away?" asked Se-rim and they all laugh. Did I say that? "C'mon let's go to my house." she added. And then we started to walk. Seung-wan gave me a handkerchief to cover my face while we are walking.

Is that how dirty my face looks like? What a day!


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I need some comments here~