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Here's the first chapter. Enjoy!








“Hello, my name is Xu Minghao! I am the Public Relations Officer of the Supreme Student Council. It’s nice to meet you, Lee Chan-shii.”


Minghao reaches up to adjust his own collar as he offers a smile. He feels a little conscious in front of the new student because, well, the President specifically told him to “dress nicely” and he did (found his cleanest white button up and borrowed Seungkwan’s charcoal-colored vest) but this kid, who stepped out of a limo, is wearing an executive attire (and looking quite comfortable in it).


“It’s nice to meet you too. And, it’s okay, you don’t have to be so formal with me. Call me Chan!” says Chan, his smile bright and in total opposite of the two bodyguards and his manager’s intimidating stares.


“Ah, but how can I call you that...”


“It’s fine! I’ll be living in this boarding school for years and I can’t let people think I’m higher than them.”


Minghao hesitantly agrees. He’s been living with important people for a while now, and sometimes he can ignore it, but this child…




He tours Chan around the campus, hectares of land isolated from human population, high-end facilities, recreational venues and huge dining halls. Despite its huge buildings, it’s a normal boarding school, right?


Every classroom is equipped with thick curtains to seal off sunlight completely. The library is filled with books not found anywhere, on earth or otherwise. There are “NO IRON ZONE” or “WATCH YOUR STEP SMALL SPECIES ZONE” signs at certain places. The dining hall menu is… What does AB Rh NEGATIVE mean for a blood bag? Oh, and they also found a couple of repairmen looking at the claw marks on the walls near one of the public toilets, they’re probably looking around for things to fix before school starts next week.


“There aren’t many students yet at this time, but they’ll come pouring in soon,” explains Minghao as the two of them walk towards one of the residence halls. “Uhh, well, we’ve tried getting you a room for yourself but the new building won’t be finished ‘til next quarter… so ‘til then, you’ll be having a roommate.”


“No, that’s perfectly fine. I don’t want special treatment after all.”


Minghao frowns, “Still, we wouldn’t want you to room with just anyone, so we’ve put you in Hall 17.”




Hall 17, it seems, is desolate of life at the moment. It has a huge common room and a common kitchen, both looking unused but that may be because they’ve cleaned the hall when school ended. After the common room, there’s a hallway that divides the floor into two, and then there are three doors on each side. There’s a total of seven rooms, including the hall manager’s. By the end of the hallway, there’s a door that leads to the fire exit.


Minghao, holding both Chan’s luggage, ushers him towards the second door on the left. Chan opens the door, not expecting another boy behind it.


“Oh, here’s your roommate,” introduces Minghao as he quickly sets the luggage inside.


The boy smiles at him. “Vernon,” he says, extending his arm from his comfortable place on his bed.


They shake hands, “Chan.”


“Then I should leave you two for now, I’m running late for the council meeting so— Lee Chan-shii, if you have any problem, my room is just across this one.”


Minghao leaves after closing the door behind him.




The room is a little smaller than what Chan expected. There are two beds, two study desks, and cabinets lined one wall. There’s a sizeable bathroom too. This is okay, he guesses. He just hopes that the other residents of Hall 17 would be kind to him.


He settles down onto his bed after changing into something less restricting: a pair of sweats. He forgoes arranging his luggage too. He’s got a whole week ahead of him anyway.


“So…?” Vernon looks at him curiously, phone forgotten on his lap. His light-colored hair is a little disheveled, and he has very different features from what Chan is used to. “You were wearing a suit. You were given a tour by someone in the Supreme Student Council who, by the way, is busy preparing for the opening of the school year. As your roommate for the next years, I think I’m entitled to some sort of explanation.”


Chan tilts his head, “Explanation?”


“About what you are.”


“About… what I am?”


This school is not your typical boarding school, see. This is an institution for a completely different set of… beings. It’s not that hard to notice, anyone who gives the campus a second look can tell right away. The abundance of trees lining up the perimeter of the campus. The blood stains along the corridors of the buildings. The non-human skeleton models by the biology rooms. The ripped clothes filling up one of the trash bins. And the thin veil of magic thrumming in the air.


It’s a school for the supernatural.


From the ever famous vampires to the fairies you only ever heard from tales, if they are in human-relative college age, they’re all enrolled here. Well, at least if they’re in South Korea. Schools like this have been established all over the world in order to help assimilate the supernatural species to humankind in the near future.


“Come on, man, Minghao gave you a tour, you don’t just see heavenly beings walking around and giving tours now, do you? When I first came here, Seungkwan just dumped me in this room.”


Chan is confused. He didn’t think heavenly beings still walked on Earth. As far as he knows, every heavenly being lives in… well, heaven. “What is Minghao exactly? And who’s Seungkwan?”


“He’s a cherub,” Vernon sighs, leans back down on his bed and starts an app on his phone. “Third class angel. Cupid, in human terms.”


HOLY SH--- A CUPID. Chan doesn’t think he’s encountered one in all his life. He’s only ever read them in books, babies with little wings, shooting heart arrows and connecting people. Why did humans portray them like that?


“And Seungkwan is his roommate. They’re in the Council together, so their room is empty most of the time. I can’t even begin to understand why they like to put themselves through something stressful.”


“Is Seungkwan a cupid too?”


“What?” Vernon snorts, “That guy?” and he crinkles his nose, “Naah, he’s a fairy. For all the things I’ve heard, I thought fairies were all like Tinkerbell, but eh.”


Chan nods in understanding, Seungkwan must be an interesting guy. Fairies tend to be full of mischief, pulling pranks with their magic (tying shoe laces together, replacing shampoo with hair dye, or pulling down the pants of their unlucky victims) and always leaving sparkling dusts wherever they go. But not every fairy is Tinkerbell, this much Chan knew.


“You know, Chan, you haven’t answered my question. Everyone in this hall is pretty high up the importance scale. I’m curious.”


Importance scale, heh, as if there’s even something like that.


Chan eyes him for a bit and purses his lips. “You can make a guess, you know,” he challenges.


Vernon puts his phone down onto his lap and stares at the ceiling. He begins to think out loud. “You were wearing a custom-made suit, a Richard Mille Tourbillon, and a branded—must be Norvegese from A. Testoni, not sure— pair of shoes. Obviously, you have your wealth, but you’re not from a well-known supernatural family, because if you are, I’d surely remember. You also got quite a punch in your magic. You came here alone, so of course, that must mean you’re a… rare.”


He blinks. “Someone… so rare that I haven’t… met or heard of…?” he mutters slowly and quietly. And then he gets up from his bed and stares intently at Chan who is just smiling at him. “Don’t tell me… you’re… that?”


Chan’s smile only seem to widen. “That… is correct, Vernon-shii.” Vernon’s face pales from the confirmation, his jaw dropping in disbelief. “And you’ve got great observation skills, I didn’t think you’d notice a tourbillon right away. Hmm… let’s see, you have a predatory aura, coming from your observation skills. You have fangs that indicate you’re closer to the dog species than you are to the cat. You have quite the piercing eyes, and your ears is a bit of a giveaway.”


Vernon ducks his head and reaches up to cover his ears. He’s still reeling from Chan’s overall existence, a creature he never thought he’d ever meet in his life is right in front of him, and he’s so surprised he let his ears change on its own!


“You’re a kitsune, aren’t you? Right, you’re a fox?”


Vernon nodding dumbly causes Chan to chuckle.


“You’re a rare species yourself. What’s there to be surprised about?”


The people around Chan said that his presence is like that of a pope’s: you feel blessed rather than honored, but Vernon’s reaction is… amusing, to say the least.


There are only a handful of kitsunes on Earth, and much less that they have a physical form. Being roommates with Vernon will probably be interesting.


Sure, Chan is one out of the five currently existing—


“Oh, man, I—I didn’t think I’d—my friends will go ballistic once they—oh, man—this is…”




(Minghao breathes, he’s late to the meeting and Seungkwan’s barrage of texts aren’t helping. He promised himself he won’t use them, but this is an emergency. And there aren’t many people around… so he guesses it’s okay, just this once.


He breathes again, this time feeling around his back muscles. Two little golden wings sprout from his back, and he stretches them wide. Just this once.)




Hall 17, to Chan’s surprise, really is high up the importance scale, just like Vernon said. He meets a Shapeshifter the next day. Now a shapeshifter is a common species in the supernatural world, but then he meets a fairy shapeshifter. A cross of a fairy and a shapeshifter. Like, okay, Chan can’t even begin to imagine how that happened.


“SoonSeok! Talk! SoonSeok! Talk! Everybody! Talk! Kakao! Talk! Baby, talk~ talk~ talk~”


Oh, and he also meets a fairy…who is not Seungkwan, he supposes.


“That’s Soonyoung and Seokmin,” explains Vernon who’s just gotten out of the shower and is toweling his hair dry. “Soonyoung is a fairy shapeshifter and Seokmin is a fairy like Seungkwan.”


(one thing Chan found about Vernon is that he would mention Seungkwan whenever there’s a chance. For example, “yeah, fairies like Seungkwan, I can live without” or “if Seungkwan’s here, he wouldn’t stop singing”. Seungkwan is a fairy Chan hasn’t even met, but from what Vernon tells him, he seems like a good kid)


“A fairy shapeshifter, huh.”


“He has both the abilities of a fairy and a shapeshifter. Nifty, right?”


“And Seokmin? What’s special about him?”


“Well, aside from the usual fairy powers, he’s also super loud.”


“You mean, he has vocal amplification powers?”


“I just meant, he’s loud. Actually, both of them are. Whatever time it is, they’re just… talking, you know? That’s how fairies are, remember?”


“Then, it’s a good thing their room is not next to us, is it?”


Soonyoung and Seokmin’s room is the third door on the right side, which is the door besides Minghao and Seungkwan’s. It’s a good placement, Chan thinks, Minghao and Seungkwan are almost always never at the hall anyway.


“I wish I could say it’s a good thing too but…”


“Our room’s not next to the noisy ones. That’s good enough in itself... right?”




(“Seokmin-ah, did you hear? We have another rare in Hall 17!”


“You mean like Vernon?”


“No, another species.”


“Hmm… Don’t you think it’s weird though? Our hall is a little different from the other halls.”


“What do you mean?”


“I mean, Hall 16 only has fairies, and Hall 15 only has ogres. Hall 17, though, we have heavenly beings mixing in with creatures of Earth.”)




Of course, Chan is wrong. The next day tells him why.


He’d just made a mug of hot chocolate for himself and now he’s standing by the open door of his room. “The kitchen is clean… for a boys’ residence hall. Cleaner than what I expected, anyway. Nobody can cook?”


Vernon is playing something on his phone again and he’s lying lazily on the floor… for a reason Chan still can’t quite grasp.


“It’s not like that. It’s more like, everyone simply goes to their own room when they have to and go out when they have to. Nobody hangs out by the common area long enough to socialize with the others. That’s what happens when you’re living with species not your own, see?”


“But what about—“


The main door of Hall 17 slams open, surprising Chan and making him drop his mug, sending it crashing onto the floor and effectively scalding a part of his leg.


“I told you, you should have brought it!”


“Well, I didn’t so shut up!”


“ONCE! Just once I hope you’d listen to me!”


“OH MY G- JUST SHUT UP. Do you seriously want me to go back all the way there?!”


“If you’d just listened, I wouldn’t be even talking at all!”




Storming from the common area, right past Chan, and into the third door on the left, are two fighting boys. Chan took his time to realize what just happened: the door opened, he dropped his mug, there are pieces of ceramic mixed with sticky chocolate on the floor, two angry giants went past him and—


“The taller one is Mingyu, and the other is Wonwoo. They’re both werewolves of the same pack,” says Vernon who is now standing next to him. “And this is the reason why it’s probably better to have SoonSeok! Talk! next to us instead.”


“Ohhh, the popular werewolves. Are they always like that? Ah, I think I’m bleeding.”


“Yeah, they always fight, but they always make up right away. They’re childhood friends too so don’t be surprised if they don’t notice other beings around them.”


“And? What’s their deal?”


“Oh, them? I’m not sure, they don’t really associate themselves with species other than their own, but I think they’re both next to the throne? Like, they’re both candidates for the next pack leader for Seoul’s biggest clan—”


“WHAT? I don’t want to!”


“You didn’t listen so you should buy it!”


“It’s not my fault you’re forgetful!”


“YAH! I didn’t come here to be disrespected like this!”


Chan goes straight into their shared bathroom and starts cleaning up his wound, just as Vernon starts cleaning up the mess by the door. Werewolves and their temper.


Do they think they’re Hulk or something?




(“Hyung, buy me food.”




“Buy me food.”




“Buy me food.”


“Ugh, for the last time, Mingyu-ah, buy your own food.”


“Why can’t you be a proper Hyung and buy me what I want?”


“Why can’t you be a proper dongsaeng and act cute when you want something?”


“…is that what you want?”








Two days before school officially starts, their dorm manager comes who, by the way, is another student in this school. He has a fluffy black tuft on his head, a pair of dimpled cheeks, and the longest lashes Chan has ever seen or even noticed. His name is…


“Seungcheol. It’s nice to meet you Lee Chan-shii. My room is the one next to the common area, and if the other boys are causing trouble, just come to me, a’right?” says Seungcheol with a kind smile, and like this, Chan thinks Seungcheol looks like a puppy.


Chan nods and returns the smile.


“And Vernon? Who are—“


“Well, there’s us three and the council members, and then the residents of the third rooms.”


Seungcheol seems to deflate at this news. He sighs, “Why are the noisy ones always the first to come…” He’s referring to the residents of the third rooms, who he intentionally put the farthest away from him, but let’s not tell anyone that.


“I see. Then, I’ll be in room for now. I’ll lay down the house rules when everyone’s here. You kids start preparing for the school, okay?”




(Seungcheol rubs his face with both his hands and silently mutters something like “ah, another child to have a headache about”, “on top of my already stressful college life”, “these kids, seriously”, and “where’s Jeonghan when you need him…”


He starts to unpack his luggage. The school year is starting once again, and to be the caretaker of eleven—no—twelve supernatural kids who think they’re frightening when in fact they look like a bunch of kindergarteners running around with crayons… it’s a little too much for someone in Seungcheol’s age, you know?


Let’s not talk about last year when Vernon got into a serious fight with the elves... or even that time when Wonwoo got missing during the school outing… or that time when someone nearly blew up the whole dorm because he thinks he’s so good at potions.


Seungcheol feels the oncoming wave of headache just by remembering. His only prayer is that they’d somewhat matured this time…)




A/N: So you see, I've introduced the setting in Chan's perspective, but this is a fic where I'll be needing different perspectives so yeaaah, please anticipate it! Also, I've introduced only some of them because it might be exhausting to keep track of what everyone is. As a recap, here's the list of what everyone is:

Seungcheol = ?
Jeonghan = ?
Jisoo = ?
Jun = ?
Soonyoung = Fairy Shapeshifter
Wonwoo = Werewolf
Jihoon = ?
Seokmin = Fairy
Mingyu = Werewolf
Minghao = Cherubim
Seungkwan = Fairy
Vernon = Kitsune
Chan = ?


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Done with this fic~ Thank you so much for reading! I've never written this huge since I started college. It was definitely a good experience.


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Lifeisworthit #1
Chapter 3: This was such a cute fic, thank you so much for writing it!!!
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Im done reading all the chapters. Im thoroughly impressed with how well you presented this story. I kept getting curious abt the next development and unexpected little details. You made it enjoyable that i couldnt stop reading all at once. You really got a knack for writing. This was really an enjoyable read, thank you for sharing this story.
Im sorry i cant say anymore than this. I hope i get my feelings across. Dont stop writing. Fighting!!
Chapter 2: Wow that was a long chapter! I really enjoyed this story!!!! This is too good T__T
Chapter 3: this was so goooddd! I freaking love them all so much! Everyone has such a unique personality lol it made me sad though when you revealed to us that chan dies and lives again but like ;-; people in his life are different each time so that means that he probably won't see the other boys in his next life ;-; and booseoksoon oh my god and josh a demon? The good boy and he's a demon it's so perfect! Well maybe not so good boy anymore comsidering what he said at caratland .__. Ahh but thank you for this amazing masterpiece! I really enjoyed reading it!
teaser_13 #5
Chapter 3: Okay, first thing first. THIS IS AWESOME AS HELL!!! I CANT PLACE MY OVERWHELMING EMOTIONS RIGHT NOW. EVERYTHING IS SO FUCJING PERFECT(sorry for cursing, its really that good!!)
Joshua bring the demon has made me laugh like no other joke ever did. like really, never in my entire human existence would i have imagine him as that. And jun, and his zi aczent. Zizizizi XD. I was actually hearing him talk with that accent. Jihoon the dwarf should never be crossed, ever. Hahaha. I actually wanted a rematch with Joshua's bro, but i guess im just contented how everything ended. I have been dying to know what is Chan, like, I never got curious of Seungcheol, but i was really going gaga over the real identity of chan. I actually shouted when I found out that he's a phoenix. Thats how excited i am. Kekeke. Angel Jeonghan is my favorite. This is an awesome fic. * Two Thumbs up* Goid job authornim!!
Chapter 3: I know this is late but I was scrolling through jeongcheol tag during lunch hour at work and then I found this. Oh mai gauddeu this is so good that I...I...I... I have no words !!!!!THIS IS SO GOOD I CANNOT------ omggg I hope you decide to write more because you're really good!!!! And the last chapter, the last line got me TAT wuwuwuwu this is seriously amazing!!!!!! You did very well!!!!
aoisora-bluesky #7
Chapter 3: I keep reading this again and again and again.
Chapter 3: i know im late like heyyy im reading this masterpiece one year later lolol BUT ITS ING WORTH IT I EVEN READ IT IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS EHENEHEHE gdi im in love with this fic!! and now, it'll enter my list of best fanfic ever read hehehe just saying that i love ALL OF THE CHARACTERS SO MUCH and every scene you wrote, i cant stop laughing at how you describe some scenes hahahahaha and well, what a twist. my seungcheol is a human. and FINALLY! you told us what chan is in the final chapter lolol thank you so much for this masterpiece dear author! you really deserve the second place!! see you around~~~~!!!