
From Beginning to End

December 31st 2020


The weather soon gets colder, the first snow falling a few days short of the first of December. The snow doesn't stop for a few weeks, blanketing the city in a coat of white.


As the semester came to a close, their schedules became far more lax. The days Chanyeol would spend studying for his exams and putting together final assignments could now be spent in peace with his boyfriend.


Despite living in different apartments, the two would spend a few nights a week at the other’s home, spending their evenings cooking together and watching films to pass the time. They had only officially been together for a number of weeks, but the pair settled into a routine quickly and comfortably.


This morning was no different from the ones they always enjoyed.


Of the two, Chanyeol was the early riser, always getting up without the need for an alarm clock. He squinted as the bright daylight spilled in through the blinds, turning his head towards Baekhyun, sprawled out on the bed with the sheets kicked off his body as usual. It took the tall boy a few moments of lying in bed before sitting up and stretching out his limbs, taking the discarded sheets and tucking the small boy back under them. A small sound came from the back of Baekhyun’s throat, Chanyeol letting out an amused breath as he slid on his slippers and hobbled to the bathroom.


These were the calmer moments of the day. He took his time getting ready, pulling his hair back with a clip as he waited for the tap water to get warm enough to wash his face. His mind wandered as he went through his routine, considering what he could make for breakfast, considering what to bring to Jongdae’s new year’s party, considering the gift he was planning on giving to Baekhyun.


Is it too much to give?  he thought to himself. We’ve barely known each other for a year now, dated for even less. Hell, the last gift I gave him was a jar of jam. How well do I even really know him?  


Chanyeol jumps a bit when he feels something press against his back, relaxing when he feels a pair of arms wrap around his stomach.


“Good morning,” Chanyeol said with an amused chuckle.


“Morning,” Baekhyun responded, voice still raspy. “What time is it?”


“A little past 10. You can go back to bed for a bit if you’re still tired.”


Baekhyun shook his head against Chanyeol’s back. “Don’t want to,” he muttered. “What’s for breakfast?”


“Ah, you came to demand breakfast then?”


Baekhyun holds on a little tighter. “What good is a boyfriend if I can’t use him to cook for me?”


“Is that all I’m good for, Baekhyun?” Chanyeol asked, feigning hurt.


“You’re also really good at cuddling.”


“Are those the only prerequisites to date you? Cooking and cuddling?”


“That’s pretty on the nose.”


Chanyeol turned to face Baekhyun, holding his cheeks in his hands. “Then that’s good enough for me. We have some leftover stew from last night I can reheat. I can get that started while you get ready.”


The giant gave Baekhyun a peck on the forehead as the smaller boy nodded, giving him one last hug before letting go.


Chanyeol made his way to the kitchen, making quick work of reheating their food as the smaller boy got through his own routine.


By the time Baekhyun had finished up in the bathroom, Chanyeol was just finishing up, the smaller boy taking the opportunity to set the table for them.


“What time should we be at Jongdae’s by?” Baekhyun asked as he took his seat.


“I think we should be fine so long as we make it before the countdown. I was thinking we could bring something on our way over since he’s hosting and all.”


“Knowing him, he should probably already be good on drinks.”


“We can swing by the supermarket and buy some snacks?”


“The big fancy one that’s—”


“A few stops down? Of course that one. It’s a new year’s party, we can show up with non-fancy snacks.”


Baekhyun smiled, giving Chanyeol a nod. “Before we head out though, can you do me a favour?”


“What’s up?”


“There’s a box over there in my bag,” Baekhyun said, nodding to his backpack against the couch. “Could you take it out for me?”


Chanyeol furrowed his brow but stood up nonetheless, rummaging through the backpack until he found a small wrapped box.




“Merry Christmas! Or, well, belated Christmas. Open it up!”


“You didn’t have to—”


“I wanted to! Now hurry up and open it before I die of old age.”


Chanyeol returned to the table, placing the box down before him as he took a seat. Baekhyun looked back at him expectantly as he peeled the gift wrap away to reveal a film camera and a hand-painted camera strap.

“I figured it would be good for a photography student. I thought the change of pace might be nice. Digital is cool but there’s something about taking film photos. “


“Thank you, Baekhyun. I love it.”




Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “What, you want your gift now then?”


Baekhyun smiled a little wider. “It’s as good a time as any~”


“You’re so annoying,” Chanyeol said with a good natured laugh. “Give me a minute, alright?”


The tall boy stood up, walking back to his bedroom and pulling open the dresser. He dug his hand into his folded shirts until his hand hit something hard, grabbing the small box and taking it out. He had the foresight to gift wrap it, but the size of the box was already a dead giveaway. He let out a sigh to calm his nervous heart and stepped out into the dining room, placing the box in front of Baekhyun.


The small boy’s eyes widened a bit, tentatively reaching to the box. He peeled back the wrapping enough to feel the velvety exterior and his hand shrunk away in shyness.


“Chanyeol, we’ve been dating for a few weeks—”


“I know, I know. Just open it. I promise it’s nothing brash.”


Baekhyun continued unwrapping the box until the wrapping was gone, slowly opening it to find a thin band inside.


“It’s beautiful,” he breathed out.


“Do you want help putting it on?” Chanyeol asked, Baekhyun holding out his arm in response. The giant took the bracelet from the box, clipping it around the boy’s wrist.


“Did you think I was about to propose to you when I haven’t even known you a full year?” Chanyeol asked jokingly.


“You can’t blame me for being worried there!”


Chanyeol laughed, giving Baekhyun a peck on the back of his hand. “Maybe if you play your cards right, you’ll get the distinct pleasure of being proposed to by me,” he joked. “Until then, this will have to do.”


Baekhyun smiled, giving the bracelet a closer look on his wrist. “Fearless,” he read aloud.


“I know we’ve both been in a weird place the past year or so. You taught me a lot about trusting in myself and confronting things that I really didn’t want to. Not only that, but you’ve been putting in so much effort to make things better for yourself, and I’m really proud of you for that. I just wanted you to have a physical reminder of that.”


“Thank you, Chanyeol. I love it.”




They don’t leave the apartment until long after the sun has set. They make their way to the supermarket, taking their time browsing through the aisles. The smaller enjoyed traipsing the large store, and Chanyeol was more than willing to follow Baekhyun around as he examined items on their shelves.


It’s only when the time slips between their fingers and their basket is filled to the brim with snacks that they decide to leave, cashing out and stuffing all that they can into Chanyeol’s backpack.


It doesn’t take them long to make it to Jongdae’s apartment, quickly buzzing in and making their way to his unit. It’s already bustling inside when they enter, Jongdae opening the door to greet them, helping them take the snacks off their hands as they slipped their shoes off.


Compared to the one the year prior, the party was far calmer, though that may just be Chanyeol’s heartbreak from last year making him feel that way. Chanyeol almost wanted to laugh. The stranger he had drunkenly kissed a year ago was now the boy standing next to him, the one holding his hand, the one that he loved.


Before he knows it, the time ticked towards midnight, sending the rest of the party into excitement as they got ready to count down.


They settled on the couch, hands still linked as the count down began. A warm feeling settled in Chanyeol’s chest, holding on a little tighter and pulling the boy a little closer. Baekhyun looks up at him as he does this with a smile.


Chanyeol really thinks he could spend a lifetime staring into the small boy’s eyes.












"Hmm?" the boy hummed.






"I love you."






Baekhyun looked a bit surprised for a moment, but smiled back at the giant.






"I love you too," he said before leaning in to close the gap between them, capturing the tall boy’s lips in a kiss. It surprised the giant a bit, but it didn’t take long for him to kiss back, holding onto Baekhyun’s waist as the room exploded in cheers as they welcomed in the new year.


Chanyeol’s heart was still fluttering by the time they separated, cheeks feeling flushed.






"That felt a lot better now that I’m not blackout drunk.”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes with a smile, leaning back in to give Chanyeol another peck on the lips. “I’d be a little concerned if you were. You might end up kissing someone and end the year dating them instead.”


“Oh shut up.”


“I’m never gonna let that go, I hope you realize that.”


“You’re the worst, you know that?”


"Yeah, but you love me anyways so how bad can I really be?”


“The answer is very, but I can’t argue with you on that other part.”


Baekhyun smiled.


“Happy new year, Baek.”


“Happy new year, Yeol.”


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Moondust45 #1
Chapter 28: Awww it's finnished. :( I have really enjoyed reading the story for this whole year that has been though. It is a really good story, and I really loved it. :) <3
Chapter 28: omg what a great ending to a great story! i love simple fluffy stories like this one; it completely hit the spot. the characters grew without the story feeling heavy and i always looked forward to updates! thank you so much <3
Chapter 28: Awwwwwwwwww
Chapter 27: AHHH CUTIES i love it so much
Chapter 27: Awwwwwwwww... Both are so cute.....!!!

And Jongdae... I miss him....

Moondust45 #6
Chapter 27: They are so cute. :) <3 It's so weird that it has soon been a year with this story now. :)
Chapter 26: AHHH YESS!!! i love this the best getting together <3
Beau1996 1385 streak #8
Chapter 26: Teeny tiny baby steps but still progress!!
Chapter 26: I would love to see Baekhyun accepting Chanyeol's proposal...


Moondust45 #10
Chapter 26: ooooh he told him. :O :)