
From Beginning to End

November 27th2020


Things don’t change much after Halloween.


They go about their business, spending time together when they can, getting through the rest of the semester as best as they can.


They try to meet up at least once a week, whether that be to take a small stroll around the park, or to get takeout and hang out at one of their apartments.


Progress is slow, so slow to the point where Chanyeol sometimes forgets that his feelings are reciprocated, but as they walk back to his apartment after a quick trip to the grocery store, he can feel Baekhyun’s hand snake its way into his and he can feel his heart start pounding.


They don’t let go until they’re at Chanyeol’s front door so the giant can unlock it, his cheeks still red by the time they’re inside.


He looks over at Baekhyun, already in the kitchen putting away the groceries, as if he wasn’t actively trying to make Chanyeol’s heart beat out of his chest. The giant let out a sigh before locking the door and kicking off his own shoes and following the smaller inside.


“What’s with the sigh, Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asked, a smile playing on his lips. “Never had your hand held before?”


Chanyeol gets red again. “I-It’s not that!” he sputters.


“Then what is it?” Baekhyun continued playfully, grabbing the rice cooker out of the cupboard.


“Y-You… You can’t just do that!”


“Why not? I’ve held your hand before.”


“But… it’s different now.”


“Hmm? Care to explain why?” Baekhyun asked, closing the distance between the two of them.


“You know why!”


“Maybe I just need a refresher?”


“Because you know I like you!”


“And you know I like you too. So what’s the problem Yeol?”


Chanyeol blinked, heart beating a little quicker as Baekhyun put his hands on the taller’s chest.


“I… Well, you—”


Baekhyun let out an amused breath, angling his head up to give Chanyeol a peck on the cheek.


“B-Baekhyun!” Chanyeol nearly yelled.


“I don’t know about you, but I’m getting really hungry and I’d really like to make dinner. If you don’t want your kitchen set on fire, I’d recommend you not leave me to do all the work.”


Baekhyun goes back to the kitchen, measuring out the rice and pouring it into the pot nonchalantly as if he hadn’t just kissed Chanyeol. It takes the giant a minute to process it, face getting ever redder until he can finally get himself to move.


He shuffles to Baekhyun, washing rice at the sink, wrapping his arms around the small boy’s midsection and burying his face into his shoulder.


“I can’t believe you just did that,” Chanyeol said, voice muffled.


“It’s almost like I… like you or something. Weird, huh?”

“You know what I mean. You said you needed more time.”


“And I took more time. I’ve put off dealing with those feelings for too long. But I… uh… I started therapy a few weeks before Halloween and It’s been helping a lot.”


“I’m really proud of you,” Chanyeol said, tightening his hold.


“Shut up. All I’m trying to say is… I think I’m ready.”


Chanyeol lifted his head up from Baekhyun’s shoulder.


“Don’t give me that look,” Baekhyun said, wriggling out of Chanyeol’s hold to start cooking the rice.


“Does that mean you want to… you know?”

“To what?”


“Like… you know…”


Baekhyun laughed. “You’re a grown man but you’re afraid of saying ‘date’?”


Chanyeol looked down. Baekhyun rolled his eyes, starting the rice cooker and closing the distance between the two again.


“Yes, Chanyeol. That means I want to date. Do youwant to—”


“Yes. I want to do that.”


Baekhyun smiled. “Then that’s that.”


“Does that… make us…” Chanyeol said, trailing off.


“Boyfriends?” Baekhyun supplemented.


“Yes. That. Is that us?”


“Do you want to be my boyfriend?”


“… Yes. That would be nice.”


Baekhyun laughed. “And I think it would be nice if you were my boyfriend too. So…?”


“That’s that?”


“That’s that.”




The end of the month sneaks up on Chanyeol, and before he realizes it, it’s his birthday.


He had been too focused on schoolwork to even pay attention to it, too focused on getting his assignments in on time to plan anything for his birthday. It was only when he was awoken by incessant knocking on his door that he had remembered.


Groggy and dishevelled, he stumbled over to the door, peering through the peephole to see two people standing with their backs to the door. He furrowed his brow but opened the door nonetheless.


He opened his mouth to ask what they needed, but the moment the door swung open, the two turned around, holding a cake and wishing him a happy birthday.


He blinked a few times as he processed what was happening.


“Oh ,” he said.


“’Oh ’ is right!” Jongdae yelled. “Happy birthday you senior citizen!”


“You’re ancient now!” Baekhyun yelled.


“You’re both older than me.”


“Semantics!” Jongdae yelled, Chanyeol stepping back to let the two into his apartment. “You’re old now, so we need to celebrate!”


Chanyeol took the cake from the boy’s hands, bringing it to his dining table as the two took off their shoes and followed him inside. Baekhyun made quick work of grabbing plates and utensils from his cupboards as Jongdae placed candles in the cake.


“What are you now, like 83?” Jongdae asked, counting the candles in his hand.


“Shut the up,” Chanyeol said as Jongdae let out a laugh.


“There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Yeollie.”


“And I mean,” Baekhyun began as he placed the plates down. “I can promise you, you don’t look a day over 65.”


“How did you guys know that my birthday wish was to get bullied first thing in the morning?”


“Oh just shut up and make your wish,” Jongdae said as he lit the last of the candles. 


Chanyeol smiled, leaning in and blowing out the candles as the two clapped for him, Baekhyun making quick work of plucking out the candles before any wax could drip onto the cake. Chanyeol took the knife from the table, slicing into the cake and serving each of them a slice.


“Do you have any plans for the rest of your day?” Baekhyun asked as he took a bite.


“If I’m being honest, I was so focused on school that I forgot what day it was,” Chanyeol admitted. “So I haven’t made any plans.”


“For once, your lack of planning has worked to your benefit!” Jongdae exclaimed. “You’re stuck with Baekhyun for the rest of the day.”


“Are you not staying?” Chanyeol asked.


“Nah, I figured I’d let you two lovebirds spend your time together.”

“Did… you tell him?” Chanyeol asked.


“No, I thought you did?” Baekhyun responded.


“Tell me what?” Jongdae asked as he took a bite of cake.


“That we’re…”


“Dating? Honestly it was bound to happen sooner or later,” Jongdae said as he finished the last of his cake, standing up to put the plate in the sink. “Plus the way you two were acting on Halloween gave it away. But hey, as long as you two are happy. I’ll get out of your hair for now, so you two have fun. Be safe tonight kids~”


“Okay dad,” Chanyeol said. “Thanks for stopping by with the cake. I do appreciate it.”


“Love you lots Yeollie,” Jongdae said, putting on his shoes. “You guys have fun tonight okay? And happy birthday, dude.”




After Jongdae left, Baekhyun made quick work of getting the dishes as Chanyeol left to get changed, still unsure of the plan for the rest of the day. He quickly brushed his teeth, throwing on whatever was clean as Baekhyun finished up, giving the giant another kiss on the cheek as they went to get their shoes on.


They walked hand-in-hand to the convenience store between their apartments, only letting go once they made it inside. They browsed the aisles, grabbing snacks, drinks, and packs of instant noodles until they had trouble carrying everything. As they put everything on the counter to pay, Baekhyun quickly gave the cashier a $50 note before Chanyeol could even take out his wallet.


“My treat, birthday boy,” Baekhyun said.


“You can’t fight me to pay for dinner,” Chanyeol said.


“I make no such agreement,” Baekhyun said, taking the bags of food and nodding to the cashier in thanks before walking out of the convenience store. “Now hurry up. It’s cold and I want to get home quick.”




It isn’t long until they make it back to Baekhyun’s apartment, Chanyeol taking the bags out of the smaller’s hands so he can make work of unlocking the door.


“Okay, give me the bags and wait out here for a second,” Baekhyun said, leaving the giant confused. “I promise it’ll be quick!”


Chanyeol hummed, leaning against the wall as Baekhyun closed the door behind him.


True to his word, the door opened again soon after, Baekhyun reappearing in his pajamas to take Chanyeol inside with him.


Since the two had started seeing each other more often, Chanyeol had spent more and more time in Baekhyun’s apartment, but what he was seeing now was far different from normal. The lighting was dim, but the giant blanket fort in the middle of Baekhyun’s apartment was evident. Chanyeol took his shoes off, Baekhyun leading him further into the apartment and into his bedroom.


“Go get changed,” he said, giving the giant a set of pajamas to wear, “Come into the blanket fort once you’re done.”




“It’s a surprise! I’ll be waiting inside once you’re done.”


With that, he left Chanyeol to get changed, the tall boy making quick work of folding his clothes and putting on the pajamas. He approaches the fort slowly, pulling back one of the blankets to see inside.


The area between Baekhyun’s couch and his TV had been filled by an air mattress covered in blankets and pillows with his narrow coffee table now placed on the side, holding all of the snacks they had just purchased. The ceiling of the fort was lined with fairy lights, brightening up the space enough that the two could see around them.


“I know it’s been stressful for you lately, so I thought it might be nice to stay in for a bit and just watch movies and play games together for the night. What do you think?”


“It’s perfect,” Chanyeol said with a smile. “Thank you, Baekhyun.”




They spent the rest of their night like this, alternating between cuddling together watching movies and eating snacks and competing against each other on console games. The time passes quicker than either of them realize, and as it gets later, Baekhyun starts dozing off, head lolling forward despite his attempts to keep it upright.


Chanyeol smiles, grabbing the TV remote and turning it off before unplugging the lights around them. Baekhyun makes a sound, and Chanyeol stops in fear that he had awoken the boy, but he only shifts his body in a more comfortable position.


Chanyeol slowly gets up, picking up the empty bags around them and leaving the fort to throw them out. He smiled again looking at the fort the small boy had constructed for him, ducking back inside and getting comfortable on the bed.


He gets under the covers and makes sure Baekhyun is well covered as well before laying down next to them boy. His hands hesitate for a moment, but he wraps his arm around the boy’s waist, pulling him a little closer.


Baekhyun stirs, rasping out one last “Happy birthday, Yeol” before falling back asleep for the night. Chanyeol smiles against the nape of his neck, causing the small boy to whimper a bit. He holds the boy a little tighter.



He thinks it’s one of the best birthdays he’s ever had.

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Moondust45 #1
Chapter 28: Awww it's finnished. :( I have really enjoyed reading the story for this whole year that has been though. It is a really good story, and I really loved it. :) <3
Chapter 28: omg what a great ending to a great story! i love simple fluffy stories like this one; it completely hit the spot. the characters grew without the story feeling heavy and i always looked forward to updates! thank you so much <3
Chapter 28: Awwwwwwwwww
Chapter 27: AHHH CUTIES i love it so much
Chapter 27: Awwwwwwwww... Both are so cute.....!!!

And Jongdae... I miss him....

Moondust45 #6
Chapter 27: They are so cute. :) <3 It's so weird that it has soon been a year with this story now. :)
Chapter 26: AHHH YESS!!! i love this the best getting together <3
Beau1996 1383 streak #8
Chapter 26: Teeny tiny baby steps but still progress!!
Chapter 26: I would love to see Baekhyun accepting Chanyeol's proposal...


Moondust45 #10
Chapter 26: ooooh he told him. :O :)