
Merry Go Around

Wonwoo continued wiping the glasses after politely rejecting an invitation from a middle aged woman to have a drink together. The lustful eyes made Wonwoo gulp his saliva twice. Work as a bartender is not really a dream job to be honest but well he's fine with it.

He met with a lot of people and even though Wonwoo is not a social person, he likes watching people come in and out of the bar. Each person has their own story and Wonwoo read it one by one quietly. Among the stories, this one is his most favorite.

The black-suited guy with a polo shirt inside would come to the bar almost every day at 12:00 pm. He sat at the same place, would order the same thing. A mix of Triple Sec and Amaretto then added to Bacardi 151 Proof Rum with Everclear. Wonwoo would smile whenever he remember his first encounter with the said guy.

"The usual" he said. Wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows. How could he know what’s that guy usual drink. God, why must he get this kind of customer on his first day. He took a breath.

" I'm sorry, Sir. This is my first day. Can I get the name of your drink?" At that time Wonwoo met those eyes. The mesmerizing but cold pair of eyes. He gulped again.

Just before the cold eyes guy open his mouth , Soonyoung, his manager rushed to him. "Wonwoo, I'll take this. I'm sorry hyung. New one." Wonwoo watched Soonyoung bow a little bit to the guy and he followed suit.

After that, Soonyoung taught him that guy’s 'usual drink' and since then the said guy only drank the mix by Wonwoo.

Wonwoo watched that guy drink the last bit from his glass. "Wonwoo, get me some more!" he half yelled with his voice croaking from the crying. Ah.. he's crying again. He forgot to mention, the reason why this guy is his favorite story. It's because that guy will cry after he took the first sip of his drink. Every single time.

"Right away" within a few seconds, new filled glass is pushed toward the guy.

"Can you stay?" the bartender couldn’thide his surprised face when he heard the deep voice asking. This is the first time. Half amused half worried he walked out from the counter and sat beside the guy.

This guy, from what Wonwoo heard, is Scoups. The only son of a head mafia group in Seoul district and this bar, the one that Wonwoo currently work for is one of his spots. Wonwoo glanced at the guy beside of him, black his hair to toe. Good looking for sure, but there are Wonwoo's personal favorite part, the eyelashes. Wonwoo didn't realize that he's staring.

"You're done??" Wonwoo blinked his eyes a few times before realizing the other was also staring at him.

"I'm sorry!!" He let out an unmanly yelp and locked his gaze on the table instead. He heard the other laughing? Or merely scoffing at him. Wonwoo spots the other’s eyes were slightly red and the dried tears on his cheeks were still visible when he slightly glanced at that guy again.

"You did a good job with the drink" Scoups killed the silence first. Wonwoo tried hard not to grin widely with the compliment.

"Thank you. I need to admit that you have quite a unique taste." He scratches his not-so-itchy neck. Wonwoo was usually not the one who wants to have a long conversation with people but this one, Wonwoo waited for a month already. He forced his brain to think of something to continue the conversation.

"You - " Wonwoo words were cut off when he sawthe guy took another gulp from the glass. How the drink flow from the glass to his throat, that was also how his tears from his eyes to his cheeks flow.

"Soonyoung never got it right," This time he wiped his tears and scoffed again. Wonwoo smiled bitterly. His tongue itched to ask. Why?? Seriously what had happened??

Wonwoo looked at the main counter when Soonyoung took over his place. Soonyoung will smack his head later for this but he don't really care.

"You have to work? " Scoups also directed his eyes toward the main counter.

" NO!!"  Ok, that came out too loud. "I mean it's okay, Soonyoung is there.." The other guy nodded a few times.

"He told you who am I?" this time, Scoups played with his glass.

"Not really, just your name, and urm... "

"Which one?" Wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows with the question. "Which one of what?"

"My name, the one that Soonyoung told you. Which one?"

"You're Scoups, right?" Wonwoo fidgetted at his own seat waiting for the answer. What if Soonyoung lied to him?

"Call me Seungcheol, or hyung like Soonyoung" Wonwoo's eyes widen for a while before he smiled.

"Ok, hyung" Wonwoo felt like jumping. He didn’t know what made him that excited, he just knew he was.

"Before you came, there's another bartender who worked here. " Wonwoo stays silent and let his companion do the talking.

"The moment I saw him, I was starstrucked. He's so beautiful, or handsome maybe but for me he's so beautiful. Like an angel. " Wonwoo watched Seungcheol finish his second drink. Seungcheol let out a smile.

"Your drink tastes exactly like the one he used to make," Seungcheol chuckled slowly but his tears betrayed him.

Wonwoo looks at the empty glass. "You want some more? I can – " Seungcheol shook his head.

"Do you get bored hearing my story?" Seungcheol's voice got lower.

"No!! No at all. I really wanna know about you actually" Ok, that's too much information. Wonwoo bit his lips.

Seungcheol put his elbows on the counter and supported his face with the palm of his hands. At this time, Seungcheol really looked vulnerable to Wonwoo. There's no tattoo, at least in Wonwoo's imagination, mafia group members will be evil and hard looking with tattoos all over their body. But Seungcheol, he looks like a lost child.

Wonwoo didn't realize that he's staring. Again.

"You can bore a hole to my face, Wonwoo," Seungcheol said monotonously while the bartender let a hearty laugh to cover his embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, hyung. I just can't believe what Soonyoung told me about you."

"What did he told you?" Seungcheol seemed amused as Wonwoo crinkled his nose while searching for the perfect sentences.

"Did he tell you that I beat people for fun, or kill people to live?" Seungcheol asked calmly but Wonwoo choked on his saliva. He used his hand gestures instead. No!!

"Sorry, hyung." Wonwoo said after a few seconds. Seungcheol raised his eyebrows and let out a chuckle.

"Don't laugh at me. Just go on with your story, I don't care if you are a mafia or an alien or whatever. You don't even look like one." Wonwoo pouted.

Seungcheol felt a heavy rush in his heart. Jeonghan, his Jeonghan.

"Sometimes you acted just like him, Wonwoo."

This time it's Wonwoo's turn to raise his eyebrows. "Who, your Jeonghan?" Wonwoo watched how Seungcheol's face lit with the two last words.

"Yes, my jeonghan."

Wonwoo listened to the story thoroughly. From when Seungcheol met the long-haired bartender at the bar, he confessed on the same night and they started dating.

"Love is the only luxury that I can't afford to have, Wonwoo. I know with Jeonghan beside me other people will use him to get me. I'm so selfish and my own selfishness is the reason he died. I should not—" Wonwoo patted the sobbing Seungcheol on his shoulder. He stays silent until Seungcheol calmed down.

"I'll make some helpful punch for you. It's on me." Seungcheol wiped his nonstop tears while Wonwoo stoodup and walked into the counter again.

Seungcheol watched Wonwoo diligently shaking the tumbler and he smiled a bit. This kid reminds him of his love so much. After sharing his story with Wonwoo he feltlike he can at least breath properly again.

"Hyung" Seungcheol snaps when Wonwoo pushed a tall glass toward him. "Zuccini-Tini, its good" Seungcheol nods and takes the tall glass.

Wonwoo smiled softly when Seungcheol finished the fruit punch in a shot. "Thanks for sharing your story with me,hyung. You don't know how curious I was, seriously." Wonwoo laughed with his usualy crinkled nose and Seungcheol smiled with the view.

"I better get going. Thanks Wonwoo for hearing. See you tomorrow" Seungcheol patted Wonwoo's locks dearly.

Wonwoo stood up when Seungcheol made a move to go. He watched the tough silhouette slowly disappear between people in the bar.

"How sad.. I'm not going to see you tomorrow, Seungcheol hyung. You're going to meet Jeonghan hyung, he missed you so much." Wonwoo poutted then smirks while sayingto Soonyoung that he'll be done for tonight.

The leftover pills in his left pocket feltso heavy somehow, he reminded himself to get rid of the pants after this. Jeonghan hyung, I'll send your Seungcheol to your embrace again, you must be so happy right?

I miss you, hyung.




p/s: if you don't realize, cheol didn't tell Jeonghan name before Wonwoo said "your Jeonghan" :)

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aigooyaaaa #1
Chapter 3: OMG this storyplot is interesting!
mink_amiel23 #2
Chapter 3: On the second chapter when wonwoo said "your jeonghan" i thought that he already knew that the previous bartender was jeonghan from soonyoung or something. Never guess that he knew jeonghan personally. Nice story. :)
seunghanim #3
Chapter 3: IM UNDERSTAND YANA YA IM UNDERSTAND!!!! ㅋㅋㅋ SO THIS IS WHAT WONUS MEAN THAT JH MISS SC SO MUCH AND HE WILL TAKE SC TO JH EMBRACE again..1st i thought that jh still alive but after read this epilogue.. ooohh... omg speechless ofc on a good way...hehehe love you yana... sorry if im such a fool...
seunghanim #4
Chapter 2: Yana.. how could u call this is bad?? U know..this is soooo good yana.... Ugh im sorry im such a forget to read this story ra like i promised to you before..forgive me my dear yana...this is bcs my internet connection is unstable and always loading page and took so long and im impatient and boom!! U made at me right?? Gomenasai
seunghanim #5
seunghanim #6
Dear u are so precious.. ugh i love u so much hahaha thank you very much for make this story for me....