
Merry Go Around

He punched the other right in his gut for the last time before he let the bloody body flop unconsciously on the floor. The standing boy scoffed as he kicked the other's shin.

How dare him.

How dare he lay his dirty hand on his hyung.

His life. His love.

"If you wanna fight, find the one who can fight! Stupid" He spatted while he casually walked on the other's body on his way out from the store room.

School bell rang loudly signalling that the lunch break ended already. He wiped the blood that was left on his fingers and face. His lovely hyung’s gonna be sad if he see this. He can't make his brother sad. He'll do everything to see the angelic smile appear from the other pretty lips.

And when he said everything. He mean it.


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aigooyaaaa #1
Chapter 3: OMG this storyplot is interesting!
mink_amiel23 #2
Chapter 3: On the second chapter when wonwoo said "your jeonghan" i thought that he already knew that the previous bartender was jeonghan from soonyoung or something. Never guess that he knew jeonghan personally. Nice story. :)
seunghanim #3
Chapter 3: IM UNDERSTAND YANA YA IM UNDERSTAND!!!! ㅋㅋㅋ SO THIS IS WHAT WONUS MEAN THAT JH MISS SC SO MUCH AND HE WILL TAKE SC TO JH EMBRACE again..1st i thought that jh still alive but after read this epilogue.. ooohh... omg speechless ofc on a good way...hehehe love you yana... sorry if im such a fool...
seunghanim #4
Chapter 2: Yana.. how could u call this is bad?? U know..this is soooo good yana.... Ugh im sorry im such a forget to read this story ra like i promised to you before..forgive me my dear yana...this is bcs my internet connection is unstable and always loading page and took so long and im impatient and boom!! U made at me right?? Gomenasai
seunghanim #5
seunghanim #6
Dear u are so precious.. ugh i love u so much hahaha thank you very much for make this story for me....