Chapter 4


On Monday, Taekwoon walked to school alone. Jaehwan was sick apparently, and didn’t want to go to school. Taekwoon wondered if it was because he didn’t want to face Hakyeon.


There was talk about how Hakyeon’s injuries had worsened from the last time they’d saw him on Friday. Of course, everyone was glad about it. Taekwoon wondered if anyone had a shred of human inside of them. Then again, he hated the guy as well as everyone else. Who cares?


As soon as Taekwoon stepped foot into his first hour class, he was asked to leave.


“Taekwoon, report to the office. I just got a call from the principal.”




Normally, you got called down to the office for two reasons. One, you were in trouble. Two, you did something amazing. It rarely was the latter.


“And this is the only way?” Taekwoon heard Hakyeon whine as soon as he entered the office.


“Good, you’re here,” The principal grinned. Taekwoon’s eyes widened in curiosity, and they only got bigger when they saw Hakyeon, slouching his shoulders and standing next to his father.


“What’s going on?”


“As you know, Hakyeon will not be able to pass this year. But his father begged for one more chance. And so, we came up with a plan.”


Taekwoon felt anxiety run through his blood. Staring at Hakyeon, he listened to the principal.


“Your homeroom teacher tells me that you’re the only person that’s ever got through to Hakyeon.”


“He’s not the only person-”


But as Hakyeon began to talk, his father moved his arm slightly, causing Hakyeon to flinch, shutting him up automatically. Hakyeon knew his father wouldn’t hit him in public, but he sure would give him hell of a beating once they were alone.


“We’re having teachers make new exam questions for Hakyeon. If he passes them all with A’s, we’ll let him graduate.”


“That’s impossible,” Taekwoon accidentally blurted out. He didn’t even pass with all A’s. How would Hakyeon be able to do that?


“That’s where you come in,” The principal smiled coyly. “You have decent grades. You’re passing all of your classes. Also, you’re able to get through to Hakyeon. You’re perfect for being his tutor.”


As if the teacher dropped a bomb, which technically to Taekwoon he did, Taekwoon let out a loud cough in shock and began to choke on his own spit. After a long silence of everyone waiting for Taekwoon to calm down, Taekwoon rubbed his hand through his hair, closing his eyes and sighing.


“It has to be me?”


“It has to be you. Otherwise Hakyeon is on his own.”


Taekwoon really almost said that Hakyeon was on his own. He really, almost did. But then he saw the look of desperation in not only Hakyeon’s eyes, but his father’s. If he said no here, Hakyeon wouldn’t be able to pass. And most likely, that would end in him getting beat up once again.


God dammit, why’d he have such a big conscience? He hated the guy. But Taekwoon would hate himself even more if he continued to let Hakyeon be hurt by his father.


“Alright. I’ll do it.”


And now, it was Hakyeon’s turn to choke.


Once they were free to go, Hakyeon followed after Taekwoon, confused.


“You’re really going to help me? Why? You hate me.”


“You want to graduate, don’t you? Hate you or not...If you’re going to fail, it should be because of what you did. Not because I rejected tutoring you.”


Hakyeon bit his lip, as if he was unsure about this.  “You don’t even talk.”


Taekwoon sighed and stopped walking. He really wished Hakyeon would shut up. Just being near him was making him annoyed. “I’m talking now, aren’t I? I’ll see you tomorrow after school in the library, yeah?”


And so, Taekwoon escaped Hakyeon, wondering if he’d made the right decision. Sure, he feels bad for him because of his father, but he still hated the fact that the guy got away with everything. That the guy did so much wrong just because he could. He hated Cha Hakyeon. And yet, he felt it was his duty to help him. As a human being, he just couldn’t let Hakyeon continue to be beaten. He knew this would be his own personal hell, but if it helped Hakyeon in the end, as crazy as it was, he would go through it.


After school, Jaehwan ran up to Taekwoon, a bright smile on his face.


“Taekwoon, you’re tutoring Hakyeon? Everyone is talking about it.”


Taekwoon just sighed, as he always did. How’d everyone find out so fast? He was really hoping he could help the most disliked boy in school without anyone knowing.


Taekwoon put his arm around Taekwoon as they walked home from school, causing Taekwoon to frown and fling the other’s arm off of him.  “How is that going to work? Considering you never talk…”


“I have to,” Taekwoon finally said. “I had no choice.”


“The dean forced you?”




“Then, what? Did Hakyeon threat you?"


Taekwoon shook his head, making Jaehwan completely baffled. Taekwoon didn’t say anything else, and Jaehwan began to whine, wrapping his arms around Taekwoon’s body, preventing him from going any further until he told him.


He did this a lot, ever since he was a kid. It was the only way to get Taekwoon to talk to him. Of course, it didn’t exactly make Taekwoon happy, if anything, it just made him angry, but he’d grown to get used to it. Jaehwan, as much as sometimes he disliked him, was potentially the closest thing he had to a friend. And he was glad he was always there, even if he would never show or express that.


Taekwoon, giving in, got out of Jaehwan’s grasp. “If he fails...he’s only going to get beaten by his father again…I’m not going to let someone be abused.”


Jaehwan was silent for a moment his lips a thin line. Taekwoon wondered what he was thinking. Whenever Jaehwan was serious, which wasn’t often, it always surprised him. Always. He could never understand Jaehwan, not really. Sometimes, he seems really intelligent, but other times he seems...well, like Jaehwan.


After a period of silence, and just staring at each other, Jaehwan smiled and punched Taekwoon’s shoulder playfully. “So Taekwoon is a human after all.”


“What else would I be,” Taekwoon smiled slightly, scoffing.


The two of them walked home, their thoughts filled with Hakyeon.


Hakyeon threw the ball at the ceiling again, watching it fall closer and closer to his face before catching it.


“Hakyeon?” Two knocks on his bedroom door interrupted his thoughts. He didn’t bother saying come in, as he knew who it was.


Sanghyuk entered, his black hair ruffled - probably from running all the way to Hakyeon’s house like he always did.


“Why aren’t you answering my calls?” He whined, catching the ball in the air before Hakyeon could. Hakyeon was planning on ignoring him forever after what he did, but now it seemed he had no choice but to acknowledge the younger.


“Go away,” Hakyeon said, sitting up on his bed and giving the taller a cold look.


“How many times do I have to apologize. You know I can’t keep secrets!”


Hakyeon scoffed. “You’ve been keeping the whole ‘I’m gay’ one pretty well hidden. You even fooled me when you kissed me.”


Sanghyuk sighed and gave the ball to Hakyeon, sitting down on the corner of his bed. “But that’s different…”


“Whatever. Just go. I don’t want to see you anymore.”


“Don’t you care about me?”


“As if I could care about anyone. I never liked you. You were just always there. I had no one else. So, I used you. Simple as that. But I don’t need you anymore, so leave.”


Sanghyuk bit his lip, looking at the older with his typical old puppy dog eyes that Hakyeon always gave into. Not this time.


“Are you feeling any better? I heard you’re back on medication...and you’re seeing a new therapist. It’s good you’re getting help…”


Suddenly, Sanghyuk’s eyes met Hakyeon’s bruises on his wrist. Without thinking, he reached out to get a closer look at him. Hakyeon, angered at the intrusion, punched Sanghyuk’s cheek. At first, he felt regretful that he had hurt someone the way his father always hurted him, but at the same time - his mind was so clouded by anger he just didn’t care anymore.


“It’s your fault I’m in this mess. I don’t ever want to see you again. Go home.”


Sanghyuk rubbed his cheek, feeling mourningful.


“I’m sorry I caused you so much pain...I’ll leave.”


As Sanghyuk left his room, Hakyeon realized he had pushed away the only person that didn’t hate him. Sighing, he threw the ball at the white panelled door and screamed.


“Stop letting your emotions control you. You overreact on the spot because of anger, and you might lose someone that cares about you. Or vice versa. Next time you’re angry, just take a deep breath. Think first. And then act.”


His therapist, the one before the one he has now, once told that to him. His therapist also told him he had a problem listening. Maybe this time she was right.


The next morning, Taekwoon opened his door at the sound of the doorbell, confused at who he saw standing before him. It was Hakyeon. Frowning, Taekwoon stepped outside.


“I said we would meet up after school, not before it.”


“My dad wanted to give you this. Sort of as a bribe I guess so you continue to put up with me.” Fumbling through his pockets, Hakyeon pulled out a thick white envelope. “He’ll pay you every week.”


Taekwoon took the envelope and opened it. There had to be hundreds of dollars in it. Shaking his head, he put the envelope back in Hakyeon’s hand.


“I don’t need the money.”


Somehow, the money ended up back in Taekwoon’s grasp. “Just take it.”


Taekwoon hesitated,“Why couldn’t you give it to me after school?”


“Your house is on the way.” Hakyeon pointed to a black van with tinted windows. “I figured I’d do it now.”


Taekwoon bit his lip, thinking of the day he saw Hakyeon being beaten to a pulp. “Is your father driving you?”


Hakyeon laughed. “Of course not. I don’t want to be anywhere near that old man. I have a chauffeur. Why? You want a ride? Or...are you worried about me?” A smirk formed onto his lips.


Taekwoon scoffed, the tips of his ears still turning pink even though he shook his head.


“No, of course not. I was just curious…”


“Mhm. Anyways, enjoy the money. See you after school.”


Taekwoon nodded, scratching the back of his head and looking at the cement porch. Hakyeon just sighed and walked away.


Once the car had driven away, Taekwoon looked at the money in his hand and counted it. It was over $300. Rolling his eyes, he almost considered throwing the money away. He didn’t want or need it. But then again, wasting money was frowned upon.


Walking next door to Jaehwan’s house, he grinned as Jaehwan’s eyes widened.


“We have enough money to ride the bus together every day for the rest of the year.” He said proudly.


Maybe tutoring Hakyeon wouldn’t be such an awful thing after all.




surprise! i'm back. i'm feeling a lot better, and i'm getting my motivation back. since it has been awhile since i've written anything, this might be a little rough. bear with me! i'll get my talent back soon enough. thank you SO much for all of your kind words. it was all of you that allowed me to stay strong. i love you all~ 

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Chapter 6: This story is amazing please update><
vixxcha #2
please update authornim T^T..i really want to know what happen next..
Chapter 6: Why?? Why the hell are they so bad to Hakyeon?!!
AtiqahMalik #4
Chapter 6: The last part make me screamed in frustration!! Argh! Pls pls pls update.... I wanna see what happen after that.. Thx for writing this story, i love it
joanna20 #5
Chapter 6: Hakyeon ah....i knw u r kind but pls b safe! Binnie & ravi u both shud nt do that!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: This chapter ending was so heartbreaking ;;;;
thanks for this chapter~ fighting!
priscila2909 #7
Chapter 6: "I thought you were different.
I guess I was wrong after all."
this alinea make me crying, thanks for update author-nim :')
DevilNextToYou #8
Chapter 6: Oh the last few sentences of N's thoughts fking Leo omg
Chapter 6: I wonder if Ravi and Hongbin will be nicer later on. *Waits to see!*