Chapter 1


It all started out with a need to poop and a strong urge to escape the loud cafeteria. One thing Taekwoon never expected, however, was sitting down on the toilet and seeing a messy scribble on the bathroom stall door that wrote: "Taekwoonie is cute."



He wouldn't have thought much of it, he would have been flattered really, but there was one problem. He, for sure, was in the men's bathroom. Which meant only one thing. Either someone was playing a joke on the shy kid who never spoke - or someone, a male, actually thought he was cute. And maybe even liked him.



Taekwoon wasn't sure which one he preferred more. Just as he was about to finish his business, which is you know, personal, - he heard someone else enter the bathroom. He thought of erasing the scribble, just in case he becomes a target for homophobic slander, but on the other hand - he wanted to hunt down whoever wrote it. So, taking out his phone, he took a picture of the comment and left the bathroom quickly. (Not after washing his hands first.)


Flash forward to him sitting in his homeroom desk that existed in the back corner of the room, staring down at his blank sheet of notebook paper, Taekwoon heard giggling. He looked up, curious to see what people were laughing about.


He was surprised to see that people were looking at him. Laughing at him. Suddenly, he remembered the comment left on the bathroom door and his ears turned a bright shade of pink.


"Taekwoonie~" A classmate, which he wasn't surprised to see that it was Jaehwan, teased.


"Did you write that?" Taekwoon asked softly, although you could hear a smidge of edge in his voice.


Jaehwan laughed, as if the idea was crazy. "Of course not. I'm a lot of things but I ain't gay for one. Not like you."


This comment, however, really bothered Taekwoon. Not only because of the hidden homophobia in the boy's voice, but also because it was unfair to think that just because a boy who liked boys - and liked Taekwoon, meant that Taekwoon for sure liked this mysterious boy back.


"I'm not either."


Jaehwan sighed, disappointed that Taekwoon was taking the joke so seriously. "Whatever. Guys, did you hear about Hakyeon?"


After the class had calmed down and moved onto some story about another fellow classmate, Taekwoon looked back down at his paper. His homeroom teacher said that he'd like to hear his thoughts some more, because he never had any idea what was going through Taekwoon’s head.


He was just supposed to write about himself and his life. Why did he find that so hard?

The bell had rang and Taekwoon was successful in writing nothing. Walking up to his teacher, he sighed.


"I'm having trouble."


The teacher seemed surprised, since the task was so simple.


"If it makes it easier...make two lists. One for the things that you love, and one for the things that you hate."


"That's all?"


The teacher nodded.


"Taekwoon," he spoke, sadness on his face. "Is it really this unnatural for you to open up to others?"


Taekwoon didn't answer, just thought about the question. He'd never done it before, show someone his all. He was uncomfortable with it. He preferred to keep to himself. His silence said enough words, and the teacher nodded.


"Hand it to me by the end of the month."


And although it didn't start there, it's sort of how it all began.


Once he got home, he immediately went into his room, closing the door behind him. Pulling out his notebook, he created two lists just as he was told.


Things I love:

  • Soccer

  • Singing

  • Animals

Things I hate:

  • Bullying

  • Touch

  • Death


Taekwoon sighed. His answers were boring, average, typical. Was anything actually unique about him? His teacher probably expects so much more, but what is he supposed to say? It’s not like he’s experienced things. He’s an introvert. He likes the calmer days, where he just can just lie in bed and listen to the birds chirping outside or music playing softly. He never went to parties or hung out with friends, he stayed at home, by himself.


It was hard for Taekwoon to sleep that night.


“Taekwoonie!” A voice, only belonging to Jaehwan, appeared and threw his arm around the taller boy, ruffling his black hair. Taekwoon and him were neighbors, and unfortunately Taekwoon had to deal with walking to school with him every day.


“Please don’t call me that,” Taekwoon said quietly, his face showing no emotion other than discomfort.


“Oh come on, we’re buddies aren’t we?” Jaehwan smiled, showing off all his teeth.


Taekwoon sighed. It was normal for him to be teased by people, since he never reacted to whatever anyone did, and normally remained silent. Sometimes, they called him the “Queen’s Guard” since he was not to react or say anything to anyone who attempted to make him angry or happy.


“Hey, I heard Hakyeon got a second chance by the principle and only got clean up duty. Crazy, right? For what he did, he should be expelled right now.”


Taekwoon never really payed attention to Hakyeon, not that he payed attention to anyone in his classes. But if he knew one thing, it was normal for Hakyeon to get in trouble and get away with it. He was a rich man’s son. And in his school, money topped education and fairness. Which Taekwoon, who wanted everything to be fair, hated.


“I don’t know if the students are gonna forgive him this time, though. Not that they did before. They tolerated him, I guess. Not anymore. It was a move.”


Taekwoon, now curious, raised his eyebrow. “What did he do?”


Jaehwan’s mouth opened to an “o” shape, confused that Taekwoon hadn’t heard. But then again, it was Taekwoon.


“Turns out he cheated on the exams from last semester. They only found about it now because the stupid kid told someone. Even worse, he told Sanghyuk. You know him? Sanghyuk? He’s nice. But a little too innocent and childish. I swear he can’t keep a secret. Hakyeon must have not known. We might have to retake the exams, now. No one knows what’s going to happen at this point. Just that Hakyeon gets away with it, as usual.”


Taekwoon felt himself fume with anger, although it didn’t show on his face. What kind of bastard does that?


The moment he got to school and sat down, he pulled out his notebook and added something to his list.


Things I hate:

  • Bullying

  • Touch

  • Death

  • Cha Hakyeon




next chapter soon!! hope you enjoy this!! you can find me on twitter @haqyeon ! :D


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Chapter 6: This story is amazing please update><
vixxcha #2
please update authornim T^T..i really want to know what happen next..
Chapter 6: Why?? Why the hell are they so bad to Hakyeon?!!
AtiqahMalik #4
Chapter 6: The last part make me screamed in frustration!! Argh! Pls pls pls update.... I wanna see what happen after that.. Thx for writing this story, i love it
joanna20 #5
Chapter 6: Hakyeon ah....i knw u r kind but pls b safe! Binnie & ravi u both shud nt do that!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: This chapter ending was so heartbreaking ;;;;
thanks for this chapter~ fighting!
priscila2909 #7
Chapter 6: "I thought you were different.
I guess I was wrong after all."
this alinea make me crying, thanks for update author-nim :')
DevilNextToYou #8
Chapter 6: Oh the last few sentences of N's thoughts fking Leo omg
Chapter 6: I wonder if Ravi and Hongbin will be nicer later on. *Waits to see!*